ELS Task

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Taskmaster (Tony Masters)

Solo d8 / Buddy d6 / Team d10

  • Super-Criminal Past
  • Skilled Instructor
  • A better man than he thinks

Who did I borrow this from?

  • Superhuman Durability d10
  • Weapon d8
  • Shapeshifting d8

SFX: Area Attack. Against multiple opponents, for every additional target add a d6 and keep an additional effect die.

SFX: Ricochet. Against a single target, step up or double a Weapon die. Remove the highest rolling die and use three dice for your total.

SFX: Shoot to Kill. Add a d6 to your attack action pool and step back the highest die in the pool. Step up physical stress inflicted.

Limit: Gear. Shutdown Superhuman Durability (Shield) to gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover. Shutdown Weapon for an additional plot point if Taskmaster is ever completely disarmed (unlikely).

Photographic Reflexes

  • Superhuman Reflexes d10
  • Mimic d10

SFX: Copycat. On a successful reaction against an opponent using a Combat or Acrobatics Specialty, convert your opponent’s effect die into a Photographic Reflexes stunt or step up a Photographic Reflexes power by +1 for your next action. Spend 1 PP to use this stunt if your opponent’s action succeeds.

SFX: Perfect Counter. On a successful reaction against a close combat attack action, inflict the effect die as physical stress or create it as an asset without spending a plot point.

SFX: Someone else's tricks. Add a d6 to your dice pool and step up effect die +1 when inflicting a complication on a target.

Limit: Natural Mimic. Mimic can only copy trained or skill-based powers or Specialties.

Limit: Exhaustion. Shutdown any Photographic Reflexes power to gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.


  • Acrobatic Master
  • Combat Master
  • Covert Master
  • Menace Expert
  • Psych Expert
  • Vehicle Expert

Former Mercenary

1 XP when you discuss the super-criminal armies you've worked for in the past.

3 XP when you face off against former criminal allies and deal them stress.

10 XP when you take responsibility for an act of villainy you were involved in and make amends or abandon your mission to spare an old partner in crime.


1XP: when you tell the audience exactly what you are doing and why.

3XP: when you either name someone as your student, give your student an asset, or rescue them.

10XP: when either you repudiate your student, your student repudiates you, or a student or former student of yours dies.