Session 241
Chapter 34
=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix
-->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
<Angelo> Hi RN
<Random_Nerd> Hey, Angelo.
<Angelo> how are you doing?
-->| lazarus ( has joined #Nobilis
<Angelo> Hey Laz
<lazarus> Hey
<lazarus> I am not feeling particularly well tonight, unfortunately
<lazarus> (I think work stress is eating at me)
<Angelo> oh noes!
<Random_Nerd> Hey, Laz.
-->| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
<BethE> Hi laz and Angelo! *HUG*
<Angelo> Hi Beth! *HUG*
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, I'm a little braindead right now myself, as I'm running on about four hours' sleep.
<Angelo> me tooo! But with 3 instead of 4 :-P
<Random_Nerd> So, this promises to be an /interesting/ session.
<Angelo> yeah. An interesting Nobilis one. I want see how my little seed evolves :-D
-->| Verithe ( has joined #Nobilis
- Angelo hug Verithe
<Verithe> Hi!
<BethE> Hi V!
<Verithe> Just finished packing the truck for tonight.
<Angelo> You change place V?
<Random_Nerd> And since you're in mid-move, would it be safe to say that you're exhausted too?
<Random_Nerd> What say we have a shorter session than usual.
<Verithe> Yeah. We've been living with my parents until we found a place.
<Angelo> This mean that a place is not found yet?
<Verithe> I would probably last, but I don't mind if we wish to have a short session.
<Verithe> We just found a job last week, a place this week and tomorrow we'll be moving everything in.
<Verithe> For now, I eat ice cream.
<BethE> So what state are you going to be in now?
<Random_Nerd> Well, it's good that you're making progress there.
<Verithe> Michigan.
<Random_Nerd> Oh? Around where?
<Verithe> East side.
<Random_Nerd> Ah. I grew up in West Michigan.
<Verithe> I lived there for a while too.
<Random_Nerd> Kinda weird place, really.
<Verithe> Yes.
<Angelo> why is weird?
<Random_Nerd> At least when and where I lived, there were a lot of people for whom being ethnically Dutch and theologically Calvinist was THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD.
<Random_Nerd> It was kinda creepy.
-->| Knockwood (~chatzilla@4F0B9266.4D3BC4C7.3820EA4D.IP) has joined #Nobilis
<Verithe> Hahaha!
<Knockwood> Hi guys
<BethE> Hi Knock!
<Angelo> HI Knock!
<BethE> Hey Angelo - do you know the English term 'nailed it'?
<Angelo> dutch? not American?
<Angelo> @Beth: yes
<Random_Nerd> Well, like six, eight generations back.
<Random_Nerd> But that's not how they'd talk about it.
<BethE> http://sphotos-a.
<Verithe> Some of them are second generation, but with the Tulip Festival and everything...yeah.
<Angelo> @Beth: Rotfl!
<Verithe> Dutch culture is pretty strong in the Grand Rapids/Holland/Zeeland area of Michigan.
<Random_Nerd> I'm just glad that when I was a kid, my hair was blond enough to pass.
<Angelo> oh my!
<Random_Nerd> Yeah! It's /weird/.
<lazarus> found my keyboard.
<Random_Nerd> I mean, my father knew a guy who was /freaking out/ because his son was going to marry a girl with /red hair/.
<lazarus> also, repaired the binding on my copy of Rogue Trader the other day. Still a great book. (the first edition of 40k, not the recent RPG :p That's /also/ a great book, but)
<Random_Nerd> She wasn't even, like, not white or anything. She just wasn't blond.
<Verithe> That sounds like my grandfather...
<lazarus> RN: that is strange
<Verithe> Except with the Greek culture...
<Random_Nerd> It really, really is.
<Random_Nerd> But anyway! Nobilis!
<Random_Nerd> So, it's Amyra week.
<Angelo> Yay Nobilis!
<Verithe> Yay, Amyra!
- Angelo grab popcorns and watch Theresa's husband story unfold
<Angelo> :-D
<Verithe> Where were we?
<Random_Nerd> You'd talked to Jerren about the Baalhermon Situation.
<Angelo> last we were in channel at the tower
<Angelo> as RN said
<Random_Nerd> And found out about the photos that Entropy had given him of people to watch out for.
<Verithe> Ah!
<Angelo> and we were on the photos :-)
<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, Dante, Barakiel, Horrible Things, Luc, and a few others.
<Knockwood> right, we asked Sam to ID them
<Random_Nerd> Yep.
<Random_Nerd> So, if there's no objection, shall I start with his report?
<lazarus> sure.
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
<Angelo> sure
=-= lazarus is now known as Brian
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and Knock, short session tonight, as several of us are running on low sleep.)
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
<Theresa> I wasn't on the photos. ^^
=-= Verithe is now known as Human_Kite
<Human_Kite> Yes, please
<Ftisk> T. is harmless :-P
<Random_Nerd> ______________START__________________
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "So... I know this is going to sound like I'm making excuses, but I'm /not/, okay?"
- Ftisk tries land on Sam shoulder
<Random_Nerd> S: "I know I thought we would have results by now. And we should have. But there's a problem."
