Session 255

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Chapter 35

=-= User mode for Angelo is now +ix

-->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis

<Angelo> Ciao guys! ^_^

-->| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis

<Random_Nerd> Hey.

<Angelo> Yo RN

<Verithe> Hi, Angelo and RN!

-->| Knockwood (~Knockwood@B10B75B1.EED62214.DFE6B3CE.IP) has joined #Nobilis

<Random_Nerd> Hey.

<Knockwood> Hiyo

<Random_Nerd> Okay, give me a moment to get stuff together, and we can start.

<Random_Nerd> Oh! While I'm thinking of it... how do you guys want to be listed on the playtesters list for Chuubo?

<lazarus> Hm.

<Angelo> don't mind either way

<Verithe> Name (Character Name; Character Name), perhaps?

<Verithe> or is it not the format that you're asking about?

<Random_Nerd> Yeah.

<Random_Nerd> Like... do you guys want both characters you played listed?

<Knockwood> I'm OK with that. :)

<lazarus> Yeah, I would

<Verithe> Yes

<Angelo> only the first one please?

<Random_Nerd> Okay.

<Random_Nerd> So, could each of you type it the way you want it, so I can paste it into the email?

<Knockwood> What will the end product look like? A box set?

<Random_Nerd> I don't know the details on that.

<Random_Nerd> But, I think, three books.

<Random_Nerd> Wish Granting Engine, Fortitude, Glass.

<Angelo> on ks she always talked of 3 books

<Verithe> Alexander Benekos (Mrs. Senko; Hisui Watanabe)

<Knockwood> actually, considering these are all "stock characters", there will probably be a bunch of people on each character

<Verithe> Like that?

<Angelo> Angelo Pampalone (Shounen)

<Knockwood> Travis McCord (Leonardo & Dulcinea)

<BethE> Beth Eves (Lilimund the Wishing Engine/Rinley Yatskaya)

<BethE> (Or Rinley the Troublemaking Engine)

<lazarus> Mike MacMartin (Luthien, and Jasper)

<Random_Nerd> OKay.

  • Random_Nerd sends an email.

<Knockwood> hm... (Leo the Rival & Dulci the Witch)? :)

<Knockwood> I'd feel better about it if I actually contributed something...

<Random_Nerd> Well, I sent some reports regarding our game, and I believe Angelo posted logs of our first one to the Eos forum, right?

<Angelo> right Boss! err RN!

<Random_Nerd> Still, it wouldn't be a bad idea if you guys were to put together your thoughts on it and email Jenna.

<Knockwood> Maybe just some notes on how to get Loner Leo/Dulci to interact with the others

<Angelo> I mailed her when abandoned playtest with my reason :-) I get my .. bases covered ;-)

<Random_Nerd> Which way do you want it, Knock? "Leonardo and Dulcinea" or "Leo the Rival and Dulci the Witch"?

<Knockwood> The latter has their roles, really... Leo as Rival, for instance. The latter.

<Random_Nerd> Okay.

<Random_Nerd> You have her email address, right, Knock?

<Knockwood> send it to me just in case

<Random_Nerd> xxx@yyy.zzz

<Random_Nerd> Anyway... Nobilis!

=-= BethE is now known as Theresa

=-= lazarus is now known as Brian

=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk

=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE

<Random_Nerd> So! You guys had talked to the leader of the interface design team, and found out that there was something odd going on with the recalibration in three specific areas.

<Random_Nerd> One of these was the one where you saw the Strategist taking part in the recalibration.

<Ftisk> we found also that these areas are covered by the same excru, right?

<Random_Nerd> It seems so, yes.

<DanteE> Well, she did identify him.

<Random_Nerd> You've not seen signs of anyone else helping.

<Random_Nerd> And it's the guy she saw.

=-= Verithe is now known as Human_Kite

<Random_Nerd> So, the evidence you have points to there being only one active Excrucian.

<Random_Nerd> But you don't know where he is.

<Ftisk> we can go to one of these places and wait for her :-)

<Random_Nerd> So, do you guys wish to plan IC or OOC?

<Ftisk> IC! IC!" is funnier!

<DanteE> We should do a little OOC first

<Theresa> (IC is okay, if we can actually come up with a plan in the first half hour...)

<DanteE> IC just makes us look like idiots.

<DanteE> (More than usual)

<Theresa> If we're high Aspect, can we really be idiots?

<Random_Nerd> Yes. Just... savants?

<DanteE> Definitely.

<Ftisk> as RN said

<Random_Nerd> So, really, there's two things you need to figure out.

<Random_Nerd> How to stop the attack on Machinery, and how to keep the Strategist from preventing you to do the first part.

<Human_Kite> If Jerren didn't distrust us, I would have suggested we send [Alice?] to him.

<DanteE> We could check the two remaining places to see which one is more active.

<Random_Nerd> (Alice, yes. Right now, you guys have asked Luc to talk to her and figure out what to do.)

<Ftisk> I know how stop the attach OOC but need a good time to do it IC: Greater Motion of Machinery: LV7 aka 4DMP aka every time someone try NOT Google glasses it get nausea after 10 minutes

<Ftisk> aka excru :-P

<DanteE> Still remember that it's machinery rather than data.

<DanteE> Which is a little odd, considering it's a computer on the head that's doing it.

<Random_Nerd> Well, what's you guys' theory on how the flower rite is working?

<Ftisk> Yeah, but go against Machinery properties to get a living being used as a computer piece

<DanteE> That's it, it's about a person being part of a machine.

<Ftisk> mine is that the excru is going against the property that machines cannot being living being (leaved out purposefully to pave the road to cybernetics estate)

<DanteE> So, if he grabs Cybernetics, does that mean he can take over the mechanism of attack?

<Random_Nerd> Potentially.

<Ftisk> I want to grab Cybernetics is my desired project result for this attack as stated some sessions ago

<Random_Nerd> I guess part of the question is, does Ftisk want to establish that this sort of thing definitely /is/ a kind of Machinery, or that it /isn't/?

<Ftisk> I want to establish that is not a kind of machinery is a kind of cybernetic

<Random_Nerd> So, how would it not being machinery work?

<DanteE> Rules-wise, what does it take to fundamentally change an Estate?

