PKE Meter

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The P.K.E. Meter works similarly to a EMF Detector or a Gas Detector, it is designed specifically to locate P.K.E. (Psychokinetic Energy) in an area, it is set to register P.K.E. due to this being the substance that makes up most paranormal entities.

The P.K.E. Meter tells the operator if an entity is in the area through both indication of its arms with blinking indicator lights, but also through the LED readout screen. The P.K.E. Meter also informs the operator of the ghost's classification, and how strong it is. The P.K.E. Meter's power source is a pair of standard AA batteries.

One interesting premise of the P.K.E. Meter is that it can be used to track human biorhythms for use in locating missing humans. However these readings are weaker due to this not being the P.K.E. Meter's primary function. The meters can be adjusted to pick up the location of the Proton Pack.

How to Read a P.K.E. Meter: A P.K.E. Meter measures the Psychokinetic energy in the current area. In order to correctly assess the reading, you must view this guide.

PKE is quite similar in behavior to fluids - it will follow, most typically, the path of least resistance to the lowest point, or to a most attractive point. An area of high PKE does not necessarily indicate spectral activity, though spooks, spirits and other creatures with sensitivity to this energy will tend to be attracted to such areas.

001 - 050 Null zone for PKE 051 - 200 Unusually low background PKE Activity 201 - 300 Normal Background PKE Activity 301 - 450 Low-grade Trouble, typically Levels I - III 451 - 550 Level IV Spectral Presence, definite unease 551 - 750 Level V Presence 751 - 900 Level VI, Cats and Dogs Living Together, Mass Hysteria 901 - 1000 Level VII, Deific Influence

Now that you know how to correctly process the information, now you need to know some other tips. If the meter is reading very close in between 300-305, you may be picking up a trail of a ghoul that was already in your area. In other words, you are seeing his residual traces. If you are reading anywhere from a 550-750 when a ghost is present, you are looking at a Class V apparition, a ghost not to be taken lightly.

Safety Precautions: There is only one warning about the P.K.E. Meter that should be taken very seriously:

Overload: It is not uncommon for a P.K.E. Meter to overload. This ranges from mild electric shock, to a slight burning of skin and even self-destruct. The P.K.E. Meter is by far the most fragile and sensitive piece of equipment, so treat it carefully.