PG:SitCoL Daichi

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Daichi is a character in Persona Gaiden: Shadows in the City of Light, played by sybrid.

Vital Statistics[edit]

Name: Daichi Akiyama

Gender: Male

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 167 lbs.

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Arcana: Hanged Man

Game Statistics[edit]

Virtue: Ambitious

Vice: Arrogant

Size: 5

Running Speed: 11

Initiative: 5

Defense: 2

Armor: 0

Willpower: 6

Health: 8

Morality: 7



Strength: **

Dexterity: **

Stamina: ***


Intelligence: ***

Wits: **

Resolve: ***


Presence: *

Manipulation: **

Composure: ***



Athletics: *** (Soccer)

Brawl: *

Stealth: **

Survival: *


Academics: **** (Research)

Investigation: ***

Medicine: **

Science: ** (Biology)


Intimidation: *

Subterfuge: ***


Fleet of Foot: **

Iron Stamina: **

Iron Stomach: **

Resources: *


  • School Uniform
  • Cell phone (cheap)
  • Soccer Uniform
  • Soccer Ball




Daichi is someone who has always come across as a little off in some way. While adults were usually willing to overlook it, his fellow students tended to use it as a reason to ostracize him and mistreat him. Rather than work on his social skills and become better with other kids, he instead threw himself into school work, with the idea being that the kids could shame him socially, then he would shame them academically. While not naturally very talented, he has through hard work managed to be consistently one of the top scores in his class; while the other students may still talk about him behind his back (which he has overheard and is aware of), to his face they are generally polite and respectful. He both fears that this can't last - he constantly feels like that anyone could overtake him at any time and that any day now he'll fail a test and be revealed as a fraud. He struggles with the desire to actively rub his results in his peers' faces while at the same time being sure if anyone ever does better than him he'll have nothing left to brag about. Last year his homeroom teacher pushed him to join a club, and he took up soccer. Much like with his academics, he threw himself into it, and although he's not always necessarily liked by his teammates, they do generally respect the skill he demonstrates. Here, again, he pushes himself as hard as he can because he feels certain the only reason anyone tolerates him in the club is that he's so far pretty good at soccer, and that if he ever slips up even a little, he'll be ostracized out of the soccer club as well, and it's one of the few social relationships he has with his peers. He rather likes computers, but between soccer and school and helping to watch his two little sisters, he just hasn't had the time to really try to develop much in the way of skill. Those who have seen him with computers know him as some sort of electronic grim reaper - hard drives die, monitors blow out, CPU fans suddenly bust overheating the computer, and the like when he is trying to use a computer. His father died five years ago in a car accident, and he lives with his mother and two sisters, aged six and eight. He started reading his sisters' shoujo manga, originally as something he could do with them, but over time it's become something he rather enjoys on its own, much to his secret shame. His outer self is essentially a little bit odd but very successful loner. His dark side is first wanting to rub in everyone's faces how well he's done and mock them for 'wasting time' making friends and the such. Secondly that he himself desperately longs for friends (but can't let that on because right now he's almost got kind of a 'lone wolf' affect going and revealing how lonely he really is would completely destroy that). And thirdly he's terrified at any moment that he'll lose what he's accomplished and be revealed as nothing special, losing what little social status he has and being relegated back to being just 'that weird kid no one likes talking to' - it's possibly the only thing worse than being 'that weird kid we're all polite to because otherwise he might rub his success in our faces.'


Things he's good at[edit]

  • school
  • soccer (I may change this to another sport to put him in with other characters)
  • dealing with adults
  • studying
  • getting along with younger kids

Things he's bad at[edit]

  • fitting in with his peers
  • computers
  • cooking
  • navigation
  • language classes

Things he likes[edit]

  • feeling superior
  • being praised for his hard work
  • shoujo manga
  • computers
  • his little sisters

Things he dislikes[edit]

  • crowds
  • people who don't take their studies seriously
  • losing
  • bullies
  • spiders

Breaking Points[edit]

What is the worst thing your character has ever done?[edit]

Last year, there was a girl that Daichi had been helping with her classwork outside of school. They hadn't been, by any means, close, but he considered her in a somewhat friendly way. Near the end of the year, he overheard her talking to some friends before he came into the classroom, calling him things like 'such a freak'. When the next exam came, he purposefully gave her wrong ideas about the test subjects, and she scored near the bottom of the class. He still remembers the look she gave him, in near tears, before she looked away. Recalling it makes him feel terrible about himself.

What is the worst thing your character can imagine himself doing?[edit]

Giving up on everything and ending his own life.

What is the worst thing your character can imagine someone else doing?[edit]

Isolating another student.

What has the character forgotten? (Basically what scary otherworldly phenomenon have you seen)[edit]

When he was little, he got separated on a school trip and lost. As he sat there crying, a fox came up to him and howled, catching his attention. It then motioned at Daichi, so Daichi followed the fox, which lead him back to his class, before disappearing.

What is the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to the character?[edit]

His father's death both forced him to grow up a little and has allowed him to isolate himself from everyone else a bit more.


  • Make some friends
  • Fit in with everyone at school
  • Graduate top of his class




  • Liked: Hideyoshi YADA, senior. Member of the soccer team, and all-around tough guy. While Daichi doesn't know him terribly well, he's probably the person on the soccer team he's friendliest with besides the captain. Admittedly, that's a low bar. At least when it comes to discussing soccer, they are able to get along pretty well.
  • Disliked: Manami SUZUKI, second year. Manami caught him buying shoujo manga in the bookstore earlier in the year. While he protested that it was just for his little sisters, she's been known to talk about it and suggest it was for him... which it was.
  • Staff: Kaori SAITO, science teacher. Ms. Saito has been vocal about her high aspirations for Daichi. While he enjoys the praise, her expectations also fill him with dread as he works harder to try to meet them.


  • Hisoka Akiyama (Age 36, mother)
  • Akiko Akiyama (Age 8, sister)
  • Miyuki Akiyama (Age 6, sister)


  • Tsukiyama: "She often seems to be surrounded by others. I suppose if my family was that well off, maybe I would be, too."
  • Tatsuya: "I've heard he's really good with computers. I wonder if I could get him to teach me sometime!"
  • Chiharu: "She's always at my heels. I can't stop working on my studies, or she'll overtake me. She keeps crushing me in English, too!"
  • Ayane: "Your scores are terrible, so you aren't a threat, but you don't seem to care and that drives me crazy."
  • Haruka: "I respect your dedication to your sport but find your lack of academic progress disturbing. I wish I had friends like you do."
  • Himeko: "I heard she was involved in some sort of fuss last year? Another girl who seems to be pretty popular at the expense of her studies."