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To be a vanguard is to live and breath battle, to be a master of the art of war. Vanguards stand above other warriors and fighters through their skill at arms and their iron resolve, the first to enter the fray and the last to leave. They are warmasters, commanders, inspirational heroes or terrifying foes.

Playstyle: Unlike the fighter, the vanguard isn't reliant on the dice roll result to trigger powers; instead you choose which of your techniques you wish to use and expend your Resolve to fuel them. Knowing when to spend Resolve, and how much, is key to managing the class. The Vanguard is both a heavy melee combatant and a leader of warriors, thus you can both aid your allies and pitch into where the fighting is at its thickest.

Ability Scores: Strength and Constitution are the most important abilities for the vanguard as the former lets you hit harder and the latter keeps you alive. Charisma is also significant for some of the techniques available.

Vanguards gain a +2 class bonus to Strength, Constitution or Charisma, as long as it isn't the same ability you increased with your +2 racial bonus.

Races: Any species can produce the mixture of fighting prowess and authority that makes a great vanguard, but half-orcs, humans and dwarves are most suited to the role. Half-elves also make fine vanguards when they focus on commanding and aiding others.

Backgrounds: Battle captain, assault trooper, first-into-the-breach, rebel leader, bodyguard, standard bearer, monster-hunter, noble warrior, battle chieftain, veteran soldier, merciless reaver, weaponsmaster.

Icons: Vanguards are most commonly associated with the Emperor, Crusader and Dwarf King; those of a particularly dark bent serve the Orc Lord or the Lich.

Vanguard Level Progression

Level Hit Points Techniques Resolve Max Resolve per turn
1 (8 + Con Mod) x3
2 (8 + Con Mod) x4
3 (8 + Con Mod) x5
4 (8 + Con Mod) x6
5 (8 + Con Mod) x8
6 (8 + Con Mod) x10
7 (8 + Con Mod) x12
8 (8 + Con Mod) x16
9 (8 + Con Mod) x20
10 (8 + Con Mod) x24

Vanguard Stats

Ability Bonus +2 Str, Con or Cha

Armour Class (Heavy) 15

Armour Class (Heavy + Shield) 16

Base PD 10

Base MD 10

Hit Points (8 + Con Mod) x level modifier

Recoveries (probably) 8

Recovery Dice (1d10 x level) + Con Mod

Talents 3

Feats 1/level


At 1st level, vanguards start with one or two melee weapons of their choice, armour that's either shining and clean or battered and well-worn, and any standard non-magical gear suggested b their backgrounds. A vanguard may, if they desire, also start with a ranged weapon of some sort.

A vanguard who has carefully prepared for war starts with 25gp; those who have recently seen victory or defeat can begin with 1d6 x 10gp instead.


Vanguards usually rely on heavy armour of some kind to see them through the rigours of battle. Steel scale or plate is most common, but some cultures produce vanguards with stranger protection – carefully treated carapace or colourful lacquered armour, for example.

Vanguard Armour and AC

Armour Type Base AC Attack Penalty
None 10 -
Light 13 -
Heavy 15 -
Shield +1 -

Melee Weapons

Pretty much anything is lethal in the hands of a vanguard, but their chosen weapons are commonly possessed of particular significance or excellent craftsmanship. Most vanguards choose either the raw power of a hefty two-handed weapon such as a polearm or greatsword, or the defensive capacit of a single-hander and a shield; fighting with a weapon in each hand is generally eschewed for more practical options. Vanguards fight aggressively but with lethal efficiency.

Vanguard Melee Weapons

One-handed Two-handed
1d4 dagger 1d6 club
Light or Simple
1d6 hand-axe or shortsword 1d8 spear
Heavy or Martial
1d8 broadsword or one-handed warspear 1d10 greatsword or greathammer

Ranged Weapons

A vanguard is capable of using a myriad of ranged weapons to devastating effect, but rarely focus on such armaments; few become master archers. A crossbow or bow is common enough for those situations that demand it, but plenty of vanguards prefer a heavy throwing axe or javelin that they can loose as they close on the foe.

Vanguard Ranged Weapons

Thrown Bow Crossbow
1d4 dagger 1d4 hand crossbow
Light or Simple
1d6 throwing axe, javelin 1d6 crossbow 1d6 shortbow
Heavy or Martial
1d8 heavy crossbow 1d8 longbow

Basic Attacks

Vanguards make use of basic attacks in battle, augmented with powerful Techniques that are fuelled by their Resolve.

Melee Attack
At Will
Target: One Enemy
Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC
Hit: Weapon + Strength damage
Miss: Damage equal to your level

Ranged Attack
At Will
Target: One Enemy
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Hit: Weapon + Dexterity damage
Miss: –

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