<Human_Kite> "If the excuse is that you were trying to eat remoras, I'd understand."
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
<Random_Nerd> Sam looks at you. "What is this 'earth thing' called 'eat', captain?"
<DanteE> "Anyway. What's the problem?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "But, anyway. Okay, so you know how the Aides isn't /solely/ a professional services organization, right? That they have a secret agenda of, y'know, saving the world?"
<Theresa> "In your spare time, of course."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Well, the impression I get is that they think we're kinda on the wrong side of that."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Either possible Mimic infestation, or more likely, Council stooges."
<Theresa> (The earth thing called eat was to Kite.)
<Random_Nerd> (Yes.)
<Human_Kite> "Oh?"
<Ftisk> "what?"
<Theresa> "Wait, your higher ups are backing the Excrucians?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I'm not sure why. Something to do with the big summit project..."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "No, they think maybe you are, or at least you're in the Council's pocket."
<DanteE> "They may have a point."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "And, uh... don't tell Entropy this. We don't want him to do something drastic."
<Ftisk> "Can be some infestation from skirt?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "It could be. I considered that... but I don't think this is what that would look at. This seems connected to us specifically. And the shirkings we've seen so far aren't that targeted."
<Human_Kite> "Hmmm. Is this something we could discuss with higher-ups?"
<Theresa> "Is it across the board of the higher folks?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Now, let me make this clear. I still work for Locus Kudzu, and Sam still works for Brian specifically. Our loyalties have not changed. But we don't have as much pull back home as we have until very recently."
<Theresa> "And does Luc have a say in this?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Which, up until now, was a lot."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I think they really liked you."
<DanteE> "He just wouldn't _serve_ us. Or rather, Ftisk."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Hmm. What would you tell them? Because we probably need something better than 'we aren't /really/ evil, honest."
<Ftisk> "I still wanna him as helper..."
<Human_Kite> "Does Gil know about this? I can bring him here to join in the discussion."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Presumably he does, but he seems to be... drifting into leaving the Aides. And I'm not sure why. Have you talked to him about that?"
<Ftisk> (brb)
<DanteE> (Hold on. A long time ago I got the stone 'The Aides are with us'.)
<Random_Nerd> (Let's see. Gil is on assignment on Dionyl, but in a place that's closely accessible to Amyra, I believe.)
<Random_Nerd> (Yes. This is taking that into account, and is why they aren't actively opposing you.)
<Random_Nerd> (This is more of a temporary thing, as I expect.)
<Human_Kite> "He mentioned it, yes. I don't recall if I actually gave him permission to, but I've been meaning to do so."
<Theresa> "Well, hearing about our latest encounter with Entropy probably wouldn't make them feel any better." (William does know about that, right?)
<Random_Nerd> (I assume so.)
<Random_Nerd> William: "So... this is solvable. But we need a plan."
<Brian> "It would help to know /why/ they think we're against them."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Why is it that, despite appearances, you aren't just members of the Entropy fanclub?"
<Theresa> "Uhh..sanity is a crutch?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Although, really, the problem is that /he/ seems to like /you/ too much."
<DanteE> "How much damage is Shirk doing to the Aides?"
<Theresa> "Hey, it's not _all of our_ fault that Dante got flirted at that first Council Meeting.."
<Brian> "He does. He seems to like us, even though some of us are actively out to murderize him."
<Brian> "He seems to think it's cute."
<Random_Nerd> William: "I'm not certain. We've been hit hard... hmm. Harder than Nobles, who have more ways to protect themselves, but less hard than some mortal organizations of a similar size."
<Human_Kite> "Maybe Brian shouldn't have used a Lawbreaker to throw that rock."
<Random_Nerd> William: "But... ah. Dominus Chytosideron... do you think Gil might have been 'shirked'?"
<DanteE> "What if we figure out a way to counter Shirking?"
<Ftisk> (back)
<Brian> "Have we figured out a way to positively identify Shirking?"
- Ftisk land on Theresa's shoulder
<Random_Nerd> William: "I suggest you get them to trust you first. Else, they might be dubious about the solution."
<Human_Kite> "Really? His desire was to work more intimately with me and my work. Do you think he's just being lazy?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Well, we have a set of diagnostic criteria, but they're still being tinkered with."
<Human_Kite> "Perhaps I have misread his intentions. Should we go check on him, then?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I don't know! I just know that we've been having a lot of Aides, particularly junior ones, beginning to drift out of the organization."
<Ftisk> "Yay Kite, let's go!"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Maybe this isn't that. But it at least looks similar."
<Brian> (... I want to switch to Mythic, right now, take a look at Sam and William. And then Gil when he gets here. Not the same as the Sight, but hey, mythic shows mythic ties and stuff!)
<DanteE> "Hm. Who's the highest-ranking one that may have been Shirked?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "So, meet up with him at your temple?"
<Human_Kite> "I do have to go visit the temple, anyway."
<DanteE> (Is that a euphemism? :p )
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Highest ranking... hmm."
<Ftisk> "Luc?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "It's tough to say. It's /common/ for an Aide with a long time in the field, who hasn't been Anchored, to eventually start to withdraw and train his successor."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "So we can't tell which people are just examples of that, and which are something different."
