ELS Shulk

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Carol Danvers, the She-Hulk

Solo d8, Buddy d6, Team d10

Boston's Green Monster Nothin' To Lose, Everything To Prove Unfiltered Feminist

Power Set: Banner's Experimental Serum Godlike Strength d12, Leaping d8, Superhuman Durability d10, Superhuman Stamina d10 SFX: Area Attack SFX: Carol Danvahs Goes Yahd - Add a d6 to the dice pool for an attack action, and step back the highest die in your pool by -1. Step up physical stress inflicted by +1. SFX: Collateral Damage - Add a d6 to the Doom Pool to step up or double an Experimental Serum power. SFX: Lose Yourself - Step up or double an Experimental Serum power for your next action, and take d6 emotional stress. SFX: Strongest There Is - In a reaction against an opponent with a Strength power trait, spend 1 PP or step up emotional stress to add a die equal to that opponent's Strength to your pool. Limit: Puny Human: Shut down Experimental Serum to gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity to recover or recover during a Transition Scene.

Specialties: Combat Expert d8, Covert Expert d8, Menace Master d10, Psych Expert d8, Vehicles Expert d8

Milestones: Anger Management: 1 XP - The first time you activate Lose Yourself in an action scene. 3 XP - When you step up your emotional stress to d12 or higher by using it in an action or reaction dice pool. 10 XP - When you attempt to cause stress to an ally or create a complication when having emotional stress, or leave an action scene before it is resolved to avoid causing any collateral damage.

Girl Power: 1 XP - When you enter a Buddy affiliation with one other female character. 3 XP - When you and a female Buddy stress out a character without assistance from any other characters. 10 XP - When you and/or at least one female ally take leadership of a team you are already on, or leave a current team to start a new one with female leadership.