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Aquila 152 D5882129 Garden, Low Population[edit]

Tudamot is an earthlike world, up to a point. The Temperatures on this planet range from hot (at the poles) to roasting (in the temperate zones) to unbelievably boiled at the equator. The weather across much of the planet is wet and violent, with frequent monsoons in most places and hurricanes, tropical storms and typhoons in the rest. The sole colony is a HappiCorp stopover, occupying a former English military base built on an oil rig kind of affair on the leeward side of one of the northernmost islands.

The planet teems with life however, and thanks the low gravity some of that life can get quite enormous, veritable floating biological islands making up maybe a quarter of the supposed landmass. HappiCorp do try and run safaris, but as one early English colonist out it 'it's too damn hot!' and glorious though the sights are, the chance of being stranded by a storm and left to survive among the brontosaur plus sized denizens are too high to be worth the risk.

The English did try and set up a couple of proper colonies, one on land and one floating on a massive ship, but neither really worked. Every once in a while a scientific expedition turns up or some intrepid big game hunters looking to bag the biggest damn animals in known space, but somehow launching guided missiles at gorgeous tropical islands that happen to be massive whales underneath doesn't appeal.

When anyone come into land roll 2d6. on a 2-5 the air is calm and a landing is smooth, on 6-7 it is at -1, on a 8-9 at -2 and on 10+ the local air traffic control won't let you land as there is a storm in progress, which will last 1d6 days before re-rolling.