ELS Strange

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Solo d10, Buddy d6, Team d8

Distinctions: Magic Has A Terrible Price, Former Surgeon, Touched By Horror


Scholar of Forbidden Arts (Enhanced Durability d8, Telepathy d8, Mystic Resistance d12, Mental Resistance d10, Sorcery d10) --SFX: Utterly Jaded (Spend 1 PP to ignore all Stress or Complications caused by fear, horror, madness, or the sight of things man was not ment to know) --SFX: Vast Depths of Knowledge (Spend 1 PP to remove a die from the doom pool and include it in your roll, then step it down and return it to the doom pool) --SFX: Forbidden Secrets (On a successful Reaction against an attack including a Telepathy die, inflict Mental stress with your Effect die at no PP cost. For 1 PP, step up the effect die.) --Limit: Not That Kind Of Wizard: When you add Sorcery to any pool, you may only create Assets or Complications as your Effect

The Eye of Abhoth (Nameless Horror Conjuration d10, Teleport d10, Mystic Senses d12) --SFX: The Creations Of Horror (Add a d6 to the pool and Step Up the Effect die when using Nameless Horror Conjuration to create Assets or Complications) --SFX: Corrupted Touch (Borrow a die from the Doom Pool with this roll, then step it up and return it to the Doom Pool) --Limit: Forbidden Power (When you make a roll including any Eye of Abhoth power, 1s and 2s are both counted as Opportunities for the Doom Pool, but you may still use 2s in your die pool) --Limit: Power Man Should Not Use (Change any Eye of Abhoth power into a Complication and gain 1 PP. Activate an Opportunity or remove the Complication to recover the power.)

Specialties: Combat Expert d8, Medical Master d10, Mystic Master d10, Psych Expert d8


STARING INTO THE ABYSS 1 XP when you use Mystic Master to create an Asset for an Action scene 3 XP when you use a Conjured Horror Asset to stress out a foe 10 XP when you choose to unleash horrors beyond your control to defeat an enemy you can't otherwise beat, or refuse to use such things even though it means defeat

WHAT IT IS TO HAVE ALLIES 1 XP when you help an ally recover stress or remove a complication 3 XP when an ally asks you to help them with an Asset 10 XP when you let yourself be Stressed or Complicated out by helping an ally, or abandon an ally to protect yourself