Dreams of a Fallen Crown:House Rules
Reflexive Charms
- Reflexive charms do not prevent the use of other charms, nor are they prevented by other charms. They do not have to be combo'ed. This effectively expands the Terrestrial charm advantage to apply to all Essence users.
- (Ability) Essence Flow (CB:187)
- Replace current effect with: Any activation of this Ability's Excellency charms apply to each roll and calculated value of this Abiliity for the remainder of the current tick.
- Protection of Celestial Bliss (CB:194)
- Also allows the stored Heavenly Guardian Defense uses to be applied against unexpected attacks. Additionaly, allows for a free weapon-draw when triggered, thus allowing it to be used when a weapon is available, but not in-hand.
- Durability of Oak Meditation (CB:206)
- Cost has been changed to 1 mote.
- Flow Like Blood (CB:227)
- Also allows user to ignore Multiple Attacker rules in their entirety.