ROTE:Fujiwara Kyouko

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Fujiwara Kyouko, cousin of Fujiwara Rin, is an odd girl by any description, she's immature in actions and size, and always refers to herself in the third person. Kyouko

Truth be told the Fujiwara family would have happily hid the odd girl away, they certainly did not think her ninja material, until they discovered that she made all their information gathering pale in comparison if she was anywhere near a computer with an internet connection.

She also had a sharp tactical mind, and if one was willing to listen to, "Kyouko thinks you should hop like a bunny to your right!" she often put together very successful plans. More than one family member has been embarrassed by being beaten at chess by a girl hugging her stuffed toy.

She's smart and brave and likes people, though she is happy to be on her own with some sufficiently interesting piece of tech.

She likes her cousin, seemingly blind to Rin's behavior, and Rin treats her little better than a lackey, only family ties keeping her behavior from growing truly abusive.

Kyouko wants to help her family, and the other ninjas, and tries her best to use her skills for the benefit of all.

Solo D10 Team D8 Buddy D6

Distinctions Eternal Child Mistress of Cyber Space One Step Ahead of You

Power Sets

Ninja Training Enhanced Agility D8 Enhanced Senses D8 Enhanced Stamina D8

SFX: Master Plan (Add a d6 to the pool and Step Up the Effect Die when creating a Master Plan asset.) SFX: Kawaii! (Add a d6 to the pool and Step Up the Effect Die when creating a Confused by Cuteness complication) Limit: Heart Broken by Betrayal - Earn 1PP if Kyouko Steps up stress inflicted by someone she even once considered a friend by +1,

One with Machines Machine Control D10 Database Mastery D10 Gadgets D8

SFX: Make It Happen (Spend 1 PP to reroll an entire die pool containing a One With Machines die) SFX: The Right Tool For The Job (Spend 1 PP to borrow a die from the Doom Pool for a roll, then step it down and return it to the pool) Limit: Exhausted - Shutdown any One with Machine Power to gain 1PP. Reocver power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.

Specialities Combat Expert D8 Psych Expert D8 Covert Expert D8 (maybe D10) Tech Master D10 Science Master D10

Milestones Never going to Grow up 1PP When Kyouko first expresses lack of interest in the Adult World 3PP When Kyouko's apparent immaturity causes a problem 10PP If Kyouko ever decides to grow up, or refuses the possibility completely

Sister Complex 1PP When Kyouko comes to Rin's defence 3PP When Kyouko suffers from defending Rin or is hurt by Rin 10PP If Kyouko forsakes Rin or allows Rin to defeat her without a fight


Strength 9 (-1)

Dexterity 16 (+3)

Constitution 12 (+1)

Intelligence 20 (+5)

Wisdom 14 (+2)

Charisma 18 (+4)

Attack Bonus +6 (12Points)

Defense Bonus +10 (20 Points)

Tough Save +1

Fortitude Save +6

Reflex Save +10

Will Save +8

Skills Acrobatics 2

Bluff 10

Climb 1

Computers 15

Concentration 4

Craft Electronic 8

Craft Mechanical 8

Disable Device 8

Escape Artist 4

Gather Information 12

Investigate 8

Knowledge Physical Sciences 4

Technology 8

Tactics 8

Pop Culture 6

Notice 4

Search 4

Stealth 10


Connected (computer network needed)

Contacts (computer network needed)

Dodge Focus 5

Eidetic Memory

Elusive Target

Evasion 2

Master Plan

Skill Mastery

-Computers -Craft Electronic -Craft Mechanical -Knowledge Tactics

Uncanny Dodge (Sight, hearing) 2

Well Informed (Computer Network Needed)

Kawaii (bluff) 5

Mechanical Genius Computers

Online Research

Rhythm of Combat


Datalink 10 Mental -Range 4 Machine Control 1 (15 Points)

Quickness (Computer Skill Only) Rank 12 (3 Points)

Comprehend (Electronics) Rank 4 (4 Points)

Comprehend (Cipher) 2 Points


Easily Distracted - Toys

Caretaker Magnet - People just want to baby her

Marked - She's short and looks like a child

Visuals, cute, young looking girl, when she uses her datalink power her eyes get darker and do the falling numbers matrix thing.

Quirks - Refers to herself in the third person.

Ninjas the Return of the Enemy