Michael and his pet Wang

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Image=To be added later

First Episode Session 1 11/2/13
Concept L'enfant Terrible
Theme Song tbd
Played By Leo DiCaprio as a kid
Full Name Michael (no last name known)
Legal Status same"
Known Aliases none
Age 13?
Birthplace tbd
Favored Weapon information


Physical Description[edit]

Height: 5’7”,

Weight: 112lbs,

Build: Swimmer's frame

Eyes: Blue,

Apparent age: 14,

Hair: Blonde

Colors: Lavender and black,

Sigil: Black and white Ferret on field of Lavender,

General Description[edit]

Michael is a terror among the castle. He is the all around bad boy. He is never where is supposed to be and he is always up to something no good. He almost never looks at the women of court in their eyes, almost always stares at chest level. Just about everyone thinks he is "CREEPY" except those who LIKE that kind of thing. He does not "influence" the women of court. He learned the hard way that is not done.

His personal rooms in the castle always have an odd smell and a few maids HATE going in there to change his linens and straighten his room. Except for a few of the more saucy maids, those always leave with a smile. He is quite the artist and has a studio where he paints and makes sculptures of models. They look very life like. Made with some polymer that mimics warm skin. Many of the sculptures have exquisite designs on them, but he always have them in provocative poses. When he is not in his rooms, wandering Amber city in search of cats or in Harem world, you can find him usually in the gardens reading books. He does not care what kind. History, mathematics, mythology or science these he absorbs as if they were air. Which is very odd as he refuses to go to any formal classes and Bleys does not seem to be interested in making him go to any.

Wang is Michael’s favorite pet. He is sly, sneaky and awesome. He is quite large for an animal of his species. He seems to be part mongoose, part ferret. He has black fur with a white paws and nose. There is also a batch of white at the tip of his tail. He is about 26 inches long and about 10 pounds. He is often seen prowling in the dark corridors of the castle on errands for Michael.

Background [edit]

Character Sheet[edit]

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