<Brian> "... do you have red flashy things?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "But there are /more/ now."
<DanteE> "Always two there are, master and apprentice?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "...we do. We totally do, but what do they have to do with this?"
<Brian> "Idle thoughts"
<Theresa> "Men in Black and then Star Wars."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Oh, of course. Sorry, I'm a bit stressed right now."
<Human_Kite> "Perhaps we can check on some other incidents later, provided the Aides association doesn't mind."
<Theresa> " they accept how honest someone can be?"
<DanteE> "Or we go straight to Luc."
<Brian> (continuing idle thoughts: pankration is a funny word)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Not a bad idea. You may have pull with Jerren."
<Random_Nerd> (It sounds like some kind of breakfast food, doesn't it?)
<Random_Nerd> William: "What do you mean, Theresa?"
<Theresa> "Well, Dante has impressed people with how Honest he is. Do they think that can be corrupted?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I think the fear is less that you're deliberately evil, and more that you've been... misled. Maybe by Entropy, maybe the Deceivers, I'm not sure."
<DanteE> "Considering that that is a distinct possibility..."
<Brian> "Probably all of the above, with a side helping of being delusional"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Here's my proposal. We go to Dionyl to meet Gilbert and get his perspective on this. While we're there, we meet with an Aide we know, who may have a different perspective."
<Theresa> "Oh, we're all mad here..."
<Theresa> "Batzepplin or yellow submarine?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "That reminds me! Where can I get a good set of fake teeth?"
<Human_Kite> "We are? What"
<Brian> "Oh, I know a LARPer's costume shop."
<Ftisk> "We are not lunatics!"
<Human_Kite> "What?"
<Brian> "They have all kinds. Vulcan, werewolf, vampire ..."
<Brian> "I think I saw Ettin there once. I was slightly confused."
<Human_Kite> "What?"
<Ftisk> "Now you need a costume shop to larp?"
<Brian> "Nono, a LARPer owns the place."
<Theresa> "Or do you need nice looking teeth?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "AS IMPORTANT AS LARPING IS, I really think we need a plan."
<Human_Kite> "Explain to me this larp thing."
<Brian> (... only in Amyra ...)
<Ftisk> "uhm.. worth to go and watch how is inside"
<DanteE> "Ahem. Anyway. Dionyl. Let's go discreetly, just in case.
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I'll tell you on the way."
<Human_Kite> "Discretely? Why? I have to check on my temple."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "We can stop at a costume shop while we're there. Dionyl has the best costume shops! Just no fake teeth."
<Human_Kite> "Why do you need fake teeth for Dionyl?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Yeah. This is just... Kite stopping by his temple, and us conferring with an Aide representative about possibly hiring additional expert assistance."
<Brian> "Hm. Maybe Bob would appreciate being able to check out the Dionyl shops."
<DanteE> "Coming in a cloud of thunder might hurt our reputation."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "If William's thinking of who I think he is."
<Ftisk> "Who is Bob ? A ney Buddy?"
<DanteE> "We can also check in on Gaius."
<Brian> "Guy who owns the costume shop."
<Human_Kite> "We come in a cloud of gears and knives as always, Dante."
<Theresa> "Tell me which kind of teeth you want and you'll have them."
<Random_Nerd> William: "I suggest we specifically do /not/ meet with Caesar, not until we've resolved this."
<Ftisk> "You can grow teeth Theresa? You are doing tooth fairy job part time again?"
<Human_Kite> "Really? It won't be rude to give meeting with Caesar a miss this time?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "He's seen as a possible Mimic by some. Don't want to lend credence to the rumors."
<Theresa> "No, but I can bring us a set of false teeth from anywhere in Amyra. Slightly less dangerous than the demon I moved last time. I hope."
- Ftisk use my gift to change Theresa attire to the tooth’s fairy one
- Human_Kite sighs
<Ftisk> (fake wings included!)
- Theresa raises an eyebrow at the gossamer wings.
<Random_Nerd> (So, cut to the Temple?)
<Human_Kite> "I want a magic stone that I can just wish on to make Excrucians not be Excrucians."
- Ftisk shudder in a way that say what is a fairy costume without wings
<DanteE> "... who else in our circle of acquaintances is considered a possible mimic?"
- Ftisk raise manipulators "MEEEEEE!"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Uh... yeah."
<Brian> "Lord Kudzu, still?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Or a Deceiver. Or part of the Weird Shit 10%."
<Human_Kite> "Drift? Jerren?"
<Random_Nerd> And you arrive.
<Ftisk> "and a warmain a strategist a deceiver and ... " fade to background noise
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "No, Drift is well-trusted."
<Human_Kite> "Thank everything for that!"
<Ftisk> "Weird Shit 10% woot! Never heard of them before? .. are they cool?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "That's part of why we wanted you to get him on board, he was one of the last few people we needed to make the plan respectable... and get Entropy on board... and cause this problem."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Well... okay. Most supernatural stuff that goes on is... Nobles, or Imperators, or their children, or Excrucians. Big Mythic spirits, that kind of thing. But some of it's just weird."
<Ftisk> "remind me who Drift is?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "It's not really 10%, that's just an Aide saying."
