The Stars Are Right: China - Gods and Monsters

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Starting in October 1932, an expedition heads out from France to China to make a deal with Li Mai regarding Auda and the stronghold.


  • Dr. Montgomery Scott (played by Brett) - Scottish medical doctor; war leader of Seelie court; was a contemporary from Pierre Farquelle - joined back in 1921. Old Soldier of Farquellians. (Appears mid-20s, but has old eyes, speaks quietly, has a silver medallion of elder symbol)
  • Maxine Scott nee Pierce - PhD in Egyptology; University of Chicago Professor; focus on Abydos. 5'7, age mid-twenties, mixed race (not Caucasian). Dressed with sword and gun.
  • Edward Chandler - 40s, Caucasian, beard, mustache, glasses. Too unassuming, as if trying to be in background. Rugged look to him.
  • Henrik Mueller - 30s, a former Bohemian artist and German expatriate.
  • (met in China) Redland Jack - a former English professor of economics.
  • (met in China) - unnamed translator


Fri, Sep 30

  • Carl's memorial

Sat, Oct 1

  • Maxine's group (Maxine, Montgomery, Chandler, Henrik). Leave in the late morning for Tibet (with Jack). Maxine says she wants to save Auda, and help him save others. Henrik says he wants to help, but in his heart he only cares. Montgomery is along as recorder, and wants to get back into the fight.
  • Meet a plain, swarthy woman with black hair (Rachel's PC), wearing mix of European and Chinese clothing, wearing practical boots, carrying elephant gun. Being paid by Li Mai, working for her for last 4 days. She tends to guide tours and hunting expeditions. (Hindi first name, English last name)
  • According to Maxine, Auda's plan for helping the conflict, involves divorcing himself from his station. (Montgomery notes that Auda's full Anubis avatar has fought with Montgomery's tentacled avatar.)
  • Get letter from Li Mai that she and Auda are not ready to receive them yet (included below). She asks that they brush up on formalities including tea ceremonies. They theorize about the connection between Li Mai and Auda.
Dear Esteemed Guests,
I wish to bid you welcome to the Ancient lands of our Ancestors. It is my hope that your journey ywas not too taxing. Our lands can be ... fierce.
Our Lord Auda has charged me with the duty of advising you on proper conduct within his domain. It is of the utmost importance that you follow these protocols as they are a reflection of the respect and good will you hold for our people, our ways and our Lord.
I am including two short treatises on the symbolic language of tea consumption polite conversation in the Imperial Court. Please make yourself familiar with both.
Once you can understand our traditions you may request an audience.
Until then know that Lord Auda and myself continue to work toward our mutual benefit.
Sincerely, Li Mai.
  • Redland Jack joins them, saying he has arrived to help his friend Henrik. He comes to lead the tea ceremony.
  • Meet with Arthur Woo, the major-domo for the castle, to do a practice version of the ceremony. He is dressed in European finery. (Maxine knows as the former servant of Li Feng.) There are other expensive things brought in as show, including high-class serving girls. Woo asks about Henrik's relationship with Auda, and says of Auda, he is "safe within his domain, and rules and sees all."
  • Auda possesses Woo, and speaks to Maxine and Henrik. He says that he will not leave China in body, though he will be in New York in a sense. He says that the king and general positions are "outmoded". Afterwards Woo is drained, and says "Our Lord Auda comes and goes as he pleases whether we want it or not."
  • Li Mai and the Society of Dragons are working hard to protect China. The Stronghold is not part of our land any longer, and thus a weakness. Explains how Auda became possessor of the stronghold: He and companions came when another king was in presence - and immoral bandit-king, housing a small army.
  • An interim king became corrupted and only lasted a few days, and then Auda killed him to take authority from him and took over rule. Paige St. Mar was given some of the authority of the citadel. Auda was severely wounded in body and in spirit, and endangered this. Paige St. Mar must come to the citadel and go into the Room of Whispers and Shadows, so speak to what is there.
  • How much time do we have? It depends. He also wants to transfer the "seed" of the King of Body stuff into the body of a person who will temporarily hold it. What is the risk to Paige? That she may be seduced by the voices and become a part of this place. If she is pregnant, the child may be a miracle.
  • Li Mai is working with him to craft the weapon.
  • Paige is a consort (?) to Theo.

Sun, Oct 2

  • Henrik goes out to talk to translator (?Wah?) and gets shot.
  • Theo comes in to be updated and talk.