- Character Name: Ankind
- Class: Thief (Focused)
- Level: 1
- XP/XP Needed: 0/1200 (+20% XP bonus)
Ability Scores
- Strength: 10
- Intelligence: 12
- Wisdom: 10
- Dexterity: 16 (+2)
- Constitution: 7
- Charisma: 14 (+1, max 5 hirelings, hireling morale 8, reaction modifier +1)
- AC: 7
- HP: 2/2
- Base Attack: +1
- Weapon/Weapon Feat/Damage
- Sword/B/1d8
- Short Bow/B/1d6 (+2 to attack)
- Hand Axe/N/1d3 (+2 to attack when thrown)
Saving Throws
- Death Ray/Poison: 13
- Magic Wands: 14
- Paralysis/Petrify: 13
- Breath Weapon: 16
- Rod/Staff/Spell: 15
Class Abilities
- Sneak Attack (+4 to attack, double damage)
- Open Locks 15
- Find Traps 10
- Remove Traps 10
- Climb Walls 87
- Move Silently 20
- Hide in Shadows 10
- Pick Pockets 20
- Hear Noise 30
- Craft (Woodworking) (+1 skill + 2 Dex = +3)
- Bluff (+1 skill +1 Cha = +2)
- Escape Artist (+1 skill + 2 Dex = +3)
- Engineering (+1 skill = +1)
Weapon Feats
- Normal Sword
- Short Bow
- Languages: Common
Gear/Enc/Number: Short Bow / 20 cn / 1 Arrows / 10 cn / 20 Quiver / 5 cn / 1 Sword / 60 cn / 1 Hand Axe / 30 cn / 1 Backpack / 20 cn / 5 Belt / 5 cn / 1 Purse / 2 cn / 1 Plain boots / 10 cn / 1 Long cloak / 15 cn / 1 Peasant Clothes / 20 cn / 1 Hat / 3 cn / 1 Small hammer / 10 cn / 1 Lantern / 30 cn / 1 Flasks of oil / 40 cn / 4 Tinder Box / 5 cn / 1 Waterskin / 30 cn / 1 Fresh Rations / 200 cn / 7 days Small sack / 1 cn / 1
- Money: 4gp, 6sp (purse)
- Total Encumbrance: 516
- Move:
Ankind lost his workshop when it was burned down in a raid. Now he is reduced to scrounging to survive. He is thin, with dark hair that's much longer than he would like.