<Human_Kite> "True God of Dionyl, Ftisk."
<Ftisk> "Can I be an Aide?" *big pleading eye with star falling inside it*
<Random_Nerd> Gil: "So! What brings you all here to the temple?"
<Theresa> "I don't think they let Nobles be Aides, Ftisk."
<Human_Kite> "Surprise visit!"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Yeah, if you get Ennobled, you have to leave. At least, formally."
<Ftisk> "But but .. .damn it." *sigh*
<DanteE> "Ftisk, Aide would be a step _down_."
<DanteE> to William: "No offense."
<Random_Nerd> There's another Dionyl waiting with him, a female one in a suit that's tight-fitting but in such a way as to seem deliberate.
<Ftisk> "But are you watching at the cool stuff they do or at the you jump as high as your crazy imp order side?"
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "And I take it that the /real/ reason you wanted me here has nothing to do with hiring another priesthood-development consultant?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "That would be correct."
<Human_Kite> "Nope!"
<Random_Nerd> Gil: "So... what's this about, boss?"
<Human_Kite> "How are the Spear and Jonathan doing, Gil? And Golden Puzzle?"
<Ftisk> "I tag along only ... you know meet interesting peoples et all"
<Theresa> (Hey, I remember that female Dionyl! She was at the interviews.)
<Random_Nerd> Gil: "Doing well. We've gotten past the first rush of new converts, but they've managed to hold on to at least two thirds of them, which is quite respectable."
<Human_Kite> (Clarity's here because Sam thinks she's hot.)
<Random_Nerd> Gil: "And the fact that you're here, and so we demonstrate Assembly again, won't hurt."
<Random_Nerd> (William was the one to propose having her here. Whether this is as an effort to set Sam up is uncertain.)
<Random_Nerd> (Speaking of which, it's almost time for William's wedding.)
<Human_Kite> "Yay! I would like to watch when we're done with other business."
<Ftisk> (I wanna see the wedding. No way this go in background!)
<Random_Nerd> Gil: "Excellent, boss."
- Ftisk nod at what kite say
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "So, Gil, how much have you been talking with the Aides recently?"
<Random_Nerd> Gil: "Oh. Is this about that, is this some kind of intervention or whatever?"
<Human_Kite> (If the wedding stays in the foreground, we'll ruin it.)
<Ftisk> (but will be an awesome wedding with L.E. crashing the church and Jerren the party!)
<Theresa> (I think that William knows that if he gets us totally involved in the wedding, it will be..unusual.)
<Human_Kite> (So long as his wife is on board.)
<Brian> (Entropy might cut the cake. That would be bad)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Not... exactly. So you haven't heard?"
<Ftisk> (and who can say no to the cute snail requests?)
<Random_Nerd> (Entropy might catch the bouquet!)
<Random_Nerd> Gil: "Heard?"
<Theresa> (She's getting whatever flowers she wants and the cream of the Amyra metaphorical crop. And Theresa can say no to cute snail requests, if necessary.)
<Ftisk> (and wink to Dante and wishper we next... awesome!)
<Human_Kite> (Then, Entropy would get married next!)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Okay! First off, we are /not/ minions of Entropy! Honest! He's all creepy and stuff!"
<Random_Nerd> Gil: "What exactly have I missed?"
- DanteE examines the area with Sight and Mythic
<Human_Kite> (Pseudo-Domain idea: "Those who catch [name]'s wedding bouquet.")
<Ftisk> (Theresa can be a very harsh mum for Ftisk if needed :-/ )
<Random_Nerd> With what? Ain't no Mythic here.
<Random_Nerd> Instead, a rather Prosaic-themed shard of Dionyl.
<Human_Kite> And switching worldviews can have effects on the Dionyl in the area.
<Theresa> "Lord Entropy has lent us one of his Nobles for the meeting we're having later on."
<Random_Nerd> Dante, everything grows dim and dull. You see that Gil has a small knife in his pocket, and you can see the forge right through the wall.
<Random_Nerd> Gil: "Please tell me it isn't Meon."
- DanteE goes back to normal, quick
<Human_Kite> "It's not Meon."
<Ftisk> "Is the weapon one bahalasomething"
<Random_Nerd> Gil: "That would mean... Oh. You got The Box?"
<Random_Nerd> Gil: "Well, that explains that."
<DanteE> "Yes indeed. And it's unopened."
<Random_Nerd> Gil: "GOOD."
<Human_Kite> "That?"
<Ftisk> "sadly unopened!"
<DanteE> (Is the knife normal?)
<Theresa> "Explains what?"
<Random_Nerd> (Yep. It's a two-piece one, made with a metal blade and a wooden handle, but with a bronze blade. Thus, clearly made here in the Temple.)
<Random_Nerd> Gil: "If everyone's assuming you're with Entropy. He mostly just loans the Box to close allies."
- Human_Kite tries to turn into a dionyl....discretely.
<Ftisk> "Then receiving the box is what flag us as Entropy best friend forever?"
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Yes. I mean, you asked me here for my honest opinion, and I have to say it doesn't look great. The Aides and Entropy don't tend to get along."