<Theresa> (Once we get as to how to solve the problem, we might get Ftisk to pinpoint which of the three places 'hurt' the most. That might indicate the Excrucian up and working again.)

<Ftisk> well each player each session can declare new properties for one estate

<Random_Nerd> Oh? How would you change Machinery?

|<-- Human_Kite has left (Ping timeout)

<Random_Nerd> (Angelo is right. During downtime, you can change your estate properties.)

<Ftisk> I don't want to change Machinery properties, I want to add a new estate that cover the loophole of living being + machinery

<Ftisk> being machinery things that are not alive and cybernetics things that have machinery properties but are alive

<Ftisk> so the excru attack fall inside that other estate

<Random_Nerd> Well, the current version is playing two Machinery properties against each other. It's taking something that is a machine, using it to enhance someone's abilities, but by doing so making them a part of a machine.

<DanteE> (As an aside, I like the voice recognition on the iPad.)

<Ftisk> so "Machinery tend to enhance someone abilities or grant new ones. [2] " vs "Machinery can't be sentient. [2]"

<Random_Nerd> Yeah.

<Theresa> But if you become Cybernetics too and the attack goes to Cybernetics..won't you still be hurt?

<Brian> (holy crap, but the Shadowrun Returns soundtrack is amazing. I am glad to have it separate from the game :) )

<DanteE> (Any bands I've heard of?)

<Ftisk> Good point Theresa for this reason I plan to give nausea to peoples trying it with a great Animation so that peoples don't try to do it and that that property is permanent)

<Brian> (I think it was just the two composers from the SNES and Sega games)

<DanteE> Well, wait, if it goes to cybernetics then it won't be an attack.

<DanteE> That's how cybernetics is supposed to work.

<Random_Nerd> At least potentially, depending on how you guys do it.

<Ftisk> is an attack because is done by an excrucina, if it happen "natually" I believe will not hurt

<Theresa> Well, let's go with that idea and see what happens!

<Ftisk> yeah!

<DanteE> That would mean the Ex helps Creation. :)

<Ftisk> lol, true!

<Brian> Poke the properties of Creation! It is what we do!,

<Ftisk> but is a secondary (tertiary really) estate, someone with it as primary can already exist

<Random_Nerd> Okay, so, your plan is to create a new Estate?

<DanteE> When we're not poking dangerous things with a stick.

<Random_Nerd> How, uh, do you plan to do so?

<DanteE> Right, our plan for dealing with this attack is to fundamentally alter the nature of reality. What could possibly go wrong?

<Ftisk> THAT is a great question, if no other nobles exist with Cybernetics estate, does Ftisk is the "owner" of it?

<Ftisk> My plan was to get enough point in the Cybernetic estate project to wave hands and make it happen :-P

<Random_Nerd> How many points do you have in it now?

<Ftisk> zero (0) points now, declared that project when the attack being

<Random_Nerd> Ah.

<Random_Nerd> That... I mean, do you want to stop this attack on Machinery /soon/?

<DanteE> Ah, we need a short-term plan, don't we.

<Ftisk> Yep I plan to use the gAnimation miracle

<Ftisk> that attack is the spring that a) set Ftisk to get a new estate, b) set Ftisk to increase control on Machinery and Data

<Ftisk> c) set Ftisk to change properties of Data

<Random_Nerd> Hmm.

<Random_Nerd> Okay, so, the attack will be diminished, but it won't actually stop for some time?

<Ftisk> what did you mean with diminished?

<DanteE> Also, the bad guy will respond.

<Random_Nerd> Well, you won't have actually resolved it.

<Random_Nerd> Just, weakened it by taking the pressure off it.

<Theresa> Well, it wouldn't be over until you took over Cybernetics, right? And you don't have the points to cause it now.

<Ftisk> ah, yes yes right

<DanteE> Could the rest of us help out somehow?

<Random_Nerd> Hmm.

<Random_Nerd> Possibly.

<Random_Nerd> What are you thinking?

<DanteE> We're talking about the creation of a new estate, after all.

<Ftisk> beat excru is always a relief source!

<DanteE> Oh, wait... Vulcan!

<Ftisk> (resist urge to joke long life and ...)

<Ftisk> well fit thematically with Vulcan the Makers. I planned to go to cybernetics from when Ftisk was thinked, it fit

<DanteE> (Although, come to think of it, wouldn't Kite be a better match for Cybernetics?)

<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. How so?)

<Random_Nerd> (Assembly, you mean?)

<DanteE> (Yeah, human + computer)

<Theresa> (We could just negotiate with the Excrucian. That would give Ftisk time to get his points for Cybernetics and we're going to be negotiating with the Outside soon anyhow.)

<Ftisk> (from facebbok: Verithe's computer just went kaput. He is trying to Assembly it back into working, but it is taking some time. )

<Random_Nerd> (Ah.)

<DanteE> Oops

<DanteE> ... Then how'd he post to Facebook?

<Theresa> (Ipod? Phone?)

<Random_Nerd> Smartphone, maybe?

<Ftisk> (suggestion relayed)

<Theresa> So, what's our plan?

<DanteE> We can do Adventurer Plan A....

<Random_Nerd> Bullshit?

<Ftisk> GRab the excru, talk her into some agreement. IF that don't work beat the crap out of her?

<DanteE> 1) Find trouble 2) Stick sword in it 3) repeat

<Random_Nerd> (In Beth's Buffy game, plan A is bullshit, plan B is violence, plan C is cowardice, and plan D is all three at once twice as hard.)

<Theresa> (We often hit D.)

<Ftisk> (no smarthpone/ipads etc at all in Kite place)

<Random_Nerd> So, the Excrucian.

<Theresa> (And Ftisk, it's a guy Excrucian.)

<Random_Nerd> How do you plan to grab him?

<Theresa> See which of the three places 'hurts' Ftisk the most?

<Ftisk> (ugh! Was supposing all the time was a she, my bad!)

<DanteE> You're thinking of the executive we've been talking to.

<Ftisk> can work to locate him, right?

<Theresa> Or else, Ftisk can send him a message through the glasses, asking for a meeting.

<Ftisk> Cooler Theresa way!

<DanteE> That might just show us where the attack was most advanced, though.

