The Stars Are Right: The Irish Rose: Letter 8
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F. Lovejoy to H. Flynn
24 August 1932
- I've received a letter from someone calling themselves the Comte de la Fere who claims to have been a friend of yours, and to have seen you under Parkhurst's care back in January. They're interested in an article I wrote about the rescue of a pair of children from a farmhouse early last week, which I've included. Do you know them? They were interested in securing Parkhurst's notes, which has generally been a red flag. More information if you're interested; hope you feel better.
H. Flynn to F. Lovejoy, received 28 August 1932
August 1932
Dear Frank,
- What a surprise to get a letter from you! (Even if it was mostly all business.)
- What I know about this Comte de la Fere is all second hand, and hearsay. I've never been introduced to them (him? her?) — and to claim we are friends is a bit of a stretch. However — it is possible that he — or she — did see me in January. (More on that in a bit.) I know it sounds all complicated, and I suppose it is.
- First understand that I got all of my information from indirect third-hand sources. De Bonnevault's Household (which of course included myself)