Kolya Ironshield
- Name: Kolya Ironshield
- Alignment: Neutral Good
- Race: Human
- Class: Fighter
- Level: 8
- Age: 33 (Mature)
- XP: 138,600
- Actor: Manuela Arcuri
- Campaign: Tomb of the Lizard King
- System: Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 1st Edition
- Player: Marian
- STR: 18/14
- INT: 12
- WIS: 12
- DEX: 15
- CON: 17
- CHA: 16
- COM: 16
- Hp: 61
- AC: 1 (+1 Field Plate)
- THAC0: 14
- Attacks/round: 2/1
- +1 bastard sword: +5 to hit; damage 2d4+7 (S/M), 2d8+7 (L); spd 6; AC adj +1 vs AC 4-9
- spear: +1 to hit; damage 1d6+3 (S/M), 1d8+3 (L); spd 8; AC adj -2 vs AC 0-2, -1 vs AC 3-5; double damage when set to receive a charge vs all opponents
- dagger: +1 to hit; damage 1d4+3 (S/M), 1d3+3 (L); spd 2; AC adj -4 vs AC 0-1, -3 vs AC 2-3, -2 vs AC 4-5, +1 vs AC 8-9, +3 vs AC 10
- glaive-guisarme: +1 to hit; damage 2d4+3 (S/M), 2d6+3 (L); spd 9; AC adj -2 vs AC 0-1, -1 vs AC 2-3; double damage when set to receive a charge vs L opponents; disarm rider on hit
- Move: 12"
- Encumbrance: 615cn
- Weapon Proficiences: bastard sword (double specialization); spear; dagger; glaive-guisarme
- Nonweapon Proficiences: mining; sound analysis; riding (land-based); swimming
- Languages: common, snirfneblin, dwarven, gnomish
worn or carried:
- +1 field plate armor: NA
- small helmet: NA, 10gp
- +1 sword, bastard, & scabbard: 100cn, 25gp
- dagger, & scabbard: 10cn, 2gp
- spear: 50cn, 1gp
- clothes: NA, NA
- boots, high, soft: 30cn, 1gp
- girdle, normal: 5cn, 10sp
- backpack, leather: 20cn, 2gp
- belt pouch, large: 10cn, 1gp
- belt pouch, large: 10cn, 1gp
- belt pouch, small (coinpurse): 5cn, 15sp
- wineskin, ale, pint: 50cn, 16sp
- rations, iron, 1 wk: 75cn, 5sp
- 50' rope: 75cn, 4sp
- sack, large (empty): 20cn, 16cp
- sack, large (empty): 20cn, 16cp
- sack, small (empty): 5cn, 10cp
- sack, small (empty): 5cn, 10cp
belt pouch, large:
- oil, flask of (2): 40cn, 2gp
- potion of climbing: 20cn
belt pouch, large:
- spike, iron, large (5): 50cn, 5cp
belt pouch, small:
- 1 gold piece
- 4 electrum pieces
- 10 silver pieces
- 10 copper pieces
TOTAL: 615cn, 50gp, 11sp, 9cp
worn or carried:
- rider: 3000cn
- bit & bridle: NA, 15sp
- saddle, light: 250cn, 10gp
- saddle blanket: 20cn, 3sp
- saddle quiver: 50cn, 2gp
- saddlebags, small: 75cn, 3gp
saddle quiver:
- javelins of piercing (2): 40cn
saddlebags, small:
- spare clothing: 30cn, 1gp
- cloak: 25cn, 5sp
- comb, silver: 2cn, 50sp
- tinderbox: 2cn, 1gp
- tankard, wood: 30cn, 10cp
- spoon, horn: 1cn, 1cp
- whetstone: 50cn, 2cp
- rations, standard, 1 wk: 200cn, 3gp
- feed, 2 days: 200cn, 2sp
TOTAL: 3975cn, 245gp, 12sp, 3cp
worn or carried:
- bit & bridle: NA, 15sp
- harness : NA, 12sp
- saddlebags, large: 150cn, 4gp
- sack, large (empty): 20cn, 16cp
- sack, large (empty): 20cn, 16cp
- sack, small (empty): 5cn,10cp
- sack, small (empty): 5cn,10cp
- cask, good ale, 1 gallon: 160cn, 8sp
- good medium tents (2): 1600cn, 240gp
saddlebags, large:
- feed, 2 days: 200cn, 2sp
- torches (6): 150cn, 6cp
- rations, iron, 3 wks: 225cn, 15gp
- rations, standard, 3 wks: 600cn, 9gp
TOTAL: 3135cn, 300gp, 2sp, 8cp
worn or carried:
- chain mail: 300cn, 150gp
- small helmet: NA, 20gp
- sword, long, & scabbard: 60cn, 30gp
- shield +1, small: 0cn
- spear: 60cn, 2gp
- cloak: 25cn, 10sp
- boots, high, soft: 30cn, 2gp
- girdle, normal: 5cn, 20sp
- belt pouch, small (coinpurse): 5cn, 30sp
- wineskin, ale, pint: 50cn, 32sp
TOTAL: 545cn, 208gp, 12sp
worn or carried:
- chain mail: 300cn, 150gp
- small helmet: NA, 20gp
- sword, long, & scabbard: 60cn, 30gp
- shield, small: 50cn, 20gp
- spear: 60cn, 2gp
- bow +1, composite, short: 50 cn
- quiver, 12 arrows: 54 cn, 1gp, 8sp
- cloak: 25cn, 10sp
- boots, high, soft: 30cn, 2gp
- girdle, normal: 5cn, 20sp
- belt pouch, small (coinpurse): 5cn, 30sp
- wineskin, ale, pint: 50cn, 32sp
TOTAL: 689cn, 230gp
worn or carried:
- rider: 2200cn
- bit & bridle: NA, 15sp
- saddle, light, 250cn, 10gp
- saddle blanket: 20cn, 3sp
- saddlebags, small: 75cn, 3gp
saddlebags, small:
- spare clothing: 30cn, 1gp
- whetstone: 50cn, 2cp
- rations, standard, 1 wk: 200cn, 3gp
- feed, 2 days: 200cn, 2sp
TOTAL: 3025cn, 479gp, 16sp, 8cp