The Avenger: Quinn James
Quinn James – The Avenger. PL8
- Str 7
- Sta 5
- Agil 4
- Dex 4
- Fight 6
- Int 6
- Awa 2
- Pre 2
- Initiative 12
- Unarmed +8 Dam 7
- Multiweapon +8 Dam 8 (Variable Descriptors).
- Multiattack fighting style. Att base +8, Dam 4.
- Thrown/Missile. +8, Dam 8 (Variable Descriptors)
- Multiattack, small missile. +8, Dam 4 (Ballistic)
- Various hurled microgrenades. Att base +8, Eff base 8.
- Dodge 8 (+4)
- Fortitude 10 (+5)
- Parry 8 (+4)
- Toughness 8 (+2 Defensive roll) (1 pt protection)
- Will 6 (+4)
- Acrobatics: 12(+16). Routine - Move at normal speed on a tightrope, go from prone to standing (free action), Lessen fall by 5 degrees.
- Athletics: 10(+17). Routine - Climb a brick wall at half speed, a corner at full speed. Jump running 27ft, standing 14ft. Run increase ground speed by 2 for 1 round. Swim at full speed in rough water.
- Close combat: +2 unarmed, +2 paired weapons (any).
- Deception: 5 (+7)
- Expertise: Science 12 (+18). Forensics 5 (+11). Computer 6(+12). Law 5(+11).
Insight: 5 (+7) Intimidation: 2 (+4) Investigation: 5 (+11) Perception: 8 (+10) Persuasion: 5 (+7) Ranged combat: +4 (All thrown and missile weapons). Sleight of Hand: 5(+9) Stealth: 12 (+16) Technology: 8 (+14) Treatment: 5 (+11) Vehicles: 8 (+12) (63pts)
Advantages: Accurate attack, Agile feint, Chokehold, Defensive attack, Defensive roll 2, Diehard, Equipment 5 , Evasion, Fast Grab, Fearless, Improved critical (pin)2, Improved defence, Improved disarm, Improved grab, Improved initiative 2,Improvised tools, Improvised weapon 2, Move-by-action, Power Attack, Prone fighting, Redirect, Uncanny dodge, Weapon bind. (26pts) +Eq (5pts)
Physical Training powers
Strength feature – Mental Strength. 1 pt
Living Weapon
- Flurry. Multiattack 7, Str based, Variable descriptor 2 (any attack effect you wield, only up to the attacks rank) 1pt
- Multiweapon. Dam 1, Str based. Multiattack 8. Quirk (weapons/objects of opportunity)-1 pt. Variable descriptor 2. (2pts)
- Weapon toss/Missile use. Damage 1, ranged, Str based. Quirk (weapons/objects of opportunity)-1 pt. Variable descriptor 2pt (9pts)
- Small weapon spray. 1/2 str(4) at range(ballistic), multiattack , Short range (-1), Accurate +4. (weapons/objects of opportunity)-1 pt. (1pt)
- Vulcan nerve pinch. Subtle, Reversible. on Str 7. (1pt)
Peak Performance
- Speed 3
- Free Running: Movement 7 - Environmental adaption (Three dimensional movement), Safe Fall, Sure footed 3, Wall crawling 1, swinging 1. Limited to urban/wooded environments (6 ranks). 8 points.
Inner Will Array .)
- Hurt anything : Penetrating 8, Variable Descriptor (any damage effect you wield,)Str Based, Activation -1, linked to Dam 1 10pts.
- Avenging strike: Nullify 10 (magic defences/immunities only),Str Based, Activation -1, linked to Dam 1. 1pt
- Iron Will. Refuses to lay down and die. Healing 9, triggered 1 (when suffering two or more degrees of damage), limited to self. 1 pt.
Abilities 72pts + Defences 17pts + Skills 63pts + Advantages 31pts + Powers 37pts = 220pts!