<Theresa> I mean, he can just delay us until Ftisk is too hurt to recover and plus, we're so busy with these, we can't get ready for the meeting. Let's get this over.

<Ftisk> well the places are only 3 not a countable but infinite ones, we can go in a place and wait

<Random_Nerd> And when you get in contact with him, what do you do if he tries to run again?

<DanteE> We could dismantle what's already there in those places…

<Ftisk> fair threat, will take time to rebuilt

<DanteE> Ftisk's miracle would do more, but dismantling what else is there should do something.

<Random_Nerd> So... if he doesn't stop the attack, you will make it harder for him to continue the attack?

<DanteE> Also attract his attention

<DanteE> Let's go monkey wrenching!

<Random_Nerd> So, switch to IC?

<Ftisk> yeah, we are serious we can stop it now if we want, but we are kind and want to talk. That is the message we want to get to him

<Theresa> Yep. Shall we fast forward to one of the places?

<Ftisk> yep!

<Random_Nerd> Sure.

<DanteE> OK

<Random_Nerd> Same one you hit before, or another?

=-= YOU are now known as Conrad

<DanteE> We know he's not where he was, we chased him away

<Theresa> Another.

<Random_Nerd> So, biggest one that has not had a bulldozer through it?

<DanteE> OK

<Conrad> Sure

<Theresa> Sounds good to me.

<Brian> Sure

<Random_Nerd> _____________START________________

<Random_Nerd> This one's a bit different. A lot less... Apple-keynote-address-y, for one thing.

<Random_Nerd> But then, the location's different. It isn't at the engineering department of a big university, it's a smallish community college.

<Random_Nerd> And they're specifically looking for art and humanities majors as beta testers.

<Conrad> (I bulldoze, you bulldoze, him bulldog .. err)

<Theresa> "Ftisk, what are we going to with your spiderjack?"

<Random_Nerd> But it's just operating out of a small brick building near the main college building.

<DanteE> (Who were they looking for in the last place?)

<Random_Nerd> The people there seem less... manic and evangelist-y, than the other ones.

<Random_Nerd> (Engineering and tech students.)

<Conrad> "SpiderJack can wait a block away"

<Random_Nerd> Spidernod.

<Random_Nerd> Spiderjack climbs a tree, and lurks.

<DanteE> (Or he could stay there and pretend to be an art installation)

<Conrad> (I think he can spiderGnaw a car or two)

-->| Human_Kite ( has joined #Nobilis

  • Theresa will walk into the store.

<Random_Nerd> (Welcome back!)

<Theresa> (Hi Kite! We picked a plan!)

<Random_Nerd> (I heard you had computer trouble?)

<DanteE> WB Kite

  • Conrad run in circles hailing Kite

<Human_Kite> (Bleeeeeh)

  • Theresa will look around inside the store for which way to the adjustment room.

<Human_Kite> (could some one send me what I missed?)

<Random_Nerd> There's only three rooms in there, excluding bathrooms.

<DanteE> "OK, Ftisk, you've already thrown a monkey wrench into the gizmos' works, right?"

<Random_Nerd> (Mostly, a lot of OOC planning.)

<Random_Nerd> (They're gonna attack the Excrucian with hummus.)

<Random_Nerd> (Element of surprise, see.)

<Human_Kite> (Ah!)

<Theresa> (Estate of Surprise.)

<Conrad> (we planned OOC mostly Kite, we now want to try to talk an agreement with the excru)

<Random_Nerd> So, front room, which is basically a tiny office waiting room with a receptionist. Two rooms you haven't been in.

<Random_Nerd> The receptionist looks at you with a bored expression on his face that he doesn't even bother pretending to try to hide.

<Random_Nerd> What would you have told him?

<Conrad> (can I use cool to get to these rooms?)

<Theresa> ("We want to negotiate. Let the receptionist know that you are expecting us.")

<Random_Nerd> (Oh, so you sent the message over the glasses already?)

<Random_Nerd> (How did you send it, to make sure he'd get it?)

<Human_Kite> (What was the message?)

<Theresa> (Could put it hidden into the data of the glasses where he could see it.)

<Conrad> (lesser animation of Machinery, All glasses show a message each 5 minutes "We want to talk, we are heading to your place, don't freet")

<Conrad> (think of all the support calls!)

<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. That works.)

<Random_Nerd> (It'd at least get his attention.)

<Conrad> (Ftisk has NEVER been the subtle type)

<DanteE> (That and the initial counterattack would mean this place shouldn't be quiet...)

<Random_Nerd> Okay. The receptionist recognized you when you came in, and has told you that the person you wish to see will be there any minute now.

<Random_Nerd> Let's say it's been... five minutes since then.

<Theresa> "Thank you!" *smile*

  • Conrad nod at receptionist message

<Random_Nerd> And then, a woman you don't recognize walks out from the back and smiles at you.

<Random_Nerd> Woman: "We don't have a lot of office space here, do you mind if we walk and talk?"

<Conrad> (with start in the eyes like me?)

<DanteE> To Ftisk: "What kind of data traffic are you sensing here?"

<Random_Nerd> No stars.

<Conrad> (to RN? what a lesseDiv Data show here?)

<DanteE> Contacts?

<Theresa> "Sure, but we do have some other appointments to keep. Please, lead on."

<Random_Nerd> (A lesser divination of data shows that this woman got an email telling her to talk to you, see what you want, and then call a particular phone number.)

<Conrad> (in the sight her register as mundane or noble?)

<Random_Nerd> (Also, her name is Gwen Larson, and she writes Star Trek Deep Space Nine slash fiction.)

<Theresa> (The poor thing.)

<DanteE> (We need to trace that number.)

<Random_Nerd> (So... pretty deep cover, if she's an Excrucian.)

<Human_Kite> "Oh come oooooon! It's not like any of us is Filibusters."

<Theresa> (Yeah, I'd expect an Excrucian to write Lovecraft fanfiction.)

<Random_Nerd> She walks out of the building and along the sidewalk.

<Conrad> "uhm, ok let's go"

<Conrad> Me recount my finding to Dante

<Brian> (C'thulhu/Nyarlathotep O_O)

<Random_Nerd> For visual reference, she's in her early thirties, Hispanic, quite tall, and dressed in the third blandest-looking grey pantsuit you've ever seen.

