Session 249

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Chapter 35

=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix

-->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis

=-= Topic for #Nobilis is ``MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN

=-= Topic for #Nobilis was set by Verithe on 29 marzo 2013 02:24:55

<Angelo> Hi guys! :-)

<Verithe> Hi, Angelo!

<Random_Nerd> Huh. Angelo!

<Knockwood> Hiya Angelo

<Random_Nerd> I thought you wouldn't be here.

<Angelo> I was unsure if I can be.

<Angelo> But André has been a good boy so I made it :-)

<lazarus> yay Angelo!

<Knockwood> oh, your kid?

<lazarus> (I, myself, am on the tail end of a sick. Arg.)

<Angelo> yep the big one of the two got fever today and so was possible that I would have been so tired to not even show up.

<Knockwood> I wondered, your email looked like a bad auto-translation. :/

<Random_Nerd> Well, if you're too tired, or you have stuff to do, it's okay.

<Angelo> nono no need for bad auto translation, my English is bad enough by itself! :-P

<Random_Nerd> Oh, that reminds me of something I'd been meaning to ask. A random thought I'd had... what would you guys think of, at some point in the future, trying to do the game via voice chat rather than text?

<Random_Nerd> Because I was noticing that we tend to either sit around waiting for everyone else to talk, or all talk over each other.

<lazarus> I wouldn't mind that.

-->| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis

<Angelo> well, today we will start looking into Ftisk's estate attack... I feel compelled to be there

<lazarus> I have good enough internets.

<Knockwood> you realize that would get worse over voice

<BethE> HI guys! *HUGS* I will be bouncing between computer and kitchen. Making a low-carb carrot cake.

<Angelo> I fell like not torturing you with my voice.

<lazarus> clam chowder starts with salted pork? Huh. Did not know that.

<BethE> I hope the child is doing better, Angelo?

<Random_Nerd> Well, worse in some ways.

<Verithe> I'd rather not do voice chat.

<Random_Nerd> But it would be less the "conversation splits into seventeen fragments."

<Random_Nerd> That's fine, then.

<Random_Nerd> Just a random idea I had.

<Angelo> TY Beth he is enduring.

<Random_Nerd> I forget... how old is he?

<Verithe> It's not a bad idea. It's just....our apartment has thin walls and we're usually still playing after my wife goes to bed.

<Angelo> André is 8.

<Angelo> And on the voice I can try from the kitchen if we want to have a test session to test the water

<Random_Nerd> *nod* If it's not feasible, that's fine.

<BethE> There, cake in the oven

<Random_Nerd> So. Last session, you'd resolved the first estate attack in an unexpected way with strange and frightening long-term implications!

<Knockwood> as usual

<Angelo> ditto

<lazarus> How did we do it, again?

<Random_Nerd> Now, you have another one, halfway across the world!

<Knockwood> Well, we accidentally convinced the guy that we were too pathetic to keep attacking.

<Verithe> We convinced the reverend that we would be civilian casualties.

<Random_Nerd> Basically, you convinced the excrucian that Nobles are, basically, just dupes in the whole War thing. So he's left to go work on a way to deal with things without hurting you.

<Angelo> being so lowly to move to compassion the deceiver. He believe we are gonzo peoples fooled by their imp

<lazarus> oh right

<BethE> We made a Deceiver think we were so pitiful that he let us go and is probably going to work against Kudzu.

<Random_Nerd> By your imperator, that is. Puck the Imp is, of course, not an evil mastermind who influences your every action from the shadows.

<Knockwood> cuz we're AWESOME like that

<Random_Nerd> That reminds me. For the storyline after/during this... do you guys want to call dibs on NPCs? I know V wanted Gil...

<Verithe> Gil! Gil! Gil!

<BethE> (Puck wouldn't be able to stay quiet in the shadows.)

<Angelo> dibs on Gnomely!

<lazarus> I could do Sam

<Random_Nerd> Makes sense, with the whole anchor thing.

<Random_Nerd> So, Knock? Beth?

<Knockwood> Hm...

<Angelo> who will play the demon?

<BethE> Not sure yet. Who do you want, Knock?

<Knockwood> well, who else would be involved? William is obvious...

<BethE> Lesson's pretty good as an NPC, I think.

<Random_Nerd> John...

<Knockwood> ah yeah, forgot Lesson.

<Random_Nerd> Lesson, or his various sub-minions.

<Random_Nerd> The imp.

<Angelo> or Lesson assistance

<Verithe> Will's fiancée

<Angelo> there are really many, many npc here!

<Verithe> Red

<Random_Nerd> That's why I wanted to do this!

<Angelo> !_! Is there also Theresa man

<Knockwood> so, choices: William, Lesson, Puck, John, Red, William's fiancée... Lesson's human assistant...

<Random_Nerd> Oh, right, with the memory thing...

<BethE> We haven't met your refurbished Theresa's husband yet.

<Random_Nerd> How about not him.

<Random_Nerd> I... may have plans involving him for later.

<Random_Nerd> Hypothetically.

<Random_Nerd> You can prove nothing.

<Knockwood> Please ignore the maniacal laughing.

<lazarus> suspect, though?

<Angelo> mine? no no T, is your, all your! /me evil grin :-P

<Random_Nerd> Yeah! That's not demonic laughter, it's just... a car backfiring. Yeah.

<Random_Nerd> (I almost typed "a cat backfiring.")

  • Angelo pats RN

<lazarus> "cat backfiring"?

<Knockwood> well, can you tell us the basic story you're planning?

<Verithe> Hah!

<lazarus> (I read it as that anyway, RN :p)

<BethE> If your cat is backfiring, there are problems...

<Knockwood> quit feeding it beans

<Random_Nerd> The basic story is... okay. For the PCs, everything crazy is happening at once. Two simultaneous flower attacks, all that. So you're out of home for a while.

<Random_Nerd> Normally, when stuff like this goes on, you only see your minions when you specifically bring them, or call them to ask them to do things.

<Random_Nerd> So, the idea is to do a cross between a day in the life for them... and their own equivalent of "when everything goes wrong at once."

<Angelo> cool!

<Random_Nerd> So, remember! Anything you ask your minions to do now... you may have to deal with that next storyline!

<Knockwood> Beth, what if we play William & fiancée?

<lazarus> oh hurray, we get to solve our own problems

<Random_Nerd> The idea was, there'll be one big thing to deal with, and then each of you will likely have minor personal stuff as well.

<Random_Nerd> Like, Gnomely's TV show. William's upcoming marriage.

