Justin Brue
A character in The Lawful the Neutral and the Chaotic.
Justin Brue
- Human Thief
- L1: XP: 145/1200
- HP 4/4
- AC 5 or 6 (vs backstab)
- STR 8 (-1)
- INT 11
- WIS 6 (-1)
- DEX 18 (+3)
- CON 11
- CHA 6 (-1)
Thief Skills:
- Open Locks 15
- Remove Traps 10
- Pick Pockets 20
- Move Silently 20
- Climb Sheer Surface 87
- Hide in Shadows 10
- Hear Noise 1-2 /d6
- Rifle 80
- Rounds for rifle (elsewhere on wiki) 10
- Normal sword 3 10
- Short bow & 20 arrows 25 30
- Silver dagger 30 10
- Thieves's Tools 25
- Rope 1
- Backpack 5
- Waterskin w/water 1
- Waterskin w/wine 2
- 5 days iron rations 15
- 7 days std rations 5
- Tinderbox 1
- Lantern 10
- Flask of oil x4 8 (change: x3, throwing one at the web)
- Misc encumbrance 80
cost 136gp leaves 0gp Encumbrance = 224cn
Background: Justen is a sneak. An amoral, uncharismatic low-life who's blundered through a mediocre life so far.