Kortron Durn

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Name: Kortron Durn

Campaign: Underground_Polis

Appearance: A grizzled old-timer who looks like he's been kicked in the face by Life and Time at least once too many. Kortron is below medium height, gaunt and sinewy, with a face that is crisscrossed by old scars. One eye is missing and covered by a dirty leather patch. His voice is gruff and gravely, and he speaks little.

Description: Kortron is a veteran of a number of different mercenary armies and city watches (as well as a number of other things he finds it wisest to keep quiet about), and very little surprises him anymore - except possibly strokes of good luck. He is grumpy and taciturn and believes, first and foremost, in getting the job done with a minimum of risk and fuss. He keeps a watchful eye around him both literally and figuratively, knowing from experience that the next kick in the teeth is likely just around the next corner and that it pays to be prepared. Despite his cynicism, he does believe in the job he does and cares about the people he works with - if life has taught him anything, it is that all the actual work gets done on the lowest levels, and he plans to spend the rest of his life keeping his head down and being of some use to the world.

Abilities: Strength 12 (+1), Dexterity 14 (+2), Constitution 18 (+4), Intelligence 22 (+6), Charisma 18 (+4), Wisdom 24 (+7)

Skills: Bluff +16, Climb +4, Gather Information +14, Knowledge (streetwise) +18, Knowledge (tactics) +18, Medicine +14, Notice +20, Profession (soldier) +17, Search +11, Sense Motive +19, Stealth +8, Swim +4

Feats: Contacts, Distract (Bluff), Equipment 3, Master Plan, Redirect, Set-Up, Taunt, Well-Informed

Drawbacks: Disability (one eye)

Attack: +3 melee, +0 ranged Defense: 15 (13 flat-footed) Toughness: +4 Fortitude: +4 Reflex: +7 Will: +11