<BethE> I think I'd rather play John.

<Knockwood> Actually, I was thinking earlier... William is unaging now, right?

<Random_Nerd> Yeah.

<Verithe> Is he?

<Random_Nerd> I think that Brian did that a while back.

<Knockwood> one of the things we gave him when he took the contract

<lazarus> seem to recall it

<Random_Nerd> Not the full gift, but a preservation miracle.

<Verithe> Sweet!

<Angelo> weird side effects of Noble's employments :-P

<Knockwood> slight glitch in that his fiancée isn't

<Random_Nerd> Nope.

<BethE> Would be common, I'd think. And he could probably get an equivalent for his bride. Heck, we could do that as a wedding present.

<Random_Nerd> And she's... /aware/ of the whole Noble thing, but she doesn't really have a gut-level grasp on how big a deal it is.

<Knockwood> I could play William, and part of the plot could be considering whether to ask the regular PCs to make his fiancée unaging

<Random_Nerd> That'd work.

<Random_Nerd> And yes, that's a very William thing to worry about.

<Verithe> A good husband discusses this with his wife-to-be before asking the volatile Nobles for the gift.

<Knockwood> (I do OK with making plots for others to resolve.

<Knockwood> (Should see the community MLP fanfics I started.)

<Random_Nerd> Huh. William as the Twilight Sparkle to you guys' Princess Celestia.

<Angelo> Ftisk is more pinky pie-ish

<Knockwood> Not really, the princess knows what she's doing.

<Random_Nerd> Nah, she just gives that impression.

<lazarus> MLP is on Netflix here in Canada now :)

<Random_Nerd> Okay. So, we have Angelo as Gnomely, Laz as Sam, Beth as John, V as Gil, and Knock as William.

  • Angelo nod

<Knockwood> laz: my fav is still "Winter Wrap-Up"

<Angelo> woot is a real long time Gnomely don't get some show time

<Knockwood> and it's somewhat appropriate now

<lazarus> haven't seen much beyond the first season, I think.

<Random_Nerd> Damn you, now that song is stuck in my head.

<Knockwood> Means less brains devoted to our enemies! Muahhahhahhah!

<lazarus> the theme is stuck in my head, but that's ok, Brian's a little airheaded at times :)

<Angelo> yep! I approve

<Random_Nerd> So! Estate attack on Machinery! California!

<Angelo> so to the Dante mobile! To California!

<Knockwood> (Come to think of it, if our aides are home, how do we know how to get there?)

<Random_Nerd> You're all in Afghanistan, about half an hour from Kabul and the nearest gateway to Amyra.

<Random_Nerd> (You can use Things of Amyra miracles to find out, or contact Sam and get him to check.)

<Random_Nerd> (And you know where the gateway you used to get here is.)

<lazarus> (I can Lesser Div the thing)

<Random_Nerd> Ready?

<Angelo> (or waaaaaaalk alooong waaay)

=-= Verithe is now known as Human-Kite

<Knockwood> hang on, everybody check your destiny maps

<Angelo> ready!

<Human-Kite> Ready!

<Random_Nerd> For that matter... doesn't Brian have Persona for Things Of Amyra? You can make gateways of your own that way if you want.

=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE

<Random_Nerd> ______________START___________________

=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk

<lazarus> (yeah, that too)

=-= lazarus is now known as Brian

=-= BethE is now known as Theresa

<Brian> "How fast an exit do we need?"

<DanteE> (Well, we're surrounded by soldiers who no longer know what we're doing here...)

<Random_Nerd> (Well, they've had about a day to consolidate the attack...)

<Random_Nerd> Around you, everyone is relatively calm.

<Random_Nerd> I mean... considering.

<DanteE> "Ftisk, how are you feeling?"

<Ftisk> we can calmly take the car and run away

<Random_Nerd> The Chapliscrutian probably did some kind of miracle to make them stay calm. Which, to be fair, is kinda his thing.

<DanteE> (IC, the attack's over, right?)

<Ftisk> "I fell an ache here " point to some place in the shell

<Random_Nerd> (Yes. You're still a bit sore, but you can tell that it got resolved.)

<Brian> (could someone play Tpyo?)

<DanteE> (OK, but do we know why IC?)

<DanteE> (Me! Em! mw!

<Theresa> (She would be too awesome for our mortal tries.)

<Random_Nerd> (He did a miracle of Persona to make them forget what he'd told them, basically.)

<Random_Nerd> (So the source of stress was removed, and he won't be adding more as far as you know.)

<Theresa> (Yeah, we know that he said he would quit his attack. You felt better.)

<Random_Nerd> (It's a bit of a crude solution, but inelegant or not, it worked.)

<Ftisk> (is mindmeister no more free? he ask for money to access my map)

<DanteE> "Hm. The attack on me has stopped, but for some reason I don't think this qualifies as a 'win'."

<Brian> "We survived. Win enough for now."

<DanteE> (Ftisk: you're limited in the number of maps you can get for free, I think)

<Random_Nerd> (Huh. I don't know, I haven't used it in a while...)

<Random_Nerd> (Ah.)

<Theresa> "You're alive, the soldiers are alive, let's go save Ftisk."

  • Ftisk nod nod

<DanteE> "Agreed. All aboard."

<Human-Kite> "All of the soldiers?"

<Ftisk> damsel voice on: "please save me!!!"

<Human-Kite> "Yes, my sibling!"

<DanteE> "Cute. Now where's the attack coming from?"

<Random_Nerd> None are currently dead because of you. Some were... mostly dead... for a while. But that got fixed.

<Ftisk> (I know is from California, right?)

<Theresa> *to V* "Dante used his healing magics and Carrie has some skills as well."

  • Human-Kite sighs.

<Random_Nerd> Even the car-bomber guy is alive, although he did get grabbed.

<Random_Nerd> (Correct.)

<Theresa> (It was still a lovely bomb, Kite. *pat pat*)

<DanteE> (Be more specific, though, California is huge.)

<Ftisk> "My bad feeling came from California! Ouch!"

<Random_Nerd> (You'll be able to narrow it down when you're there by the feel, if you don't have any other way to be more specific.)

<Human-Kite> "As long as this attack is off, it's alright, I guess."

<Human-Kite> "Awww....Ftisk hurts in the California...."

<Brian> "Where's our best stop out in Cali?"

<Ftisk> "Mit?"

<Human-Kite> "I forget, is California ruled by a despot or a parliament or what?"

<Brian> (My US geography is terrible. I want a place roughly central California.)

<DanteE> "First stop is back to Amyra... back the way we came."

