Mr. Gale
A character in Demon:_Toronto
Mr. Gale
- Incarnation: Psychopomp
- Agenda: Inquisitor
- Virtue: Karmic Balance
- Vice: Dispassionate
- Strength 2
- Dexterity 2
- Stamina 2
- Athletics 3
- Firearms 1
- Presence 2
- Manipulation 3
- Composure 3
- Expression 2: Guitar
- Persuasion 2
- Subterfuge 3
- Intelligence 2
- Wits 3
- Resolve 3
- Academics 2: Local History
- Crafts 2: Electronics
- Investigation 2
- Occult 3
- Science 2: Meteorology (bad for cover)
- Primum 2
- Willpower 6
- Resources 2
- Suborned Infrastructure 1 (A concealed basement room under the campus radio tower. The linchpin is a mass of vacuum tubes.)
- Eye for the Strange
- Combustion: Wits + Science (178)
- Freeze Assets: Manipulation + Academics – Resources (192)
- Interference: Manipulation + Subterfuge (209) (1st Key)
- Everybody Knows: Manipulation + Subterfuge (220)
Barton Dietrich, College Professor. Rating: 7
- Barton Dietrich is a tenured professor slotted somewhat sideways into the humanities and communications department of the University of Toronto. He is currently on a year-long paid sabbatical. He teaches a scattering of courses in folklore (Occult), local history (Academics: Local History) and Japanese (Demons speak all languages, natch, and Barton spent a couple years living in Japan and teaching ESL.) As a young man, Barton was a radio operator and technician in the Canadian military. For this reason, he is also involved as faculty advisor to the campus radio station, and has access to that building at all times. Barton is considered highly eccentric and rather glib by his department chair, and his sabbatical research project is "Modern urban anthropological studies regarding the industrial culture of first-world nations." This apparently involves photographing a lot of factories and power plants and interviewing the people who work there. Barton Dietrich is a trim man in his mid fifties who comes off as an old hippie.
2. ????. Rating: 0
- Check the campus for other Infrastructure (short term)
- Obtain a weapon in case trouble comes looking for him (short term)
- Construct a comfortable patchwork cover (long-term)
Demonic Form
Mr. Gale's demonic form is a disk-shaped hull with numerous glowing panels and neon running lights. Its limbs are long mechanical tentacles that extend from the edges or underside of the disk, and it has a variety of antennae, radar dishes, and sensors on the upper surface.
- Sense the Angelic: Wits + Investigation (302)
- Rivet Arm: (Welding/Cutting Laser) Wits + Firearms, 3L or +2 Tool Bonus (302)
- Armor Plates: 3/2 (298)
- Aura Sight: Wits + Investigation (304)
- Clairvoyant Sight (306)
- Teleportation (312)
- Memory Theft, Manipulation + Subterfuge – Composure (316)
Mr. Gale fell almost instantly on being instantiated into the world. He walked out into the windswept streets of Toronto, watched some leaves fly past, and disconnected with all the casualness of Mr. Rogers taking his shoes off when he arrives home. His original purpose was to do something involving weather monitoring and adjustment of occult matrices to fit meteorological conditions. Since his Fall, he has suborned some infrastructure located in the basement of the campus radio station, and connected to the broadcasting tower. His Fall is actually a serious source of anxiety for him, because he has no idea why he did it. He is left with the suspicion either that he was somehow created to fall (which is terrifying, as he greatly values life Unchained, and does not wish to either die or be reintegrated. In fact, he thinks Integrators are dangerous lunatics), or else that he made the most important possible decision of his existence with no rational basis, on a mere whim. That would make him a depressingly shallow person at bare minimum.
Mr. Gale has a leather messenger bag with a laptop and smartphone, both of which are connected with and appropriate to his Cover as Professor Barton Dietrich. The good professor also came along with a smartcar (which Mr. Gale hates), a pleasant but not spacious apartment full of weird art and books (and a water bong...), and a wardrobe with lots of brown leather footwear, tweed jackets with patches on the elbows, jeans, etc.
Five Questions
• Who did you share part of yourself with when you first Fell? He couldn't sleep the first few days after falling, and ended up visiting the campus radio station during a midnight to two AM talk radio program focusing on mysteries, strange phenomena, call-ins, etc. The planned guest didn't show up, and so Barton Dietrich was roped into helping out the students by helping them field calls and theorize on Toronto forteana for a couple hours. His interests and mode of interaction, and wide-ranging discussion into philosophy and life in general, is as honest and unguarded as he's ever been. He went home afterward and slept as a human for the first time.
• Who doesn’t know, but suspects you’re not human? He's also one of the faculty advisers for the campus wiccan/pagan/occult group. The president of that group is a young woman who has realized that he actually believes in occult phenomena, rather than being just another academic humoring them. He has casually used a few turns of phrase in conversation with her that make her think he is not who he appears to be.
• Who could give you up to the angels right now, if they really wanted to? Cassie Sierra, internet-famous information broker.
• Who would you trust the truest part of yourself with if you absolutely had to? There is a Catholic priest who occasionally does ministry on the campus (and, for the sake of cool visuals, works in the fanciest cathedral in the city (St. Michael's, I think.) Mr. Gale has not an iota of belief in the man's religion, but there are times when he wishes he could spill his guts under the seal of confession, simply to say what he feels unguarded.
• Who thinks they have something on you, when all they really have is smoke and mirrors? His department chair has an intense dislike of him, thinking him an unprofessional academic charlatan who is more interested in chasing impressionable undergraduate co-eds than he is in whatever scraps of education he might accidentally manage to impart in the classroom. Her opinion is not entirely unfounded. However, he realized that she was investigating him and used Memory Theft on her to sabotage her attempts to gather dirt on him. She is totally mistaken about the nature and quantity of her evidence, and will appear incredibly foolish or potentially criminally dishonest if she attempts to use the evidence against him.