<DanteE> "Sam, who would hear if we got the Box?"
<Theresa> (I got Sam his teeth before we left.)
<Random_Nerd> (This time, it works without a hitch.)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Oh, that's the other thing. I forgot to mention that part. Entropy told... basically, everyone. That he was giving it to you."
- DanteE facepalms.
<Human_Kite> "So that's why he gave you guys the box."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Only /after/ he dropped it off! Otherwise I would have told you!"
<Brian> "we're boned"
<Ftisk> "The bitch!"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Now... he usually does that."
=-= Human_Kite is now known as Dionyl_Kite
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "See, the thing with Baalhermon is, he's a very blunt tool."
<Ftisk> "_HE_ set up all so .. ah, he usually do that?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "So whenever possible, stuff gets done with the /threat/ of him."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "So, when Entropy drops him off, he tells people."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "But the thing is... that's when he does it to deal with potential Noble problems."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Not Excrucian ones."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "So maybe this is something else."
<Ftisk> "last time I check, I was the only excru there"
<Dionyl_Kite> "Ftisk...."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Oh, that remimds me. The Shards in Locus Vulcan... how much access to outside information do they have?"
<Random_Nerd> Clarity seems startled when William mentions Shards.
<Ftisk> "Kite, I'll not hide my roots!"
<Theresa> "Baalhrmon is a weapon of last resort. It's better to wave it around than have to fire it."
<Theresa> (And what does she think of Ftisk?)
<Dionyl_Kite> "Your roots are primarily made by Lord Vulcan, Ftisk."
<Dionyl_Kite> "I thought the Shards left."
<DanteE> to Clarity: "Yes. We have Shards. We've met more. And we're meeting with Warmains. We need PR."
<Ftisk> "uhm.. you have a dad and a mum ? I have dad Vulcan and mum T ... I mean Vassa"
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, great, you're right. Total brainfart.)
<Dionyl_Kite> "Did they come back? Ftisk, did you let them back without telling me?"
<Random_Nerd> (Pretend I didn't say that.)
<Random_Nerd> (See, this is why I need more sleep when I GM.)
<Dionyl_Kite> (Delete....delete....)
<Brian> hbjhgjfghjdghjd
<Brian> (sara stole my keyboard. sorry...)
<Random_Nerd> (Kite had /several/ mothers and fathers!)
<Dionyl_Kite> (Hello, Sara!)
<Random_Nerd> (It's complicated!)
<Ftisk> (right RN!)#
<Random_Nerd> (Hi, Sara.)
<Ftisk> ( /Me bow to Sara)
<Dionyl_Kite> (So much complication with the Kite roots!)
<DanteE> (Hi Sara)
<Dionyl_Kite> "Don't talk about my parents right now, Ftisk. I'm still trying to figure that one out."
<Theresa> (Hi Sara!)
<DanteE> "Maybe if we throw Baal at something that needs destroying..."
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "So, there's something I need to know. Between the two Families, how many Excrucians do you have staying with you? Because I've heard rumors."
<Ftisk> "Yay do that!!!"
<Dionyl_Kite> "Just throw him?"
<Dionyl_Kite> "Mundanely?"
<Ftisk> "define your version of excrucian please"
<DanteE> "I’m sure the two of you can improvise a Baalhermon-flinging apparatus."
<Ftisk> "Totally Dante"
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "EXCRUCIANS. Possibly you have heard of them! Stars in their..." *makes eye contact* "oh FUCK."
<Dionyl_Kite> "Currently none in Locus Vulcan."
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "What have you /dragged/ me /into/, William?"
- Ftisk big smile to Clarity
<Dionyl_Kite> "Ftisk tempered a Warmain, which is how he got his stars."
- Ftisk nod nod
<Brian> "it's just the end of the world"
<Ftisk> "Tempered = melded fused become one with ..."
<DanteE> "After _defeating_ him."
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "The good news is, I now understand why they don't trust you these days."
<Ftisk> "Details Dante..."
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "I mean, there are /other/ excrucians, too? Aren't there?"
<Dionyl_Kite> "If I were watching us from the outside, I wouldn't trust us either."
<Ftisk> "Yeah, there is one on the moon back at their home"
<DanteE> "If you mean Shards, there's the guy on the moon..."
<Theresa> "And there were three Shards at Locus Vulcan before they got suspicious of us and left to confer with their lord to prep for the big meeting we're going to be having with them and multiple Imperators from our side."
<Theresa> "We have a large rabbit watching him."
<Ftisk> "T. that excrucians become suspicious of us is a good thing for pr?"
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "And there's Ymera Caesar, here, he's a friend of yours..."
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Okay. Now... I guess I need a simple answer, if I'm going to be able to help you. How, in light of all this, can I know that you /aren't/ in league with Them."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Because..."
<DanteE> "You know what, we should move figuring out what happened on Breach Day to top priority."
<Dionyl_Kite> "I think he's not an Excrucian. Just something not yet categorized which Lord Entropy likes to call a Wildlord."
<Ftisk> "But Cesar define himself -totally not an excrucian, honest!-"
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "If you mention giant ants to me, Samuel, I will /cut/ you."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: " comment."