<DanteE> (Sacramento.)

<Ftisk> "Silicon valley? The prairie were fake boobs grow?"

<Brian> (Sacramento will work.)

<Brian> "... wrong silicon, Ftisk."

<DanteE> (pretty much dead center)

<Ftisk> "duh!"

<Theresa> (Well, San Fran would be big enough city-wise.)

<Random_Nerd> (Silicone Valley is a /different/ place in California.)

<Theresa> (Fake boobs are also grown in Hollywood!)

<DanteE> (Well, they both have big cities.)

<DanteE> (Anyhoo, any problem going from Kabul to Amyra?)

<Brian> (what kind of miracle does making a path from here to there count as? ... awdamnit, I still haven't made myself a reference chart)

<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. "Amyra is full of portals to various places", right?)

<Ftisk> (I cannot access mine :-( )

<Brian> (something like that. I think I used Paths to Places, but)

<Random_Nerd> (So, an enchantment to make another place have paths to various places.)

<Random_Nerd> (Or... an emulation to make /Brian/ contain paths to various places.)

<DanteE> (Wouldn’t that stick around after we left, tho?)

<Random_Nerd> (Yep!)

<Brian> (Probably wouldn't with a Lesser.)

<Brian> (or, that would be cool)

<Human-Kite> (Heck, we could do that with the Dantemobile. File in, then file right back out....)

<Brian> (... I want to do that.)

<Random_Nerd> (But bear in mind, all these Amyra paths exist when you aren't using them. It's just that most people don't know how to find or use them.)

<Random_Nerd> (There are tricks to do it, but most folks don't know 'em.)

<DanteE> (Well, heck, why not give the Dantemobile the full TARDIS treatment? :) )

<Brian> (didn't we do that to the trunk?)

<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, you can do that with "has a varied and interesting geography...)

<DanteE> (Not explicitly. :) )

<Random_Nerd> (Man, this estate has really weird persona possibilities.)

<Ftisk> (yeah, I believe the Dante mobile is already able to do that)

<Brian> (That was part of the reason that I took it - I thought it would be neat and weird. We haven't really explored it yet, though)

<DanteE> "OK, so we need to get to central California in the United States."

<Ftisk> (found it! I had to DOWNGRADE my account to the basic one)

<Random_Nerd> ("My pants now have a rich religious history! My favorite brand of hamburger is sometimes hard to find!")

<Theresa> (There, cake out of the oven.)

<Human-Kite> "Oh! California is one of /those/ places!"

<DanteE> "Yes, in several ways. Wait, what do you mean?"

  • Ftisk shape like "?" my eye

<Human-Kite> (That's really strange, Angelo.)

<Human-Kite> "One of those United States places."

<Ftisk> ( /me nod @Verithe)

<Brian> "United States feels like a Chancel. Or a series of Chancels."

<DanteE> "OK, back to central Kabul, then back to Amyra, then we'll call Sam and get a path there..."

<Brian> "I can short-circuit that, and we can go from here over to Sacramento, if you want."

<Theresa> (I think Sam will be busy...)

<Ftisk> "Sure why not!"

<DanteE> "Considering it's an attack, that's probably a good idea.

<Theresa> "I think we should go straight to California. Who knows how hard it will be to help out Ftisk?"

<DanteE> "Theresa, check to make sure nobody's looking..."

<Brian> (I'll link outside-of-Kabul to just outside of Sacramento. Preferably the "main entrance", if there happens to be one in that city.)

<Random_Nerd> You can just drive up the road half a mile and nobody will be near enough.

<DanteE> (And can you set it up so we can just magically drive there? :) )

<Brian> (and spend N PMPs, where N is a number that is the closest power-of-two to miracle level - 1, I think.)

<Theresa> (Brian, please do not leave the door to California open so that a large number of Afghans end up invading the US...)

<Random_Nerd> (What's your Persona? Enchantment is 4.)

<Brian> (I shall pull that up. I think it's 1, which makes the cost 4, yeah?)

<DanteE> "Actually, can you do your thing to the car itself?"

<Random_Nerd> (Yeah. 4... but you have 8 PMPs. Man.)

<Random_Nerd> (Wait, ten.)

<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, you can afford to spend a couple!)

<Random_Nerd> (But if you do it to the car itself, the car will /be/ the path.)

<Random_Nerd> Or, at least, contain it.

<DanteE> (Well, heck, why not do a Major Whatever of Numbers so that our # of problems equals zero? :p )

<Brian> (yeah. I have ... lots of MPs. That temp MPs is a bit out of date. I can't remember refresh rate and stuff like that, but there's enough.)

<Random_Nerd> Like... you could do it on the glove compartment. So you could crawl through to San Francisco.

<Brian> (Dante: because that hits on one of the Laws ;))

<Random_Nerd> But the car would still be left by the side of the road in Afghanistan.

<DanteE> (When you're fighting for your life, screw the rules!)

<Theresa> (Urg, not the glove compartment. Theresa has enough concerns about her weight already, thank you.)

<Brian> (I'm more amused by the idea that if you drive this way at this place at this time at 88 MPH, you will end up in Sacramento)

<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, Hubris Law.)

<Ftisk> (lol)

<Random_Nerd> ("Got 99 problems, and an Actual is totally one.")

<DanteE> (We'd probably need to drive to the site once we get to Sacramento anyway.)

<Brian> (actually, do I have any things to drive the MP cost down? *hunts through Bonds list* ... probably not, but worth checking :))

<Random_Nerd> (So, where do you make the path?)

<Random_Nerd> If you were in Amyra, that would reduce it.

<DanteE> (And we're arguing mechanics at the expense of the bleeping story, I think.)

<Random_Nerd> Bonds give you Strike, they don't lower the cost.

<Brian> (oh, wait, Bonds don't do that anymore, do they?)

<Random_Nerd> But you have 10 PMPs.

<Human-Kite> (Someday, we can give the Dantemobile teleportational capabilities)

<Random_Nerd> You'll be fine.

<Random_Nerd> I don't think you've ever used six in one story.

<Ftisk> (the tardis treatment!)

<Theresa> (And besides, we can't leave the Dantemobile. Dante would not leave it behind.)

<Human-Kite> "Drive on!"

<Brian> "Dante, to the left a bit, need to go due West. And speed up. We need to hit, oh .... 88 miles per hour. Because I liked that movie. Just go."

<DanteE> (Considering how much of a pain paying for it was, absolutely. :) )

<DanteE> "bit tricky on roads with bomb craters, but I'll improvise."

