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The Wajovu are elephants, which are fully sentient and possess powerful psychic abilities. Wajovu psionics are not distinct from ordinary magic - like the psuedopsionics used by witches, these powers can be blocked and detected by the magic used by sorcerors and others. A newborn Mjovu has 2 levels of Telepathy and 10 levels of Psychokinesis, with the Telesend, Telereceive and Telekinesis skills at IQ. Their Telekinesis has the Touch Only limitation - they must be touching an object with their trunk in order to lift it. They gain one level in each power until they are mature at 12 years. They may learn additional skills: PK Shield (the ESP requirement is waived), Emotion Sense, Mental Blow, Mental Stab, Mind Shield, Psi Sense (will detect any type of magic), Sleep and Telescan. A few Wajovu are able to develop Healing and some of the powers of Witchcraft.