<DanteE> "I don't want to lose Creation! That's where I keep all my stuff!"
<Ftisk> "Giant ant? "
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "It's a movie."
<Random_Nerd> (http://upload.
<Brian> "because hamburgers and cheese fries."
<Theresa> "Well, I don't suppose being given the Box would be evidence. Would you take an oath? An honest oath?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Anyway, how /would/ you cut me? I mean, I'm not made of meat."
<Random_Nerd> C: "Is that a challenge?"
<Ftisk> "Is that part of a courting ritual Sam?"
<Random_Nerd> He thinks about it. "No, not really."
<Random_Nerd> William gives you a Look, Ftisk.
- Dionyl_Kite to Ftisk, "Shhh!"
- Ftisk will pout back to Will
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Look, I'm not here in an official capacity. I'm here as a friend, or at least an associate. But this looks bad, guys."
<DanteE> (I never did buy any kind of offensive-truth thing, did I)
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Shards, possible Mimics, Entropy..."
<Random_Nerd> (Not that I can recall.)
<Ftisk> "and your suggestion is..."
<DanteE> "If we were entirely in cahoots with Entropy, we wouldn't have Aides.
<Theresa> "We have a list of the people coming to our meeting, if that would help."
<DanteE> "We'd have Cammorrae."
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Well... how can I trust you? In light of what I know?"
<Brian> "because Sam."
<Dionyl_Kite> "Would dumping the Baalhermon box into the ocean sever the Entropy thing?"
<Ftisk> "Because we are very responsible guys?"
<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. How's Dante's honesty-affliction phrased?)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Clarity, if I was going to be in league with Excrucian or Entropian minions, we would be /more subtle than this/."
<DanteE> (One sec...)
<Ftisk> "Or because the paranoid bastard that Patterns is _trust_ Dante?"
<Theresa> (...thanks, Sam. I feel insulted.)
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "It sounds good, but I don't think Luc would buy the 'we're so /obviously/ suspicious that we must be totally innocent' argument."
<Brian> "this is clearly the acts of bumbling idiots."
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Granting the premise..."
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Because, I mean, that's a rumor, too. That you're either incredibly devious political manipulators, or lucky idiots, or somehow kinda both."
<Theresa> "Would Excrucians or Entropites have helped Barakiel fuse with a Lawbreaker?"
<Ftisk> "I'm clever manipulator off course!"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "It's totally the third one."
<DanteE> (It's just 'Affliction: Honest')
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Hmm. That is a reasonable point."
<Random_Nerd> (How many points?)
<Theresa> "We're new to being Nobles, by most standards of measurement. I'm willing to lay claim to the second of your theories."
<Dionyl_Kite> "Is it? Thank everything!"
<DanteE> (3)
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Barakiel has a longstanding reputation as hostile to both Entropy and the Enemy. What part did you have in... whatever happened there?"
<Ftisk> "We madw him! ... kidding"
<Brian> "we sorta convinced him it was a good idea"
<DanteE> "Cross between a Greek chorus and the Three Stooges, really.)
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Could you get Barakiel to vouch for you?"
<Theresa> "He summoned a Lawbreaker. We helped to test that it was one. One of our group was given the ability to try to kill Entropy with no consequences. A revelation through all of this caused Barakiel to fuse with the Lawbreaker, has backwards-through-time implications."
<DanteE> "Probably, but what good would that do?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Hmm. Some of his Nobles, at least."
<Dionyl_Kite> "I can't predict Lord Barakiel."
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Well, we're pretty sure that /he's/ not in league with Entropy."
<DanteE> "We are on good terms with Consequences and Shadows."
<Ftisk> "We can call Shadow... as Dante Said"
<Dionyl_Kite> "Duty has an Aide, yes?"
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Consequences... yeah, that carries weight. Okay. I can work with this. What else do you have?"
<Brian> "we're also in good terms with Jan Ben Jan"
- Theresa wiggles missing fingers and such at Clarity.
<Ftisk> (Mostly one of us)
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Do you know why he's gone peculiar? More than before, that is."
<DanteE> (JbJ loves me. :) )
<Theresa> "We're bringing one of our favorite humans with us to the meeting?"
<Dionyl_Kite> "Are we still? I thought he wasn't seeing us anymore."
<Theresa> "We paid for a very very big question."
<Brian> "I know why he's gone peculiar. I think."
<Ftisk> "Nah, he is shocking and covering in fear but otherwise all ok"
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Mostly he isn't seeing /anyone/."
<Theresa> "What he Saw...disturbed him."
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "What happened?"
<Brian> "I asked him a question he didn't want to answer"
<Dionyl_Kite> "Thank goodness it's not just us!"
<Brian> (insert storytime)
<DanteE> "Turns out part of the answer involved him."
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Hmm."
<Ftisk> "We _have_ to help him go over that!"
<Theresa> "He saw what would happen to Barakiel. And other things."
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Okay. William, you wanted to know what I thought. And on the one hand, I don't think I have an argument that will straight out persuade Luc. But on the other... /I/ believe you."
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "So I can do two things for you. First, I can talk to the Aides, try to get them to stop backing away from you."