<Ftisk> "yay cool movie!"

<DanteE> (long as we're doing movies...)

<DanteE> "Hang on to your lunch pail, this may get a little weird..."

  • DanteE takes off

<Human-Kite> "Woooooooo!"

<Ftisk> "weee"

<Random_Nerd> From the way it feels, it's like you hit the right spot and fell through a hole into a set of tunnels.

<Random_Nerd> But unlike the borderlands of Amyra, this isn't full of vines and decaying masonry, but sand, and sandstone in oddly geometric shapes.

<Ftisk> (the gophermobile!)

<DanteE> (Any resemblance to the Stonecutters' tunnels from the Simpsons is purely coincidental.)

<Random_Nerd> Also, while you're in it, the sun looks square.

<Human-Kite> "Huh"

<Brian> "I wasn't expecting this."

<DanteE> "Did you put us in a Minecraft world?"

<Ftisk> "Cooler that lsd!"

<Brian> "I didn't intend to, that's for sure."

<Ftisk> "Can I go around and mine?"

<Random_Nerd> It's a short path, too, compared to most of the ones you've taken before. Five minutes, tops, and the Dantemobile comes out of the back of a tool shed that it definitely couldn't have fit into.

<Human-Kite> "No, Ftisk. We have to fix your Estate."

<DanteE> "Wait... Data and Machinery. Ftisk."

<Brian> "Where is it, Ftisk?"

<Random_Nerd> (It's Machinery that's hurt.)

<Ftisk> "Bla bla always complains! .. Ouch, uhm well "

<Human-Kite> "Where in the California does it hurt most, Ftisk?"

<DanteE> "Gimme a direction before we hit this intersection..."

  • Ftisk concentrates to pin point directions on feelings

<Random_Nerd> It's moderately close to here. West, near the bay area.

<Random_Nerd> Maybe an hour's drive or a little more, if you observe posted speed limits and use no freaky magic.

<DanteE> (Yeah, sure.)

<Ftisk> "toward the bay area Dante"

<Random_Nerd> (Also, now if anyone drives into that shed going 88 miles per hour, they will end up in Afghanistan!)

<DanteE> (Don't we still have the cut-through-traffic mojo on this?)

<Random_Nerd> (Possibly, years from now some drunk driver will have the weirdest blackout ever.)

<Random_Nerd> (Hmm... yeah, probably.)

<Random_Nerd> (Although it's less relevant here, because the situation is different.)

<DanteE> (Depends on the time of day and conditions on I-80. Banzai.)

<Random_Nerd> (But you can probably effortlessly merge into and out of traffic and so on.)

<DanteE> (We're Nobles anyway. Speed limits are for sissies.)

<Random_Nerd> Brian, you feel a prayer-itch at the back of your mind.

<Human-Kite> (Especially if we can change the numerical values of those limits.)

<Ftisk> (these are not the nobles you are looking for? to the cop)

<Brian> (prayer-answer) "Brian here."

<Theresa> (Hey, we _are- back in California! Isn't that where your first anchor is, Brian? And where Red is from?)

  • Ftisk keep giving directions to Dante

<Brian> (... yes, yes it is.)

<Random_Nerd> You hear Sam's voice in your head. "Boss? If I ask you a question, can you not make a big deal about it, and not let William know I asked?"

<DanteE> (Kind of a shame, cuz a Ghost-LDest-Courage in v2 made a great Jedi Mind Trick.)

<Brian> (quiet anchor-speak) "Yeah, definitely."

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "The horse you took from that Excrucian, the one that lived in the basement... is there any reason to believe it would be /particularly/ flammable? I mean, compared to a regular horse?"

<DanteE> (Of course, his first Anchor is SE of San Diego... which is technically Mexico.)

<Brian> "... not that I know of?"

<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Good to know. Okay, carry on."

<Random_Nerd> (You assume the borders are the same as in the real world!)

<Brian> "Hey guys, is there any reason to believe that that horse is more flammable than a normal horse?"

<Human-Kite> "The strange Excrucian horse you guys have in the room of giant plants?"

<Ftisk> "is horse the excru-horse?"

<Theresa> "..."

<Brian> "Yeah."

<DanteE> "Well, depends on how the Excrucian treated... wait, what?"

<Theresa> (Do we know it can kill, in character?)

<Random_Nerd> (Yes.)

<Ftisk> "Is him now well dry, will burn good"

<DanteE> (We saw it do it)

<Human-Kite> "We can test the possibility when we get back."

<Ftisk> "Yay for SCIENCE!"

<Theresa> "It shouldn't be. But who knows what it might do at that last moment of life?"

<Brian> "Ok"

<DanteE> "Uh, it's probably a violation of _something_ to set a living Excrucian-horse on fire."

<DanteE> "Ftisk, status?"

<Theresa> (For one thing, PETA will be ticked.)

<Random_Nerd> You're most of the way there.

<DanteE> (and my last statement should probably go in the quote file. :) )

<Ftisk> "Ouching a lot! Ah, on the way captain oh my captain!"

<Random_Nerd> You're going to want to turn south off the interstate somewhere near the bay.

<Random_Nerd> Cut to arriving in roughly the right area?

  • Ftisk lC a compass with Ftisk as needle

<DanteE> (Sure.)

<Brian> (sure)

<Ftisk> (sure)

<Human-Kite> (YES)

<DanteE> "Oh, Brian, can I get a GPS in here that takes the portals into consideration?"

<Brian> "Um?"

<Brian> "We'll work on that."

<Random_Nerd> The closest you can get, city-wise, is Centralia, CA. It's mostly a college town, a satellite campus of UC Berkeley. It also doesn't exist in the real world.

<Human-Kite> "I'm sure Ftisk and I could help with that."

<DanteE> "Sam might be jealous, though."

<Ftisk> "nah, Sam will be relieved "

<Brian> "I'll set him and his team to work on it, and he'll be thrilled."

<Random_Nerd> Whatever's going on is somewhere in the campustown area, but the pain-sensing isn't more precise than that.

  • DanteE pulls into a visitor parking lot...

<Human-Kite> "Oooh! Is this that town where the ground underneath it is on fire?"

<Ftisk> "Ok, is in that area, don’t know were specifically but is in this zone"

<Random_Nerd> (In the real world, this would be Walnut Creek.)

<Theresa> "I think that place is on the other side of this continent, Kite."

<Brian> "ground under ... what?"

<Random_Nerd> (Centralia, PA.)

<Human-Kite> "Oh."

