The Snow Vulture, Ajin

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Arjin, The Snow Vulture
Dragoon (Ascended Warrior/Shadowed Guide)
A commoner Oath child who has achieved nobility, and has a burning desire to continue upending how the Raksha live

The Snow Vulture wears his own feathers and the skin of a Polar Bear beastman, nothing else. He is bald with a sharp nose and the glassy black eyes of a bird. Supporting his huge body are taloned bird legs.


To lay ruin to the Wyld so he may see the ruin-value of raw potential


PHYSICAL: Strength 7, Dexterity 7, Stamina 7
SOCIAL: Charisma 5, Manipulation 3, Appearance 5
MENTAL: Perception 8, Intelligence 4, Wits 6


Caste Abilities

Integrity 4 Survival 4 War 4 Presence 4 Stealth 3

Favored Abilities

Martial Arts 5 (Talons +1) Awareness 5 (Spotting Prey +1) Athletics 5 (Flying +1)

Unfavored Abilities

Dodge 2 Occult 1



Rated: 3 His old war band and hunting party, along with a monstrous creature they hunted in the Deep Wyld.


Rated: 2 Created as a heroic commoner (a Warrior) as an Oath child, Ajin existed to lead a war band forged from the remnants of two others after a disastrous attack on creation. The surviving leaders swore oaths to forever unite their forces, and set Ajin as the one who held the responsibility of actually leading the forces.


Rated: 3 He has had a very successful time in securing lucrative raids of relatively unprotected Workers, vivid dreamers in the North, and spots where gossamer accumulates in the Wyld. None of it is a traditionally stable resource, and much of it is leftover after the conflicts of others. He is, after all, a vulture.


Rated: 2 His old war band and hunting party, including his "parents" who now serve him since his ascension to nobility.


Rated: 4 The Wyld loves someone committed to upheaval and sweeping aside what is, even if that includes the Wyld itself.



Assumption of Bestial Visage: Shapes a form in Creation like that of a vulture. He has the permanent version. He has feathers (like fur mutation) and talons due to this Assumption. (GWM 157, SoE 71) Unassailable Tower of Glamour: All Stunt dice into auto-successes for 1 gossamer. (SoE 71) Bastion of Self (Sword): Immune to non-magical attacks and Sword-attacks (no Charms / stunts). (GWM 168, SoE 78)

Cup Charms

Ravage the Created Form: Devour Perception or Valor. (GWM 176, SoE82) Banquet of Crumbs: Ambient Essence absorbing in Creation. (GWM 178, SoE83)

Sword Charms

Second Sword Excellency: Essence for automatic successes on Sword actions (2 motes -> 1 success). (GWM 154) Unparalleled Terror Technique: Count successes on Sword / Staff attacks twice for damage. Poison dreams so that instead of Willpower recovery after sleep, suffer damage. (GWM 210, SoE 96) Pincer of Transcendent Time and Fate: Two full shaping attacks, Sword or Staff. Two physical attacks at full dice pool. (GWM 210, SoE 96) Fearsome Mien: Inflict terror that imposes penalty on Sword / Staff attacks against the Raksha, invoke innate power in Creation to terrify Creation born so they suffer penalty to all dice pools when interacting with the Raksha. Anyone with permanent trait reduction from being fed on automatically has such a penalty (GWM 214, SoE 98) Gossamer Wings of Flight: Vulture wings to fly on. (SoE 100) Glorious Hero Form: Upping stats like crazy. (GWM 217, SoE 100) x2

Way Charms

First Way Excellency: Essence for extra dice on Way actions (1 mote -> 1 die). (GWM 154) Peerless Mastery of the Way: Parry any shaping attack with Way DV. (SoE 62)


  • The Freehold (Hateful)
  • His Retinue
  • Heroic Commoners In General


Essence: 3
Personal: #
Committed: #




Conscience: 1
Conviction: 3
Temperance: 2
Valor: 5 (Lure: The Beauty of Ruin—When confronted with that which is meant to truly last, he is drawn to annihilate it)


The Heart: 3
The Cup: 2
The Staff: 3
The Ring: 2
The Sword: 5
The Way: 7

Shaping Combat

Heart DV: 5

Cup Combat

Cup Attack: 7
Cup Damage: 3
Cup DV: 4
Cup Soak: 12
Cup Health Levels: 3

Staff Combat

Staff Attack: 5
Staff Damage: 5
Staff DV: 3
Staff Soak: 12
Staff Health Levels: 6

Ring Combat

Ring Attack: 8
Ring Damage: 8
Ring DV: 4
Ring Soak: 13
Ring Health Levels: 4

Sword Combat

Sword Attack: 12
Sword Damage: 7
Sword DV: 6
Sword Soak: 14
Sword Health Levels: 10

Way Combat

Way Attack: 12
Way Damage: 6
Way DV: 6
Way Soak: 13
Way Health Levels: 12

Physical Combat

Dodge DV: 5
Parry DV: 6
Bashing Soak: 6
Lethal Soak: 3
Aggravated Soak: 0
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incap


Four mutation points from Glorious Hero Form


List your stuff here, including combat stats if you have weapons, and magical descriptions (including Charms for glamour sorcery). Remember to include descriptions of your five Graces, each are a physical artifact.


Include stats or a link to stats as we make them for any commoner raksha, behemoths, or servants you possess


Ajin was formed as an Oath Child as part of the creation of a War Band / Hunting Pack. The Wake of Snow Vultures terrorized the north-east border of creation under the direction of the Anarch who formed Arjin. A hero among the commoners, Ajin craved from the moment of his creation. Not the desires of the Cup, but the ruin of things, the way it brought change. He saw building as a way to produce glorious ruins. Raising an army as a means to create a carrion field that provoked terror. Creation, he dimly considered, existed to go through endless degradation until it was the most epic of all ruins. A wrecked and broken shell. He heard rumour that the creators of it suffered such already.

When he gained a Way Grace by turning his talons on the right victim, he awakened to a greater desire. The Wyld itself had patterns and currents, forms and designs. It too must exist to be laid waste. He cannot begin to fathom what the ruins of limitless dreams and potential are, but he will find out by his talons and drive.

Until, of course, he turns his attentions elsewhere and changes his story as all Raksha must.


Despite growing in power, Ajin fundamentally remains a warrior that feasts on ruin. While he once sought only sites of likely battle, he feels compelled now to topple that which is said to be permanent. So far he has yet to turn his eye on Creation as a target, instead feeling the bitterness of life as a commoner still and focusing on that which is before him. The society of Raksha and the state of his birth that led him forever shaped draws his ire, and he takes it out on any that he can. Cruel with an intensity and commitment almost reminiscent of the Creation born, Ajin lays himself bare. His is a story without artifice or deceit. It is an ending, a final page, and he grimly glories in it.

Goals and Motivations

To see all things in ruin, to topple the social structure of a Freehold, and of all Raksha. To bring the high low and grind the low into dust.