<Random_Nerd> Gwen: "So, I understand that you've been... trying to contact someone?"

<Brian> "yes."

<Human_Kite> " humans know what filibusters are?"

<Conrad> "indeed"

<Theresa> "Indeed. We had met earlier today but lost touch. We'd like to negotiate."

<Conrad> "I have a direct ... interest in someone ... actions"

<DanteE> "It's a follow-up. We were dealing with him earlier."

<Random_Nerd> Gwen: "Okay. I'm supposed to ask what you want, and pass it along even if it's weird. Uh... is this, like, one of those Alternate Reality Game things?"

<Brian> "sort of"

<Human_Kite> "Yes. Definitely one of whatever those are."

<Brian> "only yours is the alternate. You just don’t know it"

<Theresa> "Kind of like a LARP, really."

<Random_Nerd> Gwen: "O...kay. So, tell me about your... vampire politics thing or whatever."

<Brian> "Nobilis"

<Conrad> "sorta. I would like, figuratively, that the big stick in my a.. aehm to have some pain eased"

<DanteE> "We'll, before we get too far...

<DanteE> "Did your benefactor seem a little... Off to you?"

<Theresa> "We want him to stop his attacks. What does he want in return?"

<Random_Nerd> Gwen: "I don't... recall thinking about that."

<Random_Nerd> G: "Okay. Anything else?"

<Conrad> "peace on heart?"

<Theresa> "Earth, Ft..Conrad."

<Human_Kite> "I think that was pretty much all of it without being able to have a dialogue with him directly."

<Random_Nerd> G: "Okay. I'll make a call and get back to you."

<Conrad> "Right T."

<Theresa> ("Oh and Ftisk, don't let your spiderjack eat her head as she passes under his tree...")

<Human_Kite> "This.....this having to communicate through a human is tedious."

<Random_Nerd> G: "Yeah, yeah, vampire-boy."

<Random_Nerd> She walks away some distance, enough that you wouldn't be able to hear if you had human senses.

<Theresa> (Aspect 3!)

<Human_Kite> (Aspect 2...)

<Brian> (Aspect 0!)

<DanteE> "And, Ftisk, ready that trace..."

<Theresa> (Bah, Kite would so totally be..something WoD that is not a vampire, but I can't think of something good at the moment.)

<Random_Nerd> She calls the number, and the voice of the excrucian you saw earlier is heard.

<Conrad> "nah, would be impolite Dante"

<Human_Kite> (er...1. Aspect 1)

<DanteE> "So are attacks."

<Random_Nerd> G: "So, I talked to your friends or whatever. They're... rather weird. And they said to ask, uh, what you want in return for you to 'stop your attacks'."

<Random_Nerd> There's a pause.

<Human_Kite> (Kite doesn't understand because he does not eat humans.)

<Random_Nerd> Excrucian voice: "Complete surrender."

<Conrad> "But we want to talk now, let's hold on a moment D."

<Human_Kite> (At least, not humans who don't also happen to be fish.)

<Random_Nerd> G: "O...kay. You're rather weird t..." She stops talking for a moment. "You are perfectly ordinary, and this is not an unusual thing that I am doing."

<Theresa> (Man, someone got up on the wrong side of Creation this morning...)

<Brian> (Jedi. Damn.)

<Conrad> (can we see the miracle with the sight?)

<Theresa> (We can hear her change her mind and we know he's a Strat.)

<Random_Nerd> Yeah, because you're looking when it happens.

<DanteE> (Trace him now, Ftisk. We should get the cell tower he's closest to.)

<Random_Nerd> Definitely a Destruction of some kind.

  • Conrad traces the call

<Random_Nerd> Okay. The Excrucian is talking on the cell phone of what is probably another person, given that it's registered to a thirteen year old girl. The cell phone tower it's connected to is the one nearest you, so he's probably somewhere within a few miles of your current location.

<Theresa> (Unless the spiderjack! Uhh, you have given him a sense of smell, right, Ftisk?)

<Human_Kite> (That phone-thieving villain!))

<Random_Nerd> Gwen walks back to you.

<Conrad> (yeah, an eagle beak and smelling)

<Random_Nerd> G: "So, I'm supposed to tell you that he wants 'complete surrender'. Which is an ordinary thing for me to be saying at this time."

  • Theresa sighs. "That's his answer? That is disappointing. We're going to have to spend more time on this."

<Conrad> "Uhm, is not an option at the time, right guys?"

<DanteE> "No it isn't."

  • Conrad call spiderJack

  • DanteE casually takes her phone and checks the number...

<Human_Kite> "Why do you qualify it as being an ordinary thing for you to be saying?"

<Theresa> "We can give him a copy of the song Surrender by Cheap Trick..."

<DanteE> "Your guy is using the phone of a thirteen year old girl."

<Brian> "But we would need to finish it first."

<Random_Nerd> The phone number is the one Ftisk looked up. And the Excrucian really didn't look like much of a Sally Zhang.

<DanteE> (Er, Ftisk told us that, right?)

<Conrad> (sure!)

<DanteE> "And he doesn't look like a Zhang."

  • DanteE hands the phone back.

<Random_Nerd> G: "Thirteen year old girl. Sure. Whatever."

<DanteE> "Your operation is helping The Enemy.

<Human_Kite> "How much is he paying you for this?"

<Random_Nerd> (Called the spider how?)

<Random_Nerd> G, to Kite: "This is an ordinary thing for me to be doing."

<Random_Nerd> G: "I do not want to /not/ do this. So I am doing it."

<Conrad> (can contact anchor via anchor link?)

<Theresa> (He's not World-Breaker's Handing all of her brain at the moment. That's sort of a payment.)

<Human_Kite> "Oh, you poor, poor human."

<Random_Nerd> G: "Whatever, vampire-boy."

<Theresa> "Can you up the negatives in that sentence?"

<Random_Nerd> She starts to walk off.

<DanteE> Create-Courage in her to counter the WBH, if possible

<Human_Kite> "I do not understand the vampire thing."

<Random_Nerd> Hmm. Counter it in what way?

