Character Creation -- Strangers in a Strange Land
Classes will be limited to human only.
I will provide each player with five sets of stats in the following order:
- Str
- Dex
- Con
- Int
- Wis
- Cha
Note that this is not the order given in the Dark Dungeons rulebook, but it is the order as presented by Invisible Castle. Players can choose which set they prefer; scores cannot be modified or switched.
Starting Hit Points
Hit points will be rolled at first and every level thereafter.
We will be using the subclasses proposed in Dyson's Dodecahedron #7. I will roll two for each PC; the player is free to chose which one she wishes to use.
Skills are as by the book (except see the section on First Aid n the standard House Rule section). Thief/Mystic characters can spend a skill slot at creation only to raise one of their class abilities ("Open Locks", "Climb Walls", etc.) by 5%. Any number of skill slots can be spend at first, but only once per ability.
Magic-users begin play with three spells in their spellbook; Read Magic and two others chosen by the player.
Rather than convert a cleric to a druid at level 9 as per page 23 of the Rulebook characters may begin play as 1st level druids. In addition to the expanded spell list druids begin casting spells one level earlier (at first instead of second). Simply move the spells per day up one level.
We will be using the Forester class from the Dawn of the Empires Boxed set. Essentially, the Forester is a human elf. They function as elves mechanically except for not possessing Heatvision and immunity to ghoul paralysis. In addition, foresters begin play with only two spells in their spellbooks: Read Magic and one other that may be selected by the player.