<DanteE> (That's Centralia, Pennsylvania)

<Theresa> (That's Silent Hill. ^^ )

<Ftisk> "we _have_ to go there after!"

<Human-Kite> (right. Kite's USA geography is not so good)

  • DanteE hops out of the car and checks the place out with the Sight.

<Random_Nerd> (Huh. There /is/ a Centralia, CA in the real world. But it's in Orange County, not here.)

<Random_Nerd> What are you looking for, Dante?

<Theresa> (How new is that page you just checked?  :) )

<Ftisk> "The campus! Is always around universities that excru attack .. uhm are universities so linked to estate warping creation eating beings?"

<DanteE> (Any signs of Excrucian activity and/or screwiness involving Ftisk's Estates.)

<DanteE> "You could argue.

<Brian> "Universities are places of exploration of knowledge ... which leads to, well, screwing with knowledge-based or process-based Estates, such as ours"

<Theresa> (...and now I'm remembering that they just started up a new supercomputer here at _our_ university this week...)

<DanteE> "It's a 'bubble' where people can do research without _too_ much interaction with the real world.

<Ftisk> "We can check for the courses here and go with the more suspicious?"

<Random_Nerd> Let's see. People's connections to courage are pretty much typical for a city like this. Nobody in sight is obviously an Excrucian or Shard.

<Random_Nerd> No major miracles have been cast recently that you can see.

<DanteE> "Ftisk, which of your Estates is getting hit?"

  • Ftisk look with the sight too

<Ftisk> "Is machinery"

<Random_Nerd> (Machinery.)

<DanteE> "In that case, let's check out the Engineering department."

<Ftisk> "maybe is some factory process related attack?"

<Ftisk> "Yep!"

  • Human-Kite concentrates on the border mythic

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, your Sight (picking up as it does Machinery-specific things) notices one significant thing that Courage-sight does not. There are a surprising number of people wearing what appears to be some kind of wearable computer device.

<Brian> (I can so see us going up to the university center information booth "Where's the most likely place for an attack on Machinery?")

  • Ftisk shapechange from snail to human

<Random_Nerd> And something about those looks painful to you.

<Random_Nerd> Like the sun's glinting off them and into your eyes.

=-= YOU are now known as humanFtisk

<humanFtisk> "ouch! That one, that one and these ones too. they all wear a personal computer that hurt meeeeee!"

<Random_Nerd> To the border-mythic, there's one notable thing in particular. Some of the people appear to be carrying a copy of themselves around on their shoulders, and the two are fused.

  • DanteE checks that out in realsight...

<humanFtisk> "T., can you inquiry them where they bought one?"

<Human-Kite> "Do we wrestle them to the ground and peck their eyes out?"

<Human-Kite> "Oh, that's a better idea."

<humanFtisk> "Please do Kite!"

<Random_Nerd> Also, the shape of a giant dead goat looms over the bay like an angry god.

<DanteE> "Diplomacy first, Ftisk."

<Human-Kite> "Nah. I'll wait for the inquiry."

<Theresa> (Oh crap.)

<Theresa> (Not that goat again!)

<Brian> (that's never a good sign. _never_.)

<Random_Nerd> That's new. Last time the goat had no head.

  • humanFtisk pat Dante

<Human-Kite> "This place gives me the creeps, though."

<Random_Nerd> But Kite wasn't there for that.

<humanFtisk> "Did you see the death goat hovering the area?"

<DanteE> (Did I see the goat?)

<Random_Nerd> (Let me dig up the quote...)

<DanteE> "The what?"

  • Theresa heads over to someone with the little computer thingie and smiles at them. "Hello! I was wondering. What is that computer that you're wearing?"

<Random_Nerd> (From the first storyline.)

<Human-Kite> "That's what is giving me the creeps."

<Random_Nerd> ("Depending on the angle you look at it from, Silicon Valley looks like a young man with a gleam in his eye, a shining white tower, a disfigured crone, and a headless goat. No obvious reason that this should be so presents itself.")

  • DanteE checks out what Kite is referring to...

<humanFtisk> (I wasn't here then)

<Random_Nerd> Weird. The dead goat has a head now.

<DanteE> (So, is it the valley or the bay?)

<Human-Kite> (The Bay Area)

<Random_Nerd> (The part where you see it is across the bay to the south.)

<Random_Nerd> (It's pretty far away, but it's also huge.)

<Human-Kite> (Ah)

<DanteE> "Weird. We should ask our Aides about the goat when we get back."

<Brian> "There's some symbology in effect."

<Random_Nerd> Woman With Computer Thingy: "Oh! It's the beta thing! The internet goggles."

<humanFtisk> "applied symbology "

<Human-Kite> "Internet goggles? Could you explain?"

  • DanteE checks bulletin boards and ads for 'internet goggles'

<Brian> (evil Google glass / augmented reality hurts Machinery?)

<Random_Nerd> How do you check?

<Theresa> (Crap, we're fighting Google Glasses.)

  • humanFtisk scan all the web sites for internet googles"

<DanteE> (Go over to a bulletin board--there should be one around here somewhere--and look over the papers posted.)

<Brian> (Augmented Reality is /such/ a cool concept, btw. I loved it since I read it in SR4, when that came out ... which was years ago now.)

<Theresa> "Where did you get one? They're very interesting looking. How do you like yours?"

<Random_Nerd> Woman: "The..." Her eyes go unfocused for a moment. And then she recites a spiel on how they're going to revolutionize augmented reality and human interface technology, but are not yet available for sale.

<Random_Nerd> Then her eyes come back to normal. "I take it you're not from here?"

<Human-Kite> "Is there a place where we could sign up for the beta?"

<Human-Kite> "We're moving in."

  • humanFtisk do a lesser divination of data on the woman for information on where she take these googles

  • Theresa smiles again. "What gave it away, the accent?"

<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and for the goat location thing... say you're a bit west of where Walnut Creek is in the real world, and it's roughly where Sunnyvale or Cupertino is.)

<DanteE> (Alternatively, with the unfocusing, it might be worthwhile to do a Div on the spiel itself.)

<humanFtisk> (Buffy's sunnyvale? Oh crap!)

<Random_Nerd> (To the extent that geometry makes sense in the mythic.)

<Random_Nerd> Woman: "Oh, you'd have seen them before. If you were from here."

<Random_Nerd> (That's sunny/dale/.)

<Random_Nerd> (Right?)

<Brian> (yep)

<Theresa> "Ah. Can you point to where you got yours?"

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, the goggles apparently are being distributed as part of a regional test of the technology with people affiliated with the engineering or computer science departments.