<Random_Nerd> As near as you can tell, what he's done is remove her doubts, skepticism, and resistance to doing what he wants.

<DanteE> Give her the courage to not do ... Whatever

<DanteE> Oh.

<Human_Kite> (Courage to do something wild and crazy and not a normal thing?)

<DanteE> (I've got to learn that...)

<DanteE> "The Ex is close, right?"

<Conrad> "right"

<Human_Kite> "I'm going to check the closets."

  • Human_Kite proceeds to look for closets.

<Random_Nerd> You're... outdoors at the moment.

<DanteE> "I'm thinking the local database and connections need to go away."

<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and Ftisk, you're in the brain of your nimblespider.)

<Human_Kite> (then, er, change "closets" to "trees")

<Random_Nerd> There are many trees.

<Random_Nerd> Many, many trees.

<DanteE> (Are we dealing with a Shard?)

<Random_Nerd> A lot of the yards nearby have trees planted in them.

<Conrad> to nSpider: "the prey is near! Maybe you can sniff it! Go try to catch!"

<Human_Kite> (Kite will be busy until someone calls him from his search.)

<Random_Nerd> (Unknown.)

<Random_Nerd> (If it is a full Excrucian, though, it's a cowardly one.)

<Random_Nerd> (Of course, the other simultaneous attack was a full Deceiver, if a new one.)

<DanteE> (Like that excludes any of 'em...)

<Theresa> (Warmains aren't cowards.)

<Random_Nerd> Oh, and if any of you are looking up at the sky, something's noticeable. Bits of cloud are vanishing, one at a time.

<Conrad> (after the breach think go weird)

<Theresa> "Uhh, miss? How are we supposed to contact him to let him know our answer?"

<Random_Nerd> She doesn't say anything. She seems to have forgotten that you're there.

<Random_Nerd> The bits of cloud that /aren't/ disappearing appear to be in some kind of pattern.

<Human_Kite> (Conceivably, Kite can see sky while looking up into trees)

<Random_Nerd> Letters.

<Theresa> ( "Surrender Dorothy.")

<Random_Nerd> Specifically, "SURRENDER, DOROTHY."

<Random_Nerd> (...dammit, yes.)

<Human_Kite> (haha)

<Conrad> (is a citation?)

<Theresa> (I love you, dear. ^^ )

<Random_Nerd> (Wizard of Oz.)

<Human_Kite> "Who's Dorothy?"

<DanteE> "Huh. Damn shame none of us are named Dorothy."

<Random_Nerd> (The Wicked Witch of the West writes it in the sky at one point.)

<Human_Kite> "I don't mind sacrificing a Dorothy."

<Theresa> "Ah, but see, _this guy_ used punctuation."

<Conrad> "me too Kite"

<Brian> (in book?)

<DanteE> "Ftisk, have your whatsit fetch a bucket of water."

<Theresa> (In the movie, at least.)

<Random_Nerd> (Just in the movie.)

<Human_Kite> "I wonder if there are any Dorothys nearby."

<Conrad> (did spiderJack catch some trace of the excru?)

<Random_Nerd> (No.)

<Conrad> "Dante, spiderJack is sniffing around for the excru"

<DanteE> "Which cell tower was he hooked to?"

<Conrad> "the nearest to us"

<Theresa> *calls out* "Still want to negotiate?"

<Random_Nerd> There is no response.

  • Theresa will LDiv plants in the area to look for the guy with stars in his eyes.

<DanteE> "If he gets called again, can you trace the signal?"

<Conrad> "yep"

<Random_Nerd> None are found. However, there are seven guys wearing sunglasses.

<Random_Nerd> (And you do have the phone number of the phone he was using.)

  • Conrad do a lesser incarnation to reach him via cellular network

  • DanteE calls.

<Conrad> (I'm the call! :-P )

<Random_Nerd> Conrad, as you do your lesser incarnation, you find yourself as... yes. The call.

<Random_Nerd> Excrucian: "So, what? Noble Caller ID?"

<Human_Kite> (I wonder if this means this Excrucian melts in water...)

<Theresa> (We would not be so lucky.)

<Conrad> once reached the phone I'll reappear

<DanteE> Here or there?

<Conrad> lCreation of flares to signal the place

<Conrad> (I reappear were the excru is)

<Human_Kite> (Someone who isn't Kite should try it.)

<Random_Nerd> (Well, Incarnation doesn't really give you physical transportation.)

<Conrad> (damn!)

<Random_Nerd> (But, on the other hand, you can play as the phone call if you like.)

<DanteE> "Feel like an old-school throw down, Theresa?"

<Conrad> (but I can look around to see the place, right?)

<Conrad> "Hello? I'm the noble you are attacking with this glass project"

<Random_Nerd> Excrucian: "So, let me be blunt. You can't stop me, you can't catch me, I am superior to you in a vast majority of ways, you smell bad, why would I wish to talk to you?"

<Random_Nerd> (Yes, you can. Because the phone he stole has a camera.)

<Conrad> (then I take a look around to locate the place)

<Random_Nerd> (You can see a street sign. You're pretty sure if you checked a map, you could find out where he is.)

<Random_Nerd> (Also, the phone has GPS.)

<Random_Nerd> (So there's that.)

<Theresa> *to Dante* "I'm annoyed and want to go home. The sooner this attack is over, the sooner we are home. We've too much other stuff to do than waste our time on some shadow-lurking doucheweasel."

<Random_Nerd> (He's about two miles north by northwest of you, near the outskirts of town.)

<Conrad> "I can stop you but I'm a polite being. Having stars in my eyes does not count for you?"

<Random_Nerd> Excrucian: "Why? Will it make you give up and concede your Estate to me?"

<Random_Nerd> Excrucian: "Because if not, you're the traitor, not me."

  • Conrad relay that info to spiderJack asking to guide the other there

<DanteE> "You realize the best way for this to go away is victory."

<Random_Nerd> Excrucian: "Yes. My victory."

<Random_Nerd> The nimblespider starts muttering an address.

<Conrad> "we can share the estate if that is so important for you"

<Random_Nerd> Excrucian: "...hmm? How do you propose that?"

<Conrad> "I'm trying to collaborate with these nobles to find a way that avoid loses to us"

  • Theresa will listen to the address and head thatta way.

