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The girl who would become Katyusha was the elder daughter of a minor noble family. This family had a tradition of sending a descendant off every generation to serve in the Imperial Guard, but our heroine would have none of it. She chose to spite her elders by hanging out with gangsters and other riffraff, at least until she realised that if she didn't prove herself suitable, her beloved younger sister would be her generation's representative. The idea of someone else (especially her little sister) taking her place on the chopping block was one that she couldn't stand, and in the end, our heroine made like a good little heir and got on the Valkyrie.

Much as she hated it, our heroine turned out to be pretty good at soldiering. She found her way into a veteran squad that was assigned to hazardous duties, and it was on one of those missions that her squad was exposed to... something. She's not quite sure what it was, but the Inquisition came for them during their debriefing. Most of them were captured, but our heroine and a few others managed to escape their clutches. Then, she and her colleagues started to change; she was lucky enough to get away with muscular hypertrophy, but her comrades developed mutations that were incompatible with disguise, and in at least one case, with life. She took on the name of Katyusha, and sought to make a break from her past by entering the world of bounty hunting. During this time, she met The Captain, and elected to sign on with him so she could get the resources of a Rogue Trader House behind her. In the meantime, she serves as the Captain's chief enforcer and bodyguard.

For the most part, Katyusha remains calm and professional even under heavy fire, but she's slow to trust and quick to shoot, a relic of her time as both hunter and hunted.

Origin Path[edit]

Home World: Fortress World
Birthright: Stubjack
Lure of the Void: Tainted (Mutation: Brute)
Trials and Travails: Darkness - Dark Secret (200xp)
Motivation: Pride
Lineage: A Proud Tradition - Heir Apparent (Talented: Dodge) (100xp)


WS BS S T Ag Int WP Per Fel
40 64 51 61 34 34 48 43 31

Wounds: 1d5 (5) +1 + 12 + 1 Sound Constitution (19)
Fate Points: 9 (3 FP)
Insanity: 1d5 Stubjack +1d5 Dark Secret = 3
Corruption: 0


Common Lore (War) +10 (Int)
Dodge (Ag)
Intimidate +10 (S)
Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) (Int)
Secret Tongue (Millitary) +10 (Int)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)


Basic Weapon Training (Universal)
Melee Weapon Training (Universal)
Pistol Weapon Training (Universal)
Thrown Weapon Training (Universal)

Hatred (Orks)
Nerves of Steel
Peer (Military)
Quick Draw
Sound Constitution
Talented (Dodge)

Experience Spending[edit]

200 Darkness (Dark Secret)
100 A Proud Tradition

100 Strength +5
100 Ballistic Skill +5
250 Toughness +5

400 Ambidextrous
450 Pilot (Personal)

100 Awareness
100 Inquiry
200 Concealment
500 Bloodtracker

300 + 450 + 850 + 900 = 2500/3000


2x Common Craftsmanship Bolt Pistols (Pistol, 30m, S/2/-, 1d10+5X Pen 4, Clip 8 Reload 1 Full, Tearing)
Good Craftsmanship Groxwhip with Mono upgrade (Melee/3m, 1d10+9R, Pen 2, Flexible, Tearing)

Pressure Carapace (6 All, when attack breaches voidseals roll 1d10, ignore the breach on 6+)
Charm (Bolt shell keepsake)
Data Slate of Wanted Bounties

Acquisition: Flip-belt (Hover (6) trait, +20 Agility tests)
Paired Godwyn-pattern sturmbolters with suspensors and chainblade melee attachments ("we totally stole them from a shrine and they dakka real good!")
Lathe-forged upgrade for an upcoming piece of armor
4x Good Craftsmanship Conversion Fields

Gifts: Common-Craftsmanship Plasma Pistol, Common-Quality Power Sword