<Random_Nerd> She squints, and closes the eye that doesn't have the heads-up display, and then turns around, points her arm out, adjusts the angle, and then says "there."

<Theresa> "Thank you!"

<DanteE> "Ftisk, are you sure it's _Machinery_ that's getting hit?"

<humanFtisk> (can I peek at the AR data her is receiving with Data?)

<Random_Nerd> (Yes, he is.)

<Random_Nerd> (A Data miracle could do that, yes.)

<humanFtisk> "Yep, definitely machinery"

  • humanFtisk peek at the AR data she is receiving, is anything weird in them?

<Random_Nerd> Based on that, these things are pretty high tech. They're getting data on stuff via a cellular connection, of course. But interestingly, it's getting at least as much data off her. There's a system of three different cameras looking at her eyes and face, and the accelerometer is enough to detect even slight changes of posture or head tilt, much more finely than would normally be required

<Random_Nerd> for even a high-end smartphone.)

<Random_Nerd> Also, there's microphone hookups, and a pretty advanced speech recognition program going on there.

  • humanFtisk wait T. finish with the girl

<Random_Nerd> So, you can tell that every eye movement, sound, or change of posture that she makes causes the device to notice, interpret, and supply information that seems relevant.

<humanFtisk> "That thing get so much data from a cellular connection that from the user. He register face, voice and have an accelerometer for head movement

<Theresa> (I'm done with her, unless you guys want more.)

<humanFtisk> "All is much more advanced that what is needed"

<DanteE> quietly: "If it's Machinery rather than Data than it would be more with the thing itself rather than what's going back and forth from it."

<humanFtisk> "and from the preliminary look, no probeOdeath :-( "

<Human-Kite> "Thank you, miss! Bye!"

<Random_Nerd> She nods, and heads off.

<humanFtisk> "Why we don’t follow her direction an find out more?"

<DanteE> (Uhoh... Ftisk has "Machinery can't be sentient" in his Estate properties.)

<Brian> (huh.)

<humanFtisk> (yep)

<Random_Nerd> For those with Aspect 2 or better, you can hear the faint sounds of Angry Birds coming from the earphones she's wearing.

<DanteE> "We could follow the Data."

<Random_Nerd> (Basically, they have noise-cancelling earphones... with microphones on the other end, so it passes through most sound.)

<humanFtisk> (A machine must be done by 2 or more pieces working together. [2]

<humanFtisk> A machine is an object. [1]

<humanFtisk> Machinery can't be sentient. [3]

<humanFtisk> Machinery tends to execute the action they are designed for. [1])

<Theresa> "She pointed out the direction of where she got the device."

<Random_Nerd> And she pointed it out with surveyor-like precision.

<DanteE> "Now, is that actually related to the attack or a wild goose chase, though?"

<humanFtisk> "Possibly?"

<DanteE> "The tech center of America is right over there, remember."

<Theresa> "If it's an attack on Machinery, I would think that the device would be the first machine part."

<DanteE> "And we seem to have a bunch of those around."

<humanFtisk> Or is a piece, like a limb of a greater machine"

<Human-Kite> "Are we going to drive into the building?"

<DanteE> (Div-Machinery, Ftisk)

<humanFtisk> "Head first"

<Human-Kite> "We never drive into buildings, except when we drove out of that shed."

<Random_Nerd> In the distance, the looming mythic goat of doom changes into a white tower... but struck by lightning and crumbling, like the Tarot card.

<DanteE> "Yeah, we're pretty much the Anti-Subtlety Squad."

  • humanFtisk do a machinery divination on someone with the googles to get more data

<Random_Nerd> What info are you looking for?

  • Theresa starts to move in the direction that the girl had pointed in.

<Human-Kite> (That's....supremely ominous.)

<Random_Nerd> Last time, it was just a tower.

<humanFtisk> if is a stand alone machine or a piece of a greater one

<Random_Nerd> Depends how you look at it.

<Theresa> (Kite - nah. You should see us try to decide on a wall color for paint. It's blue, no it's grey, no it's tentacles...)

<Human-Kite> (.....I want to paint my wall tentacles, now.)

<humanFtisk> why? RN is the machine able to work stand alone?

<Random_Nerd> If you look at just the stuff she's wearing, it's several machines. There's the visor-thing, the earphones, little pickups on her wrists and shoes, and the brain of the device is in a featureless grey box about the size of a smartphone in her pocket. All that stuff's connected via a short-range network.

<Random_Nerd> And, of course, the brain is connected to the internet.

<Random_Nerd> Without internet access, it'd probably lose a lot of its capabilities.

<humanFtisk> brain her brain or machine's brain?

<DanteE> (Both!)

<Random_Nerd> The machine's brain. CPUs, memory, etc.

<humanFtisk> ok

<Random_Nerd> Her actual literal biological brain is presumably in the usual place.

<Random_Nerd> Presumably.

  • humanFtisk switch to the mythic view

<Brian> (afk)

<Random_Nerd> To Ftisk, when he looks at her, it's like she's wearing the person-equivalent of... say, the lifting exoskeleton from aliens. Like she's embedded in the chest of a larger person, which amplifies her movements and senses.

<humanFtisk> "hi interesting and not by any change done by an evil creation hating being!"

<Theresa> (Kite - )

<Human-Kite> (That is awesome!)

<humanFtisk> (seconded!)

<DanteE> (heh)

<DanteE> "Is that really what we're looking for, then?"

<Theresa> (You can also get tentacle art for your walls. )

<humanFtisk> (the google don't reply?")

<Random_Nerd> Theresa, of the people you see... perhaps seven are wearing these wearable-computer devices.

<Random_Nerd> (Hmm, Angelo?)

<Brian> (b)

<humanFtisk> (I wrote some line back: "hi interesting and not by any change done by an evil creation hating being!" talking on the mythic view to some of the machines)

<DanteE> (Well, IC I don't know about the glare effect Ftisk saw from those things with The Sight.)

<Random_Nerd> (Ah, Ftisk, you talked /to/ the goggles.)

  • Human-Kite looks for any signs indicating a building for the engineering department

<Random_Nerd> Goggles: "I don't work for you. I'm not supposed to talk to strangers."

<humanFtisk> (I think they will register as something in the mythic)

<Random_Nerd> Hmm. What's Kite's aspect?

<DanteE> (Not to _me_ apparently.)

  • Theresa keeps walking in the direction the girl pointed in. There's got to be a point where the machine people will be flowing out of a space....

<Human-Kite> (I think it's 1, but let me check)

<Human-Kite> (Yes, 1)

  • DanteE follows Theresa...