  • Human_Kite follows Theresa

<Random_Nerd> Excrucian: "I suppose, if you let the attack finish... this one isn't going to take all of Machinery. Not even a quarter, the way it's going right now. If you let it work, I guess that's like sharing it..."

  • DanteE does the same.

<Random_Nerd> Ex: "is that what you're proposing?"

<Random_Nerd> (How are you travelling? By Dantemobile?)

<Conrad> "they already found a way to share active writing ALL active writing with us"

<Theresa> (Walking/running. You said it was close.)

<Conrad> "AND are working on how share other estates"

<Random_Nerd> (Okay. Using miracles?)

<Conrad> "not like winning an attack to get a tiny winy bit"

<Brian> (I guess I follow too :))

<Random_Nerd> Excrucian: "That was a special case. Whatever that Domination did to that Warmain, I don't think we could replicate it."

<Random_Nerd> Excrucian: "Unless you know something I don't."

<Theresa> (Not using miracles. Aspect 3.)

<Random_Nerd> Excrucian: "Besides, that involves arts of summoning... wait. What are you?"

<DanteE> (I presume Ftisk is broadcasting the call to us while we're running over there?)

<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, he could do that.)

<Conrad> "I know they are using summoning to create connection, right that"

<Conrad> (yeah, relaying to everyone and to Shadows if my signal can reach him)

<Random_Nerd> Excrucian: "I can tell that you're kin, but you can't be a Warmain if you're proposing the use of summoning techniques, you're not my kind, and if you were a Mimic, I would know..."

<Random_Nerd> He hangs up.

<DanteE> "So, no peaceful solution then?"

<Random_Nerd> Ftisk, you snap back to your body.

<Conrad> "I'm Conrad, tempered with one of them Ftisk"

<Theresa> (How close are the runners?)

<Random_Nerd> About halfway there.

  • Conrad aspect 2 run to the place "Damn he hang up!"

<Human_Kite> (Ooooh! He knows all the Mimics! This one's valuable!)

<Random_Nerd> His previous location was about a mile from you.

<Conrad> (juicy juicy infos!)

<DanteE> "Time we showed them what we.

<Random_Nerd> (Okay, so you guys are running at Aspect 2 and 3?)

<DanteE> "Are made of...

<Theresa> (Yep.)

<Conrad> (me A2)

  • DanteE picks up Theresa and flies there.

  • Conrad lDiv all the camera in local place to keep an eye on the excru

<Random_Nerd> Theresa, you get to where he had been. You can tell you have the right spot, because he left the cell phone there.

<Brian> (A0... But running all the same)

=-= Human_Kite is now known as Kite

<DanteE> (IIRC, you don't have a travel power, right?)

  • Kite flies also

<Random_Nerd> (At Aspect 3, Theresa is at least as fast in a straight line as a flying Dante.)

<Random_Nerd> So, Theresa and Dante are at where the Excrucian was.

<Theresa> (I do not. Just Aspect.)

  • DanteE checks the place with The Sight...

<Random_Nerd> Well, the place certainly shows up to Courage sight.

<Random_Nerd> Because you are standing in the place where someone confident got scared.

<Conrad> ( O.O )

<DanteE> "We're making an impression..."

<Theresa> (Can you track the scared?)

<Conrad> (also cameras all around see him?)

<Random_Nerd> (You can recognize them. But it doesn't let you see through trees and houses and stuff.)

<Random_Nerd> (There aren't cameras all around, here. It's the outskirts of a small town.)

<Random_Nerd> (Well, big town, very small city, take your pick.)

<Kite> (What? Cameras don't grow in trees here? I'm disappointed.)

  • DanteE tries to trace the guy.

<Random_Nerd> (There's a camera at the gas station two blocks down. And one at the ATM a quarter mile up. Neither has seen him.)

<Random_Nerd> Tries how, Dante?

<Conrad> (the phone is dropped here or still with him?)

<DanteE> The trail of fear. :)

<Random_Nerd> He dropped it.

<Random_Nerd> He isn't leaving a trail of fear, as such.

<Random_Nerd> But if you saw him, you could spot him instantly by it if he's still this scared.

  • DanteE flies up for a better view.

<Random_Nerd> Mostly, what you're seeing is the phone, which was the thing that carried the message that scared him, and so is connected to your estate.

<Random_Nerd> As you fly up, you see that the cloud message is changing.

<Kite> (We need to rescue the phone from that mean man!)

<Random_Nerd> Parts of the word DOROTHY are going away.

<Conrad> "Dante can you see when he got scared?"

<Kite> "We haven't even found a Dorothy yet!"

<Conrad> "like when I talked of summoning or that I was a excru too or like?"

<Random_Nerd> The word fully goes away. Then bits above the Surrender start vanishing.

  • DanteE looks around from on high for him...

<Random_Nerd> It goes away until it just shows the letter I.

<Random_Nerd> So, "I SURRENDER."

<Conrad> (the rite to follow the miracle makers is gone in nob3ED,right?)

<Kite> "Huh."

<Random_Nerd> (Correct.)

<DanteE> "...huh."

<Random_Nerd> Dante, wherever he is, it isn't visible from the sky where you are.

<Conrad> My estate still hurt right?

  • DanteE pray to Ftisk: "anything changed?"

<Brian> "huh."

<Random_Nerd> It is still hurt. But it's diminishing.

<Conrad> "pain is diminishing! Yay!!"

<Theresa> "..."

<Brian> (pray to Ftisk) "What did you do?"

<DanteE> Can I trace the clouds to his position?

  • Conrad ldiv a batzooka and fire some batFireworks

<Theresa> (What _is_ it about Summoning that freaks everyone Outside about it?)

<Random_Nerd> How?

<Random_Nerd> (Not everyone. Specifically Warmains.)

<DanteE> That miracle-tracer

<Random_Nerd> (The... thing that isn't in Nobilis 3rd?)

<Theresa> (Then what freaked this Strat out? Did Entropy suddenly come up and lick his ear?)

<Conrad> (lol hard at Theresa)

<Kite> (Maybe summoned things are Warmain babies)

<Conrad> (Warmains taboo)

<DanteE> (D'OH... Misread what Conrad said)

<Theresa> (Then I would recommend that the parents of the Pigeon try not to reproduce anymore.)

