Character Name

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Biographical Info

  • Name Godric Grimm
  • Sex Male
  • Age 37
  • Height 6'3"
  • Weight 167lbs
  • Hair Thick, black and going slightly grey at the temples
  • Eyes Grey
  • Skin Tanned
  • History and Personality

Godric is the son of a Minor Chieftain who embraced modern ways and the outside world through trade of the fur clothing his family is famous for. Godric was sent to a local monastery to be educated but never did get on very well with them. He has always been far more interested in the old ways and when he could he left home to join the Cult of Odin. Before they would accept him he had to show he possessed the strength to be of use to Odin so he spent several years with roving bands of warriors before returning to finally be inducted into the Mysteries of the Cult.

  • Description

Tall, broad shouldered with a tendency to stride everywhere he goes.