Anazar Izil

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Character Details[edit]

  • Name: Anazir Izil
  • Background:
  • Languages: Nascerine (Native), Opalarian (Intermediate), Algandarve(Fluent), Beaulangue(Intermediate), Coradian (Intermediate), Emphidian (Fluent), ? ( Fluent)
  • Profession: Knave
  • Rank: 4
  • Strength: 8
  • Reflexes: 14
  • Intelligence: 18
  • Psychic Talent: 10
  • Looks: 15
  • Attack: 15
  • Defence: 8
  • Evasion: 6
  • Stealth: 18
  • Perception:12
  • Magical Defence: 8

  • Experience:
  • Health Points: 13


Missile Weapons


Special Abilities[edit]

Knaves can divert the attention of their victims by physical acts of misdirection. The Knave must first engage the victim in a one-to-one conversation for two rounds, while maintaining their full attention throughout. Roll Reflexes or under on 1d20. When initiating combat the Knave or a ready companion gains an automatic Surprise on a succesfully distracted victim for one combat round. The Knave may additionally apply a -1 modifier to an opponents Perception Check, and may also apply a -1 modifier to any Pilfer attempt. The Knave may also take advantage of his successful distraction roll to allow him to immediately flee combat before it begins without suffering a Defence penalty. If this skill is purchased again the modifiers are increased by 1 and the state of Surprise persists for an additional round.

Fighting the Knave and his allies is a confusing experience at the best of times; the Knave may keep up a running commentary as the combat progresses, either hurling taunts and insults or speaking words of peace and exquisite platitudes. If the Knave chooses to Infuriate his enemies adjust their stats as follows; +1 to Attack and -2 to Defence. If the Knave chooses to Pacify them, adjust the enemy stats as follows; -2 to Attack and +1 to Defence. Those of higher Rank than the Knave may avoid these penalties if they successfully roll under their Intelligence on a d20. This skill only works on sentient beings that possess emotions, feelings and the ability to understand what the Knave is trying to communicate. At the GM's discretion this may also include animals and any other beings that the Knave has an intrinsic knowledge of.

Natural Linguist
When living in a community, the Knave can perform a Learning By Usage roll for the primary language within that society every month at +10%, and if they are tutored at the same time then this is reduced to one roll every three weeks. The bonus does not apply to learning scripts.

Human Intuition
This ability allows the Knave to add +1 to their Perception when contemplating past and potential actions of other humans and also those who were once human such as the undead. This may also, at the GMs discretion, grant a +1 Attack bonus in combat, for instance the Knave may notice that the guard is favouring their left leg, etc.

The Knave gains knowledge which enables them to project their enhanced charisma onto other other people. This ability to shape their perceived personality and physical attractiveness is a powerful force in social encounters.

This skill can also be used on non-humans as well as humans. Roll Looks or under on 1d20. The Knave can convince others to believe that they are either one Rank higher or lower than they actually are, at will. An Additional +1 Rank bonus is gained for every 3rd ranks. Failure is likely to lead to the victim becoming highly suspicious of the Knave and potentially raising an alarm or initiating combat.



  • Crowns:
  • Florins:
  • Pennies: