Ship of Fools

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Revision as of 06:58, 9 November 2013 by (talk) (Hermetic protection ceremony on the yacht Alexander before leaving port in Newark Delaware.)
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Bell, book and candle, I invoke your protection. Candle, bell and book defend me. Book, candle bell cause me to stay safe.

Candle, flame to show the approach of danger, Book, give knowledge of who strives to harm me. Bell, sound alarm when those who would hurt me draw near.

Candle source of light that I might see, Source of heat in cold, Burn the enemy before they reach my gate.

Book with knowledge filled, Reveal the cause and source of danger. Teach me how I may stay safe and defeat my foe.

Bell ring when anger and hatred imperil me, Klaxon that I am not suprised when the evil doer draws near. Provide warning that enemies do not suprise me.

Candle flame become a raging conflagration to burn the fields Consume this house before it falls into the grasp of the enemy. Leave no stone upon a stone, sear flesh from the bones of my attacker.

Book bludgeon the creatures who would do me ill Crush between your pages the antagonist. Ink flow like poison from your pages before my knowledge fall into the hands of the other.

Bell become a cauldron brewing strong magic to ward my home The barrel of a cannon to slaughter those who march against me. Ring to deafen the ears of the sly one who tries to steal my secrets.

By three magics I ward my home. Three icons will gaurd me in the night. By three magics I defend against my enemies.

Let the light of candle grant me sight May book give me knowledge that leads to insight So shall bell warn me of evil's approach.