<humanFtisk> "Nevermind googles"

<Random_Nerd> Theresa, following the path takes a bit of zig-zagging, as you're following an "as-the-snail-flies" path on roads that are laid out in more or less a grid.

  • humanFtisk follow Theresa grumbling "What uncooperative googles we have also them glare offensively"

<Random_Nerd> But based on the angle that she pointed at, and the slope of the land, you think you've found the right place. The fact that there's a big sign up front that says "Tech students, get your goggles here!" is a tip-off.

<DanteE> "They glare at you Ftisk?"

<humanFtisk> "Yep, I see them with a hurting glare, didn't you see that too?"

<Random_Nerd> It's a storefront, apparently, although the only "product" being shown in the front window is the wearable computer system.

<DanteE> "No I didn't... but if they're hitting you with a glare, that's a bad sign."

  • humanFtisk nod

  • DanteE checks out the personnel with The Sight

<Brian> "Not normally a good sign, anyway"

<Random_Nerd> They don't look that way to you, Dante.

  • Theresa enters the store.

  • humanFtisk enter the store

  • Human-Kite follows

<Random_Nerd> The personnel appear to be regular humans. Three of the four visible are carrying multitools with one or more blades on them, but they're small. None are particularly brave or cowardly.

<humanFtisk> "Hi, what a cool tool you sell! How can I get one?"

<Random_Nerd> Annoying Cheerful Red-Headed Guy: "Hi! Are you students!"

  • Human-Kite checking out border mythic

<Brian> (oo, store)

<Theresa> "Visiting from a different campus." *smile*

<Brian> "No, we're not students. I teach."

<Human-Kite> "I'm a student, though!"

<Brian> (... both statements from Brian are true)

<humanFtisk> "I'm just cool" *giggle*

<Random_Nerd> To the border mythic, all of the AR-things present that aren't being work look like piles of limbs. But not severed, more like they're waiting to be put on a torso.

<Brian> "These guys wanted to see your machines."

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful Guy: "Did you get a beta test invitation from a faculty member?"

<Human-Kite> "Yes!"

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful: "Excellent! Have you read the accompanying information?"

  • humanFtisk nod

<Human-Kite> "I skimmed it."

<humanFtisk> "Who read the manuals?"

<DanteE> "Could we get a copy of that information?"

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful: "Then we'll just need a signed copy of the beta-test user agreement, and your invitation number!"

<Random_Nerd> All of them are, of course, wearing the devices.

<Theresa> ("My boyfriend is in law school and I've picked up the habit of actually reading the documents before I sign them or else he will somehow _know_ and call me...")

<DanteE> "Who's giving these out?"

<Brian> (:D)

<Theresa> (_number_)

<Random_Nerd> He says: "Sure! I'll print out a copy for you!"

<Human-Kite> "Ftisk, I handed those to you, right?"

  • humanFtisk lCreate the data in their db using a lDiv to get to the db

<Brian> (hm.)

<Random_Nerd> He points at a nearby printer, which starts printing.

<Brian> (I'll do an LDiv of Unused Invitation Numbers)

<Brian> (I'd like to get us each one)

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk and Brian each have an unused invitation number in their minds, now.

<DanteE> (The potential Excrucian thing?)

<Random_Nerd> The printer keeps going. The agreement appears to be about twenty pages, double-sided.

<humanFtisk> "We have invitation number <insert invitation numbers here>"

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful: "Well, technically they're being loaned out, not given out. You'll have the option to choose to purchase your device when they go public at a discount, however, and more importantly you'll retain all of your personalization settings and all your mindspaces and stored data."

<humanFtisk> "mindspaces?"

  • DanteE looks over the agreement to figure out 1) who's doing it and 2) if there's anything odd in the agreement.

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful mouths the invitation number, waits half a second, and then smiles again: "Yes, that is in order. Please follow me to the back, so we can do your personalization."

<DanteE> (My first born? ... Oh, that's normal.)

  • humanFtisk follow

<humanFtisk> "T, dear, can you hold my hand in the back?"

<Random_Nerd> The main odd thing in the agreement is that in the data that they retain and reserve the right to share minus identifiable connections to specific people includes body language, eye patterns, and personalization PET scans.

<Theresa> "I..think I'll wait a bit on mine. I want to see how you guys do with yours first."

  • Theresa doesn't want everyone to be mind zombies in case this is all a dastardly Excrucian plot.

<DanteE> "PET scans?"

<Brian> *will go in back for the personalization too*

<humanFtisk> (What is a pet scan?)

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful: "Mindspaces are... well, you'll have to see to really get it. But it's how it learns how you think about various subjects, so it can provide the relevant information to you immediately, before you have to ask."

<Brian> (fancy medical scan)

<Theresa> (Like a CAT scan.)

<humanFtisk> (Theresa you have an excuse to follow us in the back)

<DanteE> (IIRC it checks which parts of your brain are being used when you think)

<Theresa> (Positron emission tomography )

<humanFtisk> (wow!)

<DanteE> (Which means it'll spot the snail!)

<Human-Kite> (Except instead of just cats, it's also dogs, parrots and goldfish?)

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful: "We'll need to give you a basic checkup, but it'll take some time for your body to absorb the radioactive tracer, so it won't really delay anything."

<humanFtisk> (Do you think? when Ftisk is in human shape it become human, right RN?)

<Theresa> "Whoa, radioactive?"

<DanteE> "Hold it. Radioactive tracer?"

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful: "Just hand me your signed forms, and..."

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful: "Don't worry, it's a safe dose."

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful: "Perfectly normal procedure."

<Brian> "Radioactive tracers are a normal part of a full complete medical exam. Need to see the insides, too."

<Human-Kite> "I'm missing a kidney. Will that be a problem?"

<DanteE> "Not for a computer it isn't."

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful: "But without it, we won't be able to see your friend's brain activity patterns for calibration of his device."

  • DanteE grabs Ftisk's arm.

<humanFtisk> uhm, wait a sec"

<DanteE> "You know what, we should check with a physician before doing the whole radioactive-tracer thing."

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful: "No, but we want to make sure you're in good health before we begin, to avoid any potential side effects. Epilepsy, for instance, would be a problem."

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful: "We have three physicians on staff at the moment, actually!"

<Brian> "And I can verify the dose, too, remember."

<DanteE> "And actually, wouldn't the missing eye mess with the device's operation?"

<humanFtisk> "Right, we both have one eye..."

