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A few select people in each generation are born with a special organ, an extension of the brain, that gives them powers beyond those of ordinary humans. These powers are wide ranging: they can perceive and communicate with the dead and at times they can curse and kill. In most cases, the power remains subconcious, reaching out to hurt and curse others through dreams. In the worst cases, the unfortunate mutants are contacted by the angry dead, learing the full nature of their powers, and thus becoming witches.

The dividing line between Oracles and Witches is the presence of this special organ, which gives the GURPS advantage Compartmentalized Mind.

Uchawi has the same range/power relationship as Telepathy. To circumvent this restriction, the Mchawi must have a Kiunga, a link, which may be hair or nail clipping or even feces. Kiunga in hand, the witch may defeat many kinds of protection, including the Msomolezi and various effects of sorcery.

Understanding Uchawi involves seeing the soul and mind from an African prespective.

Character Generation[edit]

The Mchawi prerequisite advantage, Compartmentalilzed Mind (50pts) is easily balanced by Secret: Certain Death (-40pts). Extremely Hazardous Duty: Njama, destroy the Empire (-20). Disadvantages such as Social Stigma, etc, are superceeded by Secret. Patron: Njama. Second Sight, Medium. Most Witches have DangerSense or Luck

to do: redefine Second Sight, World Sight and Awareness

Awareness - Sorcery (5pts) - allows you to know when a sorcerous spell is being cast and to sense the mana level of an area. You can see the power of a person's innate magical gifts.

Awareness - Sanctity (5pts) - allows you to know when a a clerical spell is in effect and to sense the sanctitiy of an area. You can detect whether or not a person is ritually unlcean.

Awareness - Spiritual (5pts) - allows you to sense the working of oracular powers and a general sense for the presence of spirits. This includes a very basic aura reading - you can determine if the person is possessed, dreaming normally or spirit-dead.

Awareness - Magic (10pts) - combines all of the above. you sometimes react oddly to people for reasons that normal humans can't see

Second Sight (10pts) - allows you to actually see into the Spirit World, meaning you can see the characteristics of different spirits, what they are doing, etc. This includes Spiritual Awareness, but not the others. You cannot, for instance, see the workings of sorcerors.

advantages: autotrance, awareness, channelling, compartmentalized mind (undetectable), faith contrahealing, insubstantiality, medium, patron - njama, ally - makoki, allygroup - mikodi, second sight,true faith, visualization, mystic symbol, spirit advisor, spirit form, spirit projection, spirit warrior

kuzimu - ancestor's nation, heaven - where God lives, spirit world - the ethereal, dream world - pure abstraction


All Wachawi have soulsight with the always on enhancement. This causes many witches to betray themselves at an early age - the react to things unseen by ordinary people. This power combines Sense Aura and Emotion Sense, allowing the witch to examine and know the spiritual health and surface feelings of a subject - this knowledge comes as a subjective feeling rather than visually. The person's Msomolezi (guardian spirit) is seen, as a kind of glow.

Furthermore, the witch can see free roaming spirits such as Dzedzeta and can also detect the working of sorcerous magic.

Speak with Dead

Mental communication with any type of spirit

Dream Cabal

Allows the witch to communicate with the Njama

Open Soul

Once a person's Msomolezi is defeated, a witch can, if he chooses, simply crack the person's mind and leave it open to possession by whatever comes by.


Out of body experience


Resist attack from other minds


All powers are withdrawn and become inorperative, but witch cannot be detected by any form of magic


Sends a simple message through a dream


True debilitating night terrors

Enter Dream

Witch will physically appear in another person's dreams


Projected charisma, as per Psionics

Mind Blast

As per Psionics but also affects spirits and ghosts

Mental Stab

As per Psionics but also affects spirits and ghosts


As per Psionics

Dream Shackles

Victim is locked in a dreams and cannot wake up


Victim suffers from autoimmune disease

Master Spirit

Spirit must obey the witch


Victim's free will is completely destroyed

Soul Draining

Victim's souls is drained, partially or totally. It may be consumed for power or stored in an object. If half of a soul is consumed, the victim will sicken as half his body rots aways, leaving him a monster.


Victim is programmed to make mistake and fail at critical times.


Victim will slowly develop a powerful mental disadvantage, such as Sadism.


Victim is forced to obey, this is a short term version of telecontrol.

Steal shadow

Victim will not cast a shadow or have a reflection. Once the shadow is consumed the witch may use the victim as a conduit for his powers, at any range