Potion of ESP
- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands
This potion will have the same effect as the magic user and elf spell ESP. The user may "hear" the thoughts (if any) of one creature within 60' by concentrating for one full turn in one direction. The user may "hear" through 2 feet of rock, but a thin coating of lead will block the ESP.
- Range: 60'
- Duration: 12 Turns
- Allows the caster to "hear" thoughts. The caster must concentrate for a full Turn in one direction to "hear" the thoughts (if any) of a creature within range. Any one creature's thoughts may be understood, with no barriers for language. However, if more than one creature is in the same direction and within range, then a jumble of thoughts will be "heard". An extra Turn of concentration is necessary to sort those thoughts out to concentrate on one creature's thoughts. The spell works for up to 2' of rock, but is completely block by a thin coating of lead.
- Note: the undead have no thoughts that can be detected by this spell.