- Ftisk rubs hand "oh this is touching and heartwarming!" *pat Clarity*
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "And second, I did a bit of checking on my own, because one of those pictures looked familiar to me."
<Brian> (Sara is bored. She's torturing me...)
<Brian> (:P)
<Random_Nerd> She pulls out her briefcase and opens it, pulling out a copy of the female unidentified photo.
<DanteE> (Those pics are from Entropy, right?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yes.)
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "This one isn't a Noble at all. It's an Aide, and we've met, we had classes together. She's on assignment with the Power of Orchards."
<Dionyl_Kite> "Huh."
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Further, her Noble is /not/ one of the pictures. I looked that up myself."
- Ftisk jump over and over excited to have a lead
<Theresa> (For Sara: http://www. That should buy you some time. :) )
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Part of the Familia of Orchards, Squares, and Beer. Don't ask me why those are the same Family, because I don't know. Magister of the Light."
- Theresa perks up at the name.
<Dionyl_Kite> (Square Dancing)
<Ftisk> "The imperator os the imp of parties?"
<DanteE> "The Darkest Lord considers an Aide more 'dangerous' than her Noble?"
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "I don't know. It doesn't make sense to me. But I'm sure that's her."
<Theresa> "Would you say that Luc is more or less dangerous than his Noble?"
<Random_Nerd> (Good point.)
<Ftisk> "point T!"
<DanteE> "Good point."
<Dionyl_Kite> "Is she particularly active...somehow?"
<DanteE> "In any case, considering you control both Trees and Hops you should meet that familia."
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "Somewhat. But not... not Consequences active, say."
<Dionyl_Kite> "Hmm."
<Dionyl_Kite> "What's her name?"
<DanteE> "... Got it."
<Random_Nerd> She puts a folder on the table.
<DanteE> "We should be more social."
<Theresa> (Do we really want to go poking at people Entropy thought might cause Jerren trouble?)
<Random_Nerd> C: "Maria Willard. And... don't push her too hard, she's a good person."
- Dionyl_Kite looks at the folder
<DanteE> (Hi, have we met? :p )
<Ftisk> "I can coordinate Nobilis parties on weekly basis :-D "
<Theresa> (Sorry, tired. Forgot who I was talking to. :) )
<Random_Nerd> It has contact info for her, and a floral diagram for her Noble and his family.
<Dionyl_Kite> "Given the people in the photos, I don't doubt she's a good person."
<Theresa> "We just need an excuse to go meet."
<Random_Nerd> C: "Oh... one thing. She's not like William. She's not Anchored, but she works /specifically/ for Orchards."
<Random_Nerd> C: "Like Gil here."
<Random_Nerd> Gil stands up from his chair and shrugs.
<DanteE> "You have one. _You're Plants._ "
<Dionyl_Kite> "Gil is Anchored."
<Theresa> "Has she been leaning toward leaving the Aides recently?"
<Random_Nerd> C: "He is? That's fantastic! Congratulations!"
<Theresa> "Yes, I'm Plants, but that doesn't mean that Metal comes by and gives you a noogie and wants to know what you were up to last weekend, does it?"
<Ftisk> "Why? what? congratulation?"
<Random_Nerd> C: "I don't know, we haven't been in contact since we had that class together."
<Dionyl_Kite> "Yes. Yes he is. I am proud of him."
<Random_Nerd> C: "I really do need to get a Noble-specific job. There's only so far you can advance when you've got a home office job."
<DanteE> "He would if he was going around meeting Nobles of 'close' Estates in an effort to become more integrated into the Society of Flowers."
<DanteE> "You know, like we are."
<Random_Nerd> C: "You want my advice? If not, tough, because here it comes. Don't be all sneaky."
<Dionyl_Kite> "Sounds good."
<Random_Nerd> C: "She's a decent person, and I think you can trust her. Just tell her what's up, that her photo came up in a weird context along with a photo of yours."
<Theresa> "We're not good at sneaky."
<Ftisk> "You see me? I can't do sneaks not even for my life on stakes"
<Random_Nerd> C: "So I hear."
<Ftisk> sneaky*
<Random_Nerd> C: "But seriously, the star-eyes thing is /creepy/."
<Ftisk> "ah! Is fun not creepy!"
<Dionyl_Kite> "I can make you a shaded monocle, Ftisk."
<Theresa> (The stars would probably shine through.)
<Dionyl_Kite> "It can be any color you like."
- Ftisk hug Clarity "But thanks, I appreciate your honest talk"
<Theresa> "Thank you very much for your help on this, Ms. Clarity and Gil. We appreciate it."
<Brian> (end at end of scene?)
<DanteE> "You know, we make enough trouble that we could use another Aide. :p "
<Ftisk> "nah, I'm proud of my eyes, both of them"
<DanteE> "If you're serious about that whole non-desk-job thing."
<Random_Nerd> Gil: "Well, I'm just doing my job."
<Ftisk> (ok to end at end scene)
<DanteE> (Didn't you lose an eye to JbJ, Ftisk?)
<Random_Nerd> C: "And I just had to hear this."
<Ftisk> (yep I'm proud of had given that eye to JbJ)
<Random_Nerd> (Yes, a while back.)