<Random_Nerd> Okay, Ftisk. The attack hasn't fully gone away, but it just got diminished severely.

  • DanteE flies back to the others...

<Random_Nerd> (You know what I hate about you guys' Do Random Things Until The Problem Goes Away plan? When it works.)

<Theresa> "Usually if you surrender, you give up _in person_."

<Conrad> "Yay! The attach is fiminshed, diminshed, is hurting less!"

<Random_Nerd> It stops diminishing, but it doesn't get any stronger either.

<DanteE> "OK, so where is he? Anyone know?"

<Random_Nerd> (I do!)

<Conrad> (BUT I'm sad! I had ready plan B (miracle it away))

<DanteE> (cool, tell us!)

<Theresa> (He was the nimblejack all along!)

<Random_Nerd> (...I totally should have done that.)

<Theresa> (And that would mean that Ftisk isn't just part Excrucian but he also anchored one!)

<Conrad> (that is partially scary!)

<Random_Nerd> (I know you had a plan, but... what you said... this is what he would do. It wouldn't make sense to continue the attack.)

<Conrad> (but I wanna anchor an excru in my outside trip!)

<DanteE> "Well, he says he surrenders..."

<Random_Nerd> (I know this seems kinda weird. But... this is what he would do.)

<Theresa> "And Ftisk is doing better." *sigh* "Chalk this one as a 'kind of done' and keep an eye on the region?"

<Conrad> (Aw, I hate to don't have all the info so his comportment make no sense but I trust you)

  • Kite lands

<Conrad> "I think so Theresa"

<Random_Nerd> (This... is something we'll be getting to soon. Really.)

<DanteE> "So, under certain circumstances we can just show up and go 'boo' and they'll run?"

<Brian> "parantky"

<Theresa> "Or at least have Ftisk Conrad talk to them a lot."

<Conrad> "Uhm, this experience show me that I need to rethink my estates"

<DanteE> (Who recovered the phone, BTW?)

<Random_Nerd> (Any of you who want to have.)

<Conrad> "Wow throwing random shit to give you time to hit him worked really strange this round"

<Kite> (you were the one fear-tracking it, Dante)

  • DanteE grabs the phone for his collection...

<Conrad> (Dante achievement: ex excru phone! )

<DanteE> "So is the attack over, or still going?"

<Random_Nerd> The attack is still there, but you think you could probably fix it relatively easily if he wasn't trying to stop you.

<Conrad> "is hurting but a lil bit, like when you close your pinkie in a drawer, softly not like your heart is melting"

<Conrad> "Also I believe I can rearrange my estates, do some spring cleanup and fix it all at the same time!"

  • DanteE doesn't obviously react at the 'heart is melting' comment...

<Conrad> (what did I miss with the heart is melting?)

<Kite> "...."

<DanteE> (Our background, where you used to love me? :p)

<Conrad> (already forgotten Dante, get a life! :-P )

<Kite> "Ftisk, I.....has your heart melted before? Did you not tell me this?"

<Random_Nerd> So, what do you guys do?

<Conrad> "was a figure of speech Kite, not really had a heart melting .. still uhm I wonder what do you feel during it ..."

<DanteE> Quickly: "Let's go and dismantle what they've already got here."

<Brian> "dismantle good"

<DanteE> "And at that third site."

<Theresa> "Okay."

<Conrad> (to be clear, Ftisk remember his love affair with Dante, but all the feeling, the desires are gone to JbJ )

<Random_Nerd> (You know, it totally throws off my pacing when you guys do something that completely changes the climax of the plot.)

<Conrad> "Ok, Bulldozers! We can run a contest who bring a place down faster, ok? ok?"

<DanteE> "Then we can run the names and details by our Aides, see what they know."

<Kite> (We could still splash water on the Wicked Excrucian of the West, if you like)

<Brian> (:p at RN)

<DanteE> (If we could find him, sure.)

<Conrad> (did you forget RN: no plan survive PC contact!)

<DanteE> (Come to think of it, how does he know about the Wizard of Oz?)

<Random_Nerd> (Unknown.)

<Random_Nerd> (Most Excrucians wouldn't.)

<DanteE> (Should run that by Sam.)

<Kite> (I just assume he watched the movie.)

<Conrad> (let's assume the places are rumbles now?)

<Random_Nerd> (So, uh. We could play over Ftisk fixing the remaining things...)

<DanteE> "Let's hold off on the physical destruction around squishy people and just junk their data, OK?"

<Random_Nerd> (Well, when you get there, you can find that all the people with the devices are connecting with them the way Alice Gadish said they should, not the freakishly near-telepathic way they actually were working.)

  • Conrad shudder

<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and Kite can tell that this was as a result of a bunch of Lesser Destructions of Assembly, ironically enough.)

<Theresa> (Oh, yes, attack the brother of the estate you were attacking, after you surrender...)

<Random_Nerd> (Assembly is still doing fine.)

<Kite> (It isn't destroying the sanctity of the Estate, just instances of it)

<Conrad> "So what remain to do?"

<Random_Nerd> (How much time will Ftisk spend tidying up the details? A day?)

<Conrad> (mostly, top 3 days, but if all can be good enough in a day a day will be)

<Random_Nerd> (The tidying up, basically. Getting rid of the devices that are too tuned in still, and delaying the overall release until after you can get Cybernetics set up.)

<DanteE> (I think we should just make it look like a failed product. Google will be thrilled. :) )

<Random_Nerd> (Oh. Do you want the overall release to take place, or not?)

<Brian> (Brian does)

<Conrad> (so I remove all the offending devices, the "good" ones can still remain, and the release is ok , it will not hurt me and once cybernetic is in place all will be ok)

<DanteE> (Actually, if it's released under your control...)

<Random_Nerd> (Okay.)

<Random_Nerd> (So, shall we call it a night? I know this is kind of a lame conclusion, but... players happen.)

<Theresa> (Players happen!)

<DanteE> OK.

<Brian> (ok)

<Random_Nerd> _______________STOP_______________

<Conrad> I want to report that to Shadows

<Random_Nerd> So... what do you guys think happened there?

