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Revision as of 08:03, 21 June 2005 by IMAGinES (talk | contribs)
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Language and Labelling

As mentioned on the Places discussion page, the text makes clear in several places that, barring programmers, wakers have no grasp of a written language and cannot read. However, it then goes on to mention how data access poarts in major systems are "clearly marked" with destination information, and that maps exist. The question is, if DAPs are labelled and wakers have no understanding of (presumably) symbolic langauge, how are they even capable of understanding what said labels mean?

My personal theory is that, while DAPs are not labelled with actual names or descriptions, they are labelled with the IP address of their destination. I think that, while wakers may not be able to read a written language, they have no problem with numbers, and would be able to read an IP address and think, "Ah; that's the IP address for New York Hub!"

--IMAGinES 08:45, 17 Jun 2005 (PDT)

Waker Lifespans

No real upper limit on a program’s lifespan; a mobile waker could live for centuries of Program Time.

No time passes for programs on a shut down computer. Not dead; effectively deep hibernation.

--IMAGinES 01:03, 21 Jun 2005 (PDT)