Character:Darcy O'Dwyer

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Knight of Swords


Templates: Sorcerer/Emissary of Power


High Concept: Spell-Slinging Harbinger of the Apocalypse
Trouble: ???
Other Aspects: My Heart Belongs to the Stormcrow, ???, ???, ???, ???

Fate Points

Base Refresh: 10
Adjusted Refresh: 1
Current: 1


Physical: ▢▢|▢▢
Mental: ▢▢▢▢
Social: ▢▢▢

Consequences: none


  • Marked by Power (−1)
  • The Sight (−1)
  • Soulgaze (−0)
  • Evocation (−3)
  • Thaumaturgy (−3)
  • Wizard’s Constitution (−0)
  • Item of Power: bloodstone signet (+1)
    • Inhuman Toughness (−2)
    • Inhuman Recovery (−2)
    • Catch: Paleolithic bone or stone weapons (hard to get, requires some research: +2)


Superb (+5): Discipline
Great (+4): Conviction, Resources
Good (+3): Deceit, Lore, Presence
Fair (+2): Athletics, Contacts, Scholarship, Weapons
Average (+1): Alertness, Empathy, Intimidation, Investigation, Rapport

Languages: English (native), Latin, ???


Darcy’s spell keywords are all in Swedish, because reasons.


Elements: Air, Earth, Spirit (+1 power)

Rote Spells

  • Lyssna = 4-shift Air block (hyperawareness of sound)
  • Slå = 5-shift Spirit attack (hammer of pure force)
  • Viska = 5-shift Spirit block (veil)

Other Common Spells

  • Gnista = mundane spell: spark from one fingertip
  • Tunga = Earth maneuver: make something heavy
  • Skydda = Earth block: quarter-sphere of crystal deflects attacks
  • Halka = Earth maneuver: make someone's footing slippery
  • Vindpust = Air maneuver: gust of wind to knock someone back
  • Iskall = Air attack: freezing air current to stun someone by sapping body heat
  • Bork = deliberate hex


Specialization: wards (+1 complexity)

Common Spells

  • Tröskel = ward
  • Utgång = world-walking
  • Söker = quick tracking divination
  • Arter = determine nature of blood or other sample

Focus Items

  • sapphire earring (+1 defensive Air power)
  • electrum pendant (+1 divination complexity)

Enchanted Items

  • iron ring (Weapon:3 Earth punch attack, 2× per session) (2 slots)
  • silver ring (4-shift Air block, 2× per session) (2 slots)



Someday Aidan O’Dwyer would come back for his little girl. That’s what he told Darcy the night he disappeared, and that was the hope she clung to through years of neglect and abuse by her adoptive parents, who’d discovered a little too late that maybe they didn’t want a child after all.

Well, Aidan died fighting the good fight, but his masters in the Stormcrow Society were happy to take charge of his bright, nubile, magically talented 16-year-old daughter, who by that time would just about have sold herself into slavery to get away from home forever. Which is more or less what happened.

The cult took Darcy, trained her, honed her talents, gave her a purpose in life. As difficult and painful as the training was, she never felt unwanted, never had to wonder what would happen if she crept downstairs to fetch herself dinner when her mother was in one of her moods, never had to wait until her father had left for work so he wouldn’t come into the bathroom while she was showering. There was no love, but there was belonging.

Aspect: My Heart Belongs to the Stormcrow

Rising Conflict

coming soon

First Adventure

coming soon

Guest Starring

coming soon

Guest Starring Redux

coming soon