<Conrad> hell if I know

=-= Brian is now known as lazarus

=-= YOU are now known as Angelo

=-= Kite is now known as Verithe

=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood

<lazarus> I think we're scary ;)

<Knockwood> It looks like the guy found up what he was up against and buggered off

<Angelo> or we have reputation backed by lord E. or the summoning is really like killings babies to all of them

<Random_Nerd> <@Random_Nerd> Excrucian: "That was a special case. Whatever that Domination did to that Warmain, I don't think we could replicate it."

<Random_Nerd> <@Random_Nerd> Excrucian: "Unless you know something I don't."

<Random_Nerd> <@Random_Nerd> Excrucian: "Besides, that involves arts of summoning... wait. What are you?"

<Random_Nerd> <@Conrad> "I know they are using summoning to create connection, right that"

<Random_Nerd> <@Conrad> (yeah, relaying to everyone and to shadows if my signal can reach him)

<Random_Nerd> <@Random_Nerd> Excrucian: "I can tell that you're kin, but you can't be a Warmain if you're proposing the use of summoning techniques, you're not my kind, and if you were a Mimic, I would know..."

<Random_Nerd> <@Random_Nerd> He hangs up.

<lazarus> We do know something he doesn't. And that is scary to him

<Theresa> He thinks you're a Deceiver?

<Random_Nerd> But that wouldn't fit either. Ftisk's been using Domain left and right.

<Random_Nerd> Deceivers can't do that.

<Knockwood> Notice he talked about what the Domination did to the Warmains.

<Angelo> He fear I did the same?

<Knockwood> That might mean Gaius is more Dom than Warmains

<lazarus> Calling it a night now. Night!

<Knockwood> G'night laz

<Random_Nerd> Oh, before you go...

<Angelo> Gaius struggled to being what he is atm

<Verithe> Night, LazQ

<Random_Nerd> Laz will be playing Sam, right?

<Angelo> night Laz

<Random_Nerd> V as Gil, Beth as King John...

<lazarus> Ya

<Verithe> Yes! Gil!

|<-- lazarus has left (Disintegrated: lazarus)

<Random_Nerd> Knock is the Imp?

<Knockwood> Oh, that's next time?

<Random_Nerd> Well, next week is Chuubo.

<Random_Nerd> But after that, yes.

<Random_Nerd> Or is Knock William?

<Angelo> and me Gnomely

<Knockwood> Was I the Imp? I thought I was the King...

<Knockwood> Been a while. ;/

<Random_Nerd> Beth's playing the King.

<Random_Nerd> Right?

<Knockwood> I might be William

<Theresa> Yep, I'm John.

<Random_Nerd> I think one of you was William, and one was John.

<Random_Nerd> And I thought the latter was Beth.

<Random_Nerd> Unless you guys would like to trade.

<Knockwood> I think that's it, I

<Knockwood> Am playing William

<Random_Nerd> Okay.

<Verithe> Suddenly I want to play William's fiancee....

<Verithe> but not really

<Random_Nerd> You can, if you want.

<Random_Nerd> Up to you.

<Verithe> No. I want Gil.

<Random_Nerd> Okay.

<Random_Nerd> And normally a mortals-level game would be a problem... except you guys have been playing Chuubo, and so are more up on those rules!

<Knockwood> So, we'll all be going to a bar and bitching about our bosses? :)

<Theresa> What's this 'we', peasant?  :)

<Random_Nerd> Oh, you'll have stuff to deal with.

<Random_Nerd> And, because of the bits that I've revealed ahead of time, I will mildly railroad you. Hope that's okay, I just don't want to cause a rift in the time-space continuum.

<Verithe> Makes sense.

<Knockwood> Why not? We can handle continuum rifts.

<Angelo> RN, I add project to raise my estates, that can raise their value over 5?

<Knockwood> :D

<Random_Nerd> Hmm.

<Random_Nerd> Raising them over 5... that might be tricky. Let me think about that and get back to you, okay?

<Random_Nerd> I need to figure out if that would break anything.

<Knockwood> Oops, I'm not sure I got any destiny...

<Angelo> ok, and that is a place where say no is ok

<Random_Nerd> And, goodnight.

<Angelo> I fix the excru attack did I get some destiny?

<Theresa> Night, guys! *HUGS*

<Random_Nerd> Well, you fixed your problem.

<Angelo> personal or project related?

<Knockwood> Good night RN

<Angelo> night Beth

<Verithe> Night!

<Random_Nerd> So, I mean... you accomplished a goal. That's good.

<Random_Nerd> It doesn't have to give you Destiny.

<Knockwood> You too Beth

<Random_Nerd> Hmm. This may count toward... what's your Outside-related project, Angelo?

<Angelo> ok, Was asking to be sure

<Angelo> outside related: gain out of the weirding wall estate

|<-- Theresa has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)

<Angelo> Win Conrad on who is in control outside

<Angelo> blur outside and inside

<Angelo> --end

<Knockwood> He did try to talk the Ex into sharing an Estate

<Random_Nerd> Okay. This counts as a victory toward "blur inside and outside."

<Angelo> super!

<Knockwood> Personally, I thought flying was faster than walking...

<Angelo> well fly vs aspect walking isn't fair

<Verithe> Aspect 3 walking is pretty fast.

<Knockwood> Heh

<Random_Nerd> Flying is faster than walking.

<Random_Nerd> But Aspect 3 miracles have the timing thing.

<Random_Nerd> That... makes it complicated.

<Knockwood> Ah.

<Angelo> like the beat a laser if you really want to outrace it

<Knockwood> OK. See you for Glass next week. :)

<Random_Nerd> So, this isn't flying being bad.

<Random_Nerd> It's Aspect being good.

<Angelo> see you can normally run at like 200mph but if you really wanna outrace a laser beam you can do it, just not normally

<Random_Nerd> Doing things just in time is something Aspect is better at than other stuff.

<Angelo> ok night Knock

<Verithe> Take care!

  • Angelo nod at RN

|<-- Verithe has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla [Firefox 22.0/20130618035212])

|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: Colloquy for iPad -

|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )

<Angelo> night RN

<Angelo> nest Nobilis session I'll came with new Data name & properties

<Angelo> and maybe new prop for machinery too

<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 35