- Dionyl_Kite Assembles a brooch for Clarity. He'll offer to give Gil a special request later.
<Random_Nerd> (But we never established how many eyes the Ftisk form normally has.)
<Random_Nerd> Clarity: "For now... I'd like to at least wait for this to blow over before I accept."
<Ftisk> (my statement mean that I'm proud of my eye on Ftisk with starts and that I give one to JbJ)
<Random_Nerd> C: "If I support you with the Aides, and at the same time accept a job with you, it looks bad."
<DanteE> "Ah yes."
- Ftisk nod "Understandable"
<Ftisk> *nod
<DanteE> "We'll try not to taint your reputation any more than being our liaison does."
<Random_Nerd> C: "But after this calms down... we can talk about it. Maybe you can at least find me a placement with a Noble you know."
<Ftisk> *whisper* "too late Dante"
<Random_Nerd> C: "Anyway, I'll see what I can do, but no promises."
- Ftisk nod
<Theresa> "We understand and thank you for looking into this."
<Dionyl_Kite> "Thank you, Clarity."
<DanteE> to Theresa: "Should we go and see Orchards?"
<Theresa> (Why did Sam need the teeth?)
<Random_Nerd> She nods, and does a somewhat stylized bow.
<DanteE> (to smile at Clarity.)
<Random_Nerd> (He wanted to do a Cheshire Cat Grin.)
<Theresa> "Kite needs to do his demonstration first. Then we can go."
<Random_Nerd> (Mind if we call it a night here?)
<DanteE> "Ah yes."
<Dionyl_Kite> "Right!"
<DanteE> (Sure)
<Ftisk> (sure)
<Dionyl_Kite> (fine with me)
<Random_Nerd> ______________STOP____________
<Brian> night
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
<Random_Nerd> G'night, Laz.
<Angelo> bye Brian
|<-- Brian has left (Disintegrated: Brian)
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
=-= Dionyl_Kite is now known as Verithe
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
<Angelo> not the direction I was expecting things to turn
<Knockwood> I was considering saying "I like Creation, everyone I love is there."
<Random_Nerd> Oh? What were you expecting?
<Knockwood> How would everyone have reacted to the L-word?"
<Verithe> It's safe on Dionyl, Knock.
<Angelo> I was not expecting out status to effect aides
<Random_Nerd> In an audience of Aides... pretended they hadn't heard it.
<Verithe> Just don't love people on Earth.
<Random_Nerd> But yes, V is right.
<Knockwood> "See, I can't be with Entropy if I do _that_."
<Random_Nerd> Entropy's law is law of Earth.
<Random_Nerd> Oh, something that I wanted to point out. A few years ago, you were Nobles that nobody had heard of who hadn't personally met you.
<Random_Nerd> As of now, you are generally known by Nobles of Earth, and some elsehwere.
<Angelo> and Ftisk say l-word before entropy and survived ... they must be friend then, if they are friend Ftisk friends are entropy friends!
<BethE> I feel like we're probably known through the Noble equivalent of tabloids.
<Knockwood> you almost didn't survive, Ftisk
<Angelo> almost don't matter!
<Angelo> All the recounts of that will scrape almost before they are retold 10th times
<Random_Nerd> And, the Aides /will/ be back in your corner soon.
<Random_Nerd> This is a temporary thing.
<Angelo> spice to our life
<Random_Nerd> And Imperial miracles tend to grind those away, it just can take a little time.
<Knockwood> BTW, how many pictures have yet to be IDd?
<Random_Nerd> Two.
<Knockwood> oh, did anybody get Destiny?
<Angelo> btw I go and grab some sleep. was a fun session. Night
<Knockwood> g'night Angelo
<Random_Nerd> The two you haven't IDed yet are:
<Random_Nerd> Male, human, Caucasian, has the sort of beard and hair you expect to see on a respected actor or politician.
<Random_Nerd> Human...ish. Male. Somewhat odd facial bone structure. Bald, could be shaved or natural. Eyes in a dark grey color not often seen on living humans.
<Random_Nerd> The one that looked to have at least some angelic ancestry.
<Random_Nerd> On the one hand, I don't think you specifically earned Destiny.
<Knockwood> so, for the first one, we just have to watch out for Kelsey Grammer
<Random_Nerd> On the other, you Got Shit Done.
<Knockwood> (specifically how he looked in that TNG episode)
<Random_Nerd> Oh? I don't recall that.
<Random_Nerd> *googles*
<Knockwood> http://en
<Knockwood> maybe a touch less scruffy
<Random_Nerd> Hmm. Less rumpled than that, darker hair, less receded hairline.
<Random_Nerd> Anyway, I gotta crash. See you next week for Glass.
<Knockwood> well, he did just go through a time warp that almost destroyed his ship
<Knockwood> Cya next week, RN
<Random_Nerd> That's always rough.
<Verithe> Take care!
<Verithe> I'm out as well.
<Random_Nerd> G'night, guys. Good session.
|<-- Verithe has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 15.0.1/20120905151427])
|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
<BethE> Night, guys! *HUGS*
<Knockwood> g'night Beth
|<-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla [Firefox 15.0.1/20120905151427])
<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis
Chapter 34