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful: "Don't worry, the device only requires one functioning eye, although lacking two would limit your ability to access stereoptical information. It's not actually connected to your brain, of course!"

<Random_Nerd> Slightly rehearsed chuckle.

<humanFtisk> "can I check one before activation?"

  • Human-Kite looks skeptical.

<DanteE> "There are some fairly serious medical concerns here, really."

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful: "Check what? Without calibration, it won't be able to tell what you're thinking, and the interface won't work."

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful: "That's why we have doctors!"

<DanteE> "Yes, doctors paid by you."

<humanFtisk> "one that is not active, like just out of the box"

<DanteE> (Does the agreement say who's making or distributing these?)

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful: "Well, doctors won't work for free, silly. But feel free to go to your regular physician for a second opinion if you wish. We'll send a full copy of our data on the effects on human users."

  • humanFtisk ldiv of the cheerful goggles and of a power off one to compare differences

<Brian> "What about non-human users?"

<Random_Nerd> (Yes. It's a major internet company that Dante has heard of but that ISN'T GOOGLE, HONEST.)

<Brian> (Google can't exist in universe - Ftisk hasn't made it)

<humanFtisk> (yep and would be Foofle if Ftisk made it)

<Brian> (and, as we all know, a google search is a LDiv Data)

<Random_Nerd> When they're not being worn, they're just a small computer, and a really extensive set of video, audio, and accelerometer input-output devices.

<humanFtisk> "Can we contact the maker to ask some security questions?"

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful: "Well, of course there were tests with non-human users, although obviously they were limited. Still, I hear that a bonobo fitted with a device was able to accurately use a computer keyboard and type at thirty words per minute. Mostly, uh, in requests for food and for other bonobos to have sex with."

<DanteE> "Heh. That's bonobos for you."

<DanteE> "Can I see that medical data?"

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful: "Don't worry, your private data will be kept entirely confidential, save as you've agreed in your beta test agreement."

<Random_Nerd> Cheerful: "Certainly! Where should I send it?"

<DanteE> (Good question. :p )

<Random_Nerd> (Heh. So, you give him an email address?)

<Theresa> (Hope you have good spam filters.)

<DanteE> (One that can't be traced direct to me just in case.)

<DanteE> (Spammers who hit tend to have... problems. >:> )

<Random_Nerd> (Okay.)

<Random_Nerd> He points a hand at you like a gun and cocks his thumb. "Sent!"

<humanFtisk> (anyway we have the makers address, let's fade to us at the maker's place?)

<Brian> (oh god, what was that from ... )

<Random_Nerd> (Well, do you want to get fitted for devices?)

<Brian> (Brian does)

<Random_Nerd> "So, who wants to test a wearable computer?"

<humanFtisk> (nope atm, they glare at me)

<DanteE> (Any chance of him getting spotted by the check?)

<Random_Nerd> (Mind if we stop here? Beth and I need to get up early tomorrow morning.)

<Human-Kite> (Kite doesn't mind being measured, but he's not consuming anything or getting anything attached just yet.)

<Random_Nerd> (Spotted by the check?)

<Brian> (stopping is fine)

<Human-Kite> (I'm also fine with stopping)

<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. Ftisk isn't guised, he's actually shapechanged into a human.)

<Random_Nerd> (He wouldn't get tripped up by a physical unless he wants to be.)

<DanteE> (Whether the PET or whatever else they do to him will reveal that he's a Noble.

<DanteE> (And stopping's OK.)

<Random_Nerd> (You don't know whether a brain scan can spot a noble brain or not.)

<Random_Nerd> (But even if it can, there are easier ways to see one.)

<humanFtisk> (yep was my question )

<humanFtisk> (ok to stop here)

<Random_Nerd> ___________STOP____________

=-= Brian is now known as lazarus

<Human-Kite> (Brian's skeleton isn't human anymore, ja?)

=-= Human-Kite is now known as Verithe

<DanteE> oh yeah, forgot about that.

=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood

<lazarus> I thought it still was ... or ... oh, wait. I got it replaced by plants. Right!

<humanFtisk> me forgot too

=-= Theresa is now known as BethE

<lazarus> I wonder how they'll react ^_^

=-= YOU are now known as Angelo

<Random_Nerd> Jan took it.

<Random_Nerd> Remember?

<Random_Nerd> For the big question set.

<Angelo> and now what Brian skeleton is?

<Knockwood> Come to think of it, I'm missing a kidney as well.

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk in any form is missing an eye, Theresa some fingers and toes...

<lazarus> I do remember it now :) I had forgotten while playing. Which does mimic's Brian's not really caring or realizing it might be an issue...

<Verithe> "None of us has a complete body...."

<Angelo> argh, here a years will pass in 10 rl years!

<Random_Nerd> Main issue it causes in play is that you're currently down a big health level.

<BethE> *sings* "Cause IIIiiiiii ain't got no boooooody!"

<Verithe> Hehe

<Knockwood> big?

<BethE> Angelo - heh. I'm not even a year and a half for Shadow Creek yet and it turns 10 this fall.

<Angelo> wow!

<Knockwood> well, what was the date on the Celestial Calendar when the game started?

<Knockwood> it'd be pretty much by design that the game goes slow until The End.

<Random_Nerd> About eight, nine months ago.

<Knockwood> coming up on 8 years

<Knockwood> real-time

<Angelo> I'm aboard from year 3. I believe

<Random_Nerd> Ah.

<lazarus> I missed a year or two in the middle. And we went through three Jameses in the first year or two.

<BethE> (I get to blame my game on RN. We started dating and he thought it would help my confidence (and be fun) if I ran a game.)

<Angelo> Beth, your game _IS_ fun, if I was in Us will have asked to join

<BethE> Thank you! *bow*

<Random_Nerd> So, I gotta go.

<Random_Nerd> See you next session!

<lazarus> I'm going to say good night. And so does Sara.

<Angelo> nn RN!

<Knockwood> g'night laz

<BethE> Night, all! *HUGS*

<Angelo> nn to you bith too

|<-- lazarus has left (Disintegrated: lazarus)

<Angelo> *HUG* Breth, nn

<Knockwood> g'night RN, Beth

<Angelo> *Beth

<Verithe> G'night!

<Knockwood> good night Tpyo

<Random_Nerd> G'night.

|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )

|<-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)

<Knockwood> cya next week V

|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: Knockwood)

<Verithe> Take care, guys!

<Angelo> guys, I go too. have fun next week!

  • Verithe wave

|<-- Verithe has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 19.0.2/20130307023931])

<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 35