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Ritual Magic[edit]

Ritual Magic, Utawa, is the magic of religion and priests. It is found throughout Ubantu and likely in every culture wherever one might go. Functionally, Mtawa perform a variety of ceremonies, not all of which have an obviously magical effect. Together these make up a Path, in the language of Kikoka, a Kidini. A certain amount of confusion is unavoidable here, as the central church calls itself "the Church of the Way", similar to the Chinese Tao, while priests in various cults and in other cultures have their own Paths (vidini) apart from that of the Kanisi.

The magic used by Watawa has diverged over time from normal ritual magic, as presented in Spirits and Voodoo. Rather than default paths, the rituals default to three different theology skills based around different books. They are Theology Mizimu, Theogoly

The Kanisa Path has over a hundred rituals. Birth, Naming, Circumcision, Marriage, Divorce, House Blessing, Sanctify Ground, Cleansing, Uguswa (bad news), Usonona (head shaving for mourners), Bless Grave, Inheritance Divination, Seal House (for burning), Seal Grave, Bless Blood-offering (a mourning ritual), Cleanse Mguswa, Open Grave, etc. There are 25 types of funerals: stillbirth/abortion, uncircumsized boy, virgin girl, wife with no children, mother, woman who dies in childbirth, unmarried man, husband with no children, father, male witch, female witch, executed criminal, man who dies in war or violence, village headman, headman's wife, king, king's wife, man struck by lightening, victim of violence, death by snakebite, male elder, female elder, priest (any type), blacksmith, and foreigner or stranger.

Utwawa uses a version of Unlimited Mana. The power for their rituals comes from the ancestors, not from within, and using too much of that power can cause the boundaries between world to weaken, letting in evil spirits.


Consecrate Salt

This ritual turns ordinary salt (sea or otherwise) into Sakwele. The cost is one point per ounce, and priest are aware that it costs the ancestors dearly to perform this ritual.

Consecrate Rattle

Consecrate Drum


Restores Hits and eases pain, but does not actually cure disease or close wound. It does alleviate the symptoms of a disease or ailment for a while, depending on how much energy is put into the ritual.

Banish Majikodi

Majikodi are tiny spirits that cause disease. They can spread from person to person in a variety of ways. If the patient is weak, old or injuried, very often the Majikodi will return. The best cures come from a combination of this ritual along with a sorcerous potion that is administered over a period of days. The ritual can also be cast on an area or objects, which is also a wise precaution.


Minor healing that requires knowledge of first aid

Excommunicate I

Soul cannot enter Kuzimu

Excommunicate II

Soul is locked into physical vessel

Excommunicte III

Person cannot be purified, will always be tainted

Excommunicate IV

Cuts off all spirituals powers

Excommunicate V

Banish Msomolezi

Final Rest 1-100


Summon spirit

Bind Msomolezi

Animal Sacrifice

Steal ST/HT to power ritual

Bless House

This is a powerful ritual cast on a newly made home or building, casting out the misambwa that would be associated with the locale or building materials, along with lingering ghosts that might have been associated with the spot. There is an evocation of Iruwa, one of the names of God associated with protection.The effects of the ritual are hard to define in game terms but quite real. Blessed homes are much less likely to leak, get drafts, get infested with pests, etc. The owner or main resident of the house is expected to add the line "Iruwa Umajina, the Protector, Bless this home" to evocation and prayers conducted therein. When a house starts leaking or gets bugs or whatever, the most common cause is an offensive act conducted within. The house must be blessed again (second blessing are expensive) before repairs are started. The cost is 1 point per 1,000 cubic feet, that being a small hut. The ritual is almost always ceremonial, the priest leads and house owners and neighbors and lesser priest, if necessary, join in. An animal must be sacrificed. For a man's home or the beginning of a new set of homes or just anything important, it takes a cow. For secondary or additional buildings, a goat or sheep will suffice.

Sanctify Ground

This ritual is used to purify an area to be used as a church. It must be conducted before breaking ground or beginning any construction. The blood from the sacrificed cow is poured in a line around the perimeter, a part of the ceremony that takes about 10 hours.