Edward (That's ed-WAHD, not ED-word)

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- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands

       Class:              Thief
       Level:                 12 (Master Thief)
       Experience Points: 595732 (+10%)  (640000 for 11th)
       Total Hit Points:      30
       Armor Class:            3
       Movement:              12"
       Strength       10  
       Intelligence   10 
       Wisdom         14   +1 certain saving throws vs. magic  
       Dexterity      18   +3 missiles, -3 AC, +2 individual initiative 
       Constitution    8   -1 hit points per die
       Charisma        9    4 maximum hirelings, default morale 7
   Thief Abilities:
       Open Locks   Find/Remove Traps   Pick Pockets   Move Silently   Climb Sheer Surfaces   Hide in Shadows   Hear Noise
           96%             95%             105%            96%                98%                  90%             1-5 
   Other Abilities:
   -- May make backstab attempts with ranged weapons
   -- +2 to all saving throws (ORARE, Castle Amber dungeon)
   -- Read Languages 20%


   On Person:
       gems (100, 500, 500, 500) - wt 40
       Dust of Disappearance
       Chime of Opening - wt 10
       Potion of Invisibility - wt 10
       Flying Carpet - wt 100
       Potion of Healing (2)
       500 cp - wt 500
       2500 sp - wt 2500
       750 ep - wt 750
       jewels (2500, 6000) - wt 20
   Stored at Guild:
      6948 gp
      400 pp
      Serving Set (6000) - wt 100
      3 Candelabras (100 ea)  - wt 150
      Writ from Guild
   Stored at Arduum:
       Gems (10 (x4), 50 (x3) 100 (x10), 500 (x11)) - wt 90
       Jewels (2000) - wt 10
       Bag of Endless Food - wt 10
   Hidden Stash (Don't Ask):
      380 pp          
      Jeweled Clasp (300 gp)    
      Necklaces (1200, 1400)
      Broach (900) - wt 10   
      Spare shortsword & handaxe
      rings (1200, 1300, 700)

  Stored at Goblinfell Keep:
      Silver Bowls (100, 100, 500, 500, 1000)  - wt 100
      Ornate Bowls (50, 50, 100, 100) - wt 100
      13 Silver Goblets (10 ea)  -wt 130
  Loot from Rayna:
      15000 gp
       8750 pp
          5 gems (100 gp each)
          5 gems (500 gp each)
          5 gems (1000 gp each)
          5 gems (5000 gp each)
          2 gems (25000 gp each)
          2 gems (50000 gp each)
          4 jewels (1000 gp each)
          4 jewels (3000 gp each)
          2 jewels (7000 gp each)
          3 jewels (20000 gp each)
          Jewels (16000) - wt 10 (From the Castle Amber)
          Richard's Crown (3800) -wt 25 (From the Castle Amber)	  


       The Unheard Eye      - wt 30
       Shortbow      - wt 30 (20 arrows)
       1 silver arrows
       2 Arrows +1
       7 Arrows +2
       Dagger +1 - wt 10
       Holy Water (3 vials) - wt 30
       Leather Armor - wt 200
       Elven Boots
       Elven Cloak
       Helm of Infravision
       Ring of Protection +1 -wt 10
       The Escape Plan - wt 10
       Containing - wt 80
       Thieve's Tools  
       Large Sack x2
       Iron Rations (1 week)
       Rope (50')
       Iron Spikes (12)
       Torches (2)
       crude goblin dice        
       Rope of Climbing
       Colored chalk & bits of string
       Flask of Oil (2)

Total Encumbrance: 200 + 100 + 110 = 410

- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands