Session 257

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Chapter 36

-->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis

<lazarus> hey Angelo!

<Angelo> Hi guys! :-)

<BethE> Hi Angelo!

<Knockwood> any suggestions on what to add to Dulc?

<Random_Nerd> Ah, Angelo.

<Knockwood> Or, it can wait now that Angelo's here. Hiya Angelo.

<Angelo> I want to dispel voices that I'm the zombified version of myself! :-P

[INFO] <irc://> will now open at startup.

<BethE> Braaains..., oh, wait, that's me.

<Angelo> eheh

<Verithe> Hi!

<Angelo> btw, I'm IN vacation not out of it, the travel to the place is simply ended

<BethE> Ah, cool! How is the vacation?

<Knockwood> so you're connecting from somewhere more exotic than usual?

<Angelo> good, thank you, nope, I want to go to scottish highland but my bro will marry soon so all the PampaClan is meeting at the ancestral turf

<Knockwood> Then again, we consider Italy kind of exotic. I half-expect you're vacationing in beautiful downtown Dubuque. :p

<Random_Nerd> Everywhere's exotic to people who aren't from there. Except Canada.

<lazarus> hey!

<Angelo> why not Canada? Did Laz did something?

<BethE> It's the moose. Moose aren't very exotic.

<lazarus> what about the maple syrup?

<Random_Nerd> Maples are /everywhere/.

<Angelo> O.o never seen maple syrup in my life.

<lazarus> tundra?

<Random_Nerd> Oh, you poor, sad soul.

<BethE> The US has maple syrup as well! And ours don't get stolen out of the global reserves, unlike some country's I won't name...

<Random_Nerd> It's delicious.

<Angelo> tundra = russia :-P

<lazarus> :D

<Knockwood> well, except for a tiny little bit it's probably fake

<BethE> Nah, RN and I pass a homemade maple syrup place in Ohio when we visit his extended family.

<Random_Nerd> Let's face it. Canada is what you get if you start up the Country Generator but leave all the settings blank.

<lazarus> we resemble that remark :)

<Random_Nerd> So! Nobilis!

<lazarus> although some find the politeness exotic.

<lazarus> and yes, Nobilis!

<Angelo> Nobilis! Gnomely!

=-= lazarus is now known as SamTheMagnificent

<Knockwood> (And I'll still entertain input on how to 'grow' Dulc for Chuubo)

<BethE> Is it true that if you bump into a Canadian, they have to give you a donut?  ;)

=-= Knockwood is now known as AideWilliam

<SamTheMagnificent> not quite ;) But we might buy one for you /anyway/.

=-= BethE is now known as John

<SamTheMagnificent> 'cause, you know, Tim's.

<SamTheMagnificent> (or, maybe you don't, not being Canadian and all)

<AideWilliam> No, don't be silly. They'll just _want_ to.

=-= Verithe is now known as Gil

<John> (I don't. But I would love to try one.  :) Although I'm not a coffee person.)

<SamTheMagnificent> (visit someday, and I'll show you Ottawa. Beautiful town.)

<Random_Nerd> So! You guys have a woman who either sees invisible demons, is crazy, or both. And Lesson.

=-= YOU are now known as Gnomely

<SamTheMagnificent> (I'm betting on both, btw.)

<Gnomely> (and awkward Lesson)

<Gnomely> (who is SamTheMagnificent? I want to give him one cookie for the nick!)

<AideWilliam> Oddly enough she seems OK with Lesson

<SamTheMagnificent> (Sam is full of himself ;))

<AideWilliam> (Laz)

<John> (John's trying. He's accepted that people who belong to the Chancel are also citizens of Amyra, so Lesson's a subject as well and you don't go around making your subjects feel bad for not a good reason. That way lies goatees and really big rocks over your grave.)

<Gnomely> (Yep! But is all air in Sam Case! :-P)

<Random_Nerd> She's not /incredibly/ okay with Lesson, but she's a big John fangirl, so she trusts him.

<Gil> (I thought we sent Lesson home.)

<Random_Nerd> He was just walking out at the end of the session.

<Random_Nerd> Oh, and Lesson still has a robot problem.

<John> (So, we have John replaced with a robot, we have a goat demon...what else?)

<AideWilliam> Robot problem?

<John> _Obviously_ this whole Chancel thing is crap to hide the fact that John has been replaced with an evil robot.

<Random_Nerd> And also, he's trying to figure out what being a robot is like, so he can have the Bureau shrinks explain it to people who want to have the Transformo Ray used to turn them into robots. Because there are some of those.

<AideWilliam> (Dante's take)

<AideWilliam> (Need to sort out exactly why they want that. If it's just because they look neat they can do a cosmetic change.

<AideWilliam> (If it's because they want to not _feel_ they need counseling.

<AideWilliam> (And if they want to do the robot rampage thing... that's a no.)

<Random_Nerd> For that matter, all the robots we've met so far have emotions.

<Random_Nerd> So part of the question is... do they want to be like actual robots, or fictional ones?

<John> (They can if they are very tiny robots. Set them up in a cardboard city.)

<Gil> (I think it's because they want to form a band.)

<Gil> (Like Steam Powered Giraffe)

<Random_Nerd> So, issues to deal with. Demon Problem. Robot Problem #1. Robot Problem #2. Whatever your normal PCs ask you to do.

<Random_Nerd> Any questions before we start?

<Gil> Non

<Gnomely> nope

<SamTheMagnificent> nope

<SamTheMagnificent> (but half-afk for a little bit, while I quickly make some food for Sara)

<John> Ready.

<AideWilliam> Let's do it.

<Random_Nerd> ________________START_______________

  • Gil puts down the strange device he was inspecting.

<John> (Are we starting back up at John's room?)

<Random_Nerd> You guys pick a place to start.

<Random_Nerd> That's fine with me, if you want.

<AideWilliam> (Who's here besides us?)

<Gnomely> (no preferences)

<John> "So, how can I help you gentlemen? I had asked Lesson for help as the demon situation with my guest was...unusual."

<Random_Nerd> (Presumably demon-lady Evelyn is still with you, unless you went somewhere without her.)

<Random_Nerd> (Lesson had just left.)

<John> (No, she was directed out of the room. To a guard.)

<Gil> (No, I like her still being with us.)

<Gil> (Oh, okay)

<John> (To go get some stuff so she can stay at the palace for a while.)

<Random_Nerd> (That works.)

<Random_Nerd> (So she'll show up at some later point.)

<AideWilliam> "Will you have her stay in a warded room?"

<John> "Indeed. My ancestors have worked hard to have safe places in their living areas in case of supernatural nuclear war since we have started taking care of the Treasures."

<AideWilliam> "Good to know.

<AideWilliam> "Anyway, we wanted to talk about this meme that's going around about robot doubles.

<John> "It just seems so...banal an attempt. Plus, the appearance was all wrong for our culture."

<Gil> "Appearance?"

<Gnomely> "Bah, robots are like any other people"

<John> "Oh? Who is said to have been replaced?"

<AideWilliam> "You, for one.

<AideWilliam> "It seems that everyone in power is fake... according to these."

  • AideWilliam hands over some example papers.

<John> "Oh, yes. Many of the casual demon calls that I get are either djinn-based or else more influenced by Western culture for their version of the Devil. This one seen by my subject did have goat legs but not the..overwhelming stuck on himself that I usually see."

<SamTheMagnificent> (b)

<John> (Anything interesting in the papers?)

<Random_Nerd> (They're totally obsessed with you.)

<Random_Nerd> (You're probably either a robot, a Reptoid, or both.)

<Random_Nerd> (Who knew?)

<John> *looks at the papers* "Including the Nobles or were they robots all along?" *looks at Gnomely* "Saving your father, of course."

<AideWilliam> (No, that's silly, the Reptoid thing isn't in the game. That's IRL.)

<Gnomely> "Ftisk is a special case in sooooo many ways"

<John> "They still have me as being a Reptoid in this. Only now it's a _robot_ Reptoid." *tsk* "I shall have to see if I can still communicate with Elizabeth Windsor and add more money to the betting pool."

<Random_Nerd> (The Nobles, of course, are alien demon robot communists.)

<Gnomely> (you forgot child eater)

<John> "And what are they recommending as a way to deal with robot myself?"

<AideWilliam> (Hm... would she know what it's about?)

<AideWilliam> "The usual, really. Humanity uprising, purging the unclean, that kind of thing.

<John> (It probably wouldn't but John and she used to communicate before the enChanceling. He's still finding bits and pieces that are changed now that Amyra is no longer in the world.)

<Random_Nerd> At least this isn't as creepy for John as the whole Rastafarian thing.

<Gnomely> "In Ftisk channel robot are NOT citizen"

<AideWilliam> "Trouble is, it's coming from multiple sources."

<Random_Nerd> (Would who know what what's about?)

<AideWilliam> (If we told Queen Elizabeth that King John wanted to add to the bet)

<Random_Nerd> (She would no longer remember, most likely.)

<Random_Nerd> (But before the enchancelling, they had met.)

<John> (Hey, you have some religion name your dad as God, you try not to get a martyr complex.)

<Random_Nerd> (Not for years, mind.)

<John> "Multiple sources? But the same things or the same general ideas?"

<AideWilliam> (Last session, we established that this robot thing is unusual and possibly part of a plot, right?)

<Random_Nerd> (Unclear. The same phrases did pop up a lot in seemingly unconnected people.)

<Random_Nerd> (John's security people don't think he's in any serious danger, though.)

<AideWilliam> "Have a look at these two here. They seem to use the same language."

<AideWilliam> "Despite being very different groups."

-->| Etheric ( has joined #Nobilis

<John> (Hi Etheric!)

<Gnomely> (HI! Eth!)

<AideWilliam> (Hiya Eth)

<Etheric> ((Evening everyone.))

<Gil> (Hi, Eth!)

<Etheric> ((It's my mom's birthday, so I'm just returning from dinner now. Sorry to arrive late.))

<SamTheMagnificent> (hey Eth)

<Random_Nerd> (Etheric... do you have a character for the Minions And Sidekicks storyline?)

<Random_Nerd> (I'm trying to recall.)

<Random_Nerd> (Currently taken are... well, you see. Is there any recurring character you'd like to claim?)

<John> "Very well. My security has usually deemed these notions as harmless. What do you suggest?"

<Etheric> (I haven't written her Skills up yet, but I was planning to use Carrie's mom, Helen Winters, who was roped into being a sort of government and media liaison for the Nobles. Does that ring a bell?)

<SamTheMagnificent> (I remember her :) )

<Random_Nerd> (That works.)

<Random_Nerd> (I don't have a character sheet ready for her, but we can probably work one out before next session.)

<Gnomely> (I don't remember her, but is not important)

<Etheric> (Sure, no rush.)

<AideWilliam> (Considering what we're talking about she could really help)

<Etheric> (Gnomely, if you are Angelo or Verithe, you joined the game after I quit so you'd only know her from the wiki archives.)

<Gnomely> (Angelo here)

<John> (I remember her! We've met her a few times and seen her on the TV sometimes too.)

<Gil> (I know her. I read all the old files)

<Etheric> (Ah, okay.  :) )

<John> (Eth, would you be ready to be roped in?)

<AideWilliam> "I wonder if we could get any existing records on these groups."

<Etheric> (Sure, go ahead. I'll figure out what's up IC.)

<Random_Nerd> (Really, it'd make sense for her to get brought in...)

<AideWilliam> (Yeah right, we haven’t pulled that off in 8 years)

<John> "I can have my security send you their files, if you'd like."

<AideWilliam> "Would that include Law Enforcement records?"

  • John raises an eyebrow. "Of course. My security is very thorough. And it's much like the United States' Secret Service. Except they know what would happen if I die before my nephew is ready to take over."

  • Gnomely thumbs up to John

<AideWilliam> "Thank you, your highness.

<Random_Nerd> John, your cell phone rings.

<AideWilliam> "Strange name, that... 'Secret Service'. We know what they do."

<Random_Nerd> (That's what they /want/ you to think.)

<SamTheMagnificent> "worst kept secret ever."

<John> "It is sometimes helpful being the timed fuse for some of the most powerful and...capricious artifacts on the planet."

<John> "Pardon me." *answers phone* "Yes?"

<Random_Nerd> It's your valet. He says that Evelyn's arrived with a few bags at the palace.

<John> "Ah, yes, thank you, Reginald. I'll be right there."

<John> *hangs up* "It looks that Evelyn has returned with her luggage. I shall need to take her to the...panic room. Would you care to accompany me?"

<AideWilliam> "Certainly."

<SamTheMagnificent> "Of course."

<Gnomely> "Sure!"

<SamTheMagnificent> *dons another fedora*

<Gil> "Yes, please."

<SamTheMagnificent> *is now wearing two. Maybe three.*

<Etheric> (I don't mean to rush things, but would you guys prefer that one of you summons Mrs. Winters, or should she show up on her own initiative?)

<AideWilliam> (you play Team Fortress?)

<Random_Nerd> (We could meet Helen there, since it would make sense for Sam or William to have mentioned the crazy person PR issue.)

<SamTheMagnificent> (nope)

<SamTheMagnificent> (and yes!)

<AideWilliam> (Good idea)

<John> (Shall she be outside of the room when we leave it?)

<Gnomely> (never played TF)

<Random_Nerd> (That works.)

<John> (In that game, you can wear multiple hats at the same time.)

<Random_Nerd> (The modest pile of hat?)

<AideWilliam> ( )

  • John leaves the room and almost runs into Helen. "Oh, pardon me!"

=-= Etheric is now known as MrsWinters

<John> "Ah, Mrs. Winters. A pleasure to see you again!"

<MrsWinters> (John is the king, right?)

<Gnomely> (yep)

<AideWilliam> (We were just bringing chips for our big poker game)

<John> (Yep, king of the kingdom, babysitter of the Treasures, single.)

<John> (Hey, with the robot thing, they at least wouldn't be expecting heirs.)

  • MrsWinters curtsies, as well as she can manage in her denim skirt, soon returning to a standing pose. "Your Majesty."

  • John looks at the others. "We are on the way to take care of one of my subjects who is under the impression of demonic visitation. Are you on a specific mission?"

<MrsWinters> "I was, but it ended a few minutes ago. Shall I accompany Your Majesty and colleagues?"

<SamTheMagnificent> "Would be a good idea, Mrs. Winters."

<Gnomely> "Sure, came in!"

<MrsWinters> (Where exactly are we having this conversation? Hallway? Sidewalk? And what facility are we within/outside?)

<Random_Nerd> Oh, and as you walk down the hall, you see Lesson in a chair, reading a book.

<SamTheMagnificent> (at the palace, we are)

<AideWilliam> "Tell me, has anyone asked about robot duplicates?"

<John> (Hallway, of the palace.)

  • MrsWinters raises her eyebrows, startled. "ROBOT duplicates? I don't think so... but what do you mean by that?"

  • AideWilliam shows her the papers.

<SamTheMagnificent> "They think John's been replaced."

<SamTheMagnificent> "Strange."

<John> "Ah, hello, Lesson. Thank you for being patient. We are on the way to bring Evelyn to the safe room and are discussing the robot conundrum. Do you wish to join us?"

<Random_Nerd> He puts his book down. "Thought I was to avoid the stressed woman."

<Gnomely> (indeed I believe is better if we leave Lesson out)

<MrsWinters> (Thank you. Would I know who Evelyn is or is she newly part of the mess?)

<John> "Ah, yes, but I value your input on the duplicate situation. I think that I should be able to persuade Evelyn to let me take her to a save room while having an entourage."

<Random_Nerd> (The book, if you're wondering, is the Burton translation of the Thousand And One Nights.)

<SamTheMagnificent> (She's been around John's before)

<John> (New part. NPC. Thinks she's being possessed by demons.)

<Random_Nerd> (You wouldn't know who she is.)

<SamTheMagnificent> (but not IC)

<MrsWinters> (Right.)

<John> (Gnomely - why not have Lesson?)

<Gnomely> (because she reacted negatively to Lesson before)

<AideWilliam> (actually IIRC she responded surprisingly well to him)

<Gnomely> (my bad to miss remember then.)

<John> (She was less jumpy than if one of her evil demons had been there.)

<John> (we'll bring her in and see, how about that?)

<Gnomely> (Ok)

<Random_Nerd> As you continue to walk down the hall, you get to where Reginald has brought Evelyn and her bags.

<John> "Ah, thank you, Reginald." *smile* "Oh and the Aides require an electronic tablet with details on one of our little problems. Please acquire the data for them."

<John> "Evelyn! I am so glad to have you here at my home! Are you ready?"

<Random_Nerd> She nods. "I have a week's worth of clothing here, and some books to read."

<AideWilliam> (Come to think of it, has she seen Sam?)

<Random_Nerd> Reginald, to William: "Which of the problems will you be needing details on today?"

<Random_Nerd> (She has.)

<AideWilliam> "These groups and/or people..."

<John> "And of _course_, my library is available if you exhaust your books."

<Random_Nerd> (Lots of people have. Sam and William on TV all the time.)

  • AideWilliam shows Reginald the texts saying they've been replaced.

<Random_Nerd> R: "Ah, and you'll be needing the security checks on those groups?"

<John> "And these are some of the people who help me interact with the Nobles who now take care of the kingdom. *introductions all around*

<AideWilliam> to R: "Yes, if you would."

<John> "And you've already met Lesson as well. He will be able to help me determine if my ancestors were actually good with magic or just fine interior decorators."

<Random_Nerd> Evelyn looks a bit puzzled at that.

<Random_Nerd> Reginald nods.

<Random_Nerd> He then picks up Evelyn's bags./

<SamTheMagnificent> (Sam is /fabulous/ on TV)

<SamTheMagnificent> (or so he thinks, anyway)

<John> "To the panic room, please, Reginald." *presents his arm to Evelyn*

<SamTheMagnificent> (there's a Samuel fan club division of the Brian and the Nobles fanclub. Sam started it.)

<Random_Nerd> Little Known Fact: 17% of Amyrans think Samuel is secretly a djinni.

<Random_Nerd> The room is just a few doors down the hall from here. Reginald leads the way.

<John> (Have there been attempts to get him to grant them wishes?)

<Gil> (Am I remembering correctly that Carrie and her family are Americans?)

<SamTheMagnificent> (yep!)

<Random_Nerd> R: "Now, there are a few issues, sir. First, the lavatory facilities in the 'protected suite' are... relatively primitive, although running water was installed a few years back. And there are no telephones or internet connections to the inside, as this would have required boring holes through the walls.

<John> (Yep, they are.)

<John> "Well, let's test the most important part of the room first and then we shall worry about the niceties..."

<AideWilliam> (Could they string a wire under the door?)

<Random_Nerd> R: "Also, the lighting is in the form of oil lamps, although there is a large supply of oil."

<Random_Nerd> (The door shuts very tightly.)

<Random_Nerd> (Part of the protections.)

<AideWilliam> (hm... wouldn't that use up all the oxygen?)

<John> (It could break wards.)

<John> "Can a cellular phone work inside?"

<Random_Nerd> (The place wasn't really designed for a long-term stay.)

<Random_Nerd> R: "Sadly, no. The walls are made of layers of silver, iron, and lead."

<John> "Very well. Lesson, would you be willing to see if you can cross the threshold of the room? I do _not_ wish to cause you any harm, but I do wish to show to Evelyn that the demonic presence shouldn't be able to visit her in that room."

<MrsWinters> (Correct, Gil.)

<Random_Nerd> Reginald brings John a small hand-bound book. "Your ancestor's notes on the room. Latin, of course."

<Random_Nerd> (And yes, you read Latin.)

<Random_Nerd> Lesson walks to the doorway and looks in.

<Random_Nerd> The door is heavy, incredibly ornately ornamented with religious symbols and prayers, and made of iron.

<Random_Nerd> The inner edge of the doorway, also metal, is inscribed with what appears to be a variation of the Breastplate of Saint Patrick.

  • John skims.

<Random_Nerd> Short version, your great great grandfather was really paranoid about supernatural stuff, and took a "throw a lot of symbols at the wall and see what sticks" approach to protecting it.

<SamTheMagnificent> (Works for Harry Dresden)

<Random_Nerd> The drains and the chimney are lined with holy writings to prevent invasion, and have silver caps to be put on whenever they aren't in use.

<Random_Nerd> A lot of the stuff is based on copying the demon storage room. The door, in particular, is an exact copy except for the writing along the doorway.

<Random_Nerd> Lesson sticks an arm in.

<Random_Nerd> L: "Not feeling... wait."

<Random_Nerd> His arm starts to smoke a dark green color.

<AideWilliam> (The same one that failed spectacularly?)

<Random_Nerd> He pulls it back.

  • Gnomely look closely to Lesson's arm

<Random_Nerd> (After succeeding for a long time, but yes.)

<Random_Nerd> L: "Odd. Arm went numb."

  • Gil looks nervously at the doorway.

<SamTheMagnificent> "Neat. Do you know which ward did that?"

<Random_Nerd> L: "No."

<Random_Nerd> L: "Don't know how I would tell."

<SamTheMagnificent> "We should experiment some day."

<Random_Nerd> Oh, and John, there is one other interesting thing in the book, a picture of the demon your ancestor was afraid of.

<John> "I am very sorry that your arm went numb, Lesson, but I am delighted that some of that actually _works_. After that deal downstairs, I was a bit worried that so much of this was _just_ decoration."

<Random_Nerd> You've seen pictures of the type before, in a book Sam showed you. A "Nimblejack."

<John> (*shifty*)

<Random_Nerd> Which doesn't appear in any book of demonology you're familiar with.

<SamTheMagnificent> (uh oh)

<SamTheMagnificent> (can the rest of us see?)

<Random_Nerd> (The book? If you're reading over his shoulder.)

<Random_Nerd> (...which Sam would totally do.)

<SamTheMagnificent> (... true)

<SamTheMagnificent> "NIMBLEJACK!?"

<John> "Oh, Sam! Look! It appears that my ancestor was afraid of a 'nimblejack'! You showed a picture of one to me once! How wonderful to find another connection to your Noble world!"

<Gil> (If we find the Imp passed out on the floor inside the room....)

<Random_Nerd> Lesson /jumps/ back, and crouches.

  • AideWilliam checks out the book.

<SamTheMagnificent> "why was your ancestor afraid of a Nimblejack?"

<John> (*smacks Sam with a newspaper* Do not scare the demon!)

  • Gnomely pat Lesson "hey, is all right"

<SamTheMagnificent> "That doesn't make sense at all."

<AideWilliam> "Huh. Accounting for drawing skill... that does look like a nimblejack."

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Everyone is."

<SamTheMagnificent> "and no wonder he was so afraid."

<Random_Nerd> William, the book appears to be written by someone who didn't really know much real magic, but knew a bit, and had a lot of resources to throw at the problem.

<AideWilliam> (Can I read Latin?)

<SamTheMagnificent> *roughly blabbering right now*

<John> "So, Evelyn, I am sorry that the accommodations are not very modern, but are you satisfied to their at least somewhat demon-prevention-ness?"

<Random_Nerd> (Yes. You were a medieval history grad student before you were an Aide.)

<John> (William - I think you have Superior Latin at 6.)

<Random_Nerd> (Sam can't, but he can recognize the picture.)

<Random_Nerd> Evelyn nods.

<SamTheMagnificent> "IS this enough for a Nimblejack, William?"

  • AideWilliam reads the account...

<Random_Nerd> E: "What's a nimblejack? You all say that word like it means something to you."

<AideWilliam> "The body type and legs seem to fit...

  • John shows her the picture!

<SamTheMagnificent> "This." *moves the book to show her*

<Random_Nerd> The author of the book had, apparently, grown obsessed with the idea that a small but very fast demon was following him wherever he went, and sneering at him and poking him whenever he went to sleep.

<Gnomely> "Is a demon type that a powerful imperator use"

<Random_Nerd> So, he built this room to give him a place to sleep that it couldn't get to.

<AideWilliam> (Nimblejacks mean Entropy's involved, right?)

<Random_Nerd> (Probably but not certainly.)

<SamTheMagnificent> (generally..)

<Random_Nerd> (Like ogres, most nimblejacks work for him, but not all do.)

<Random_Nerd> (And this was more true a hundred years ago than it is now.)

<AideWilliam> (Hm. If he only saw _one_ nimblejack, it may not be...

<AideWilliam> (I'd think if Entropy wanted to bug him he'd send a bunch.)

<John> (It sounds more like a personal..bedevilment.)

<SamTheMagnificent> (Maybe he saw one once and went crazy)

<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and it's rare but not unheard of for nimblejacks to torment rather than kill people.)

<AideWilliam> quietly to John: "Perhaps your ancestor met up with you-know-who."

<Random_Nerd> Evelyn, in a hushed voice: "...Satan?"

<John> "Oh, no. Someone else."

<AideWilliam> Not said: potentially worse.

  • Gnomely nod

<Random_Nerd> Reginald is trying to remain an impassive face. He /liked/ living a life where people didn't talk about demons and monsters like they were real things. And where none of the people talking in front of him /were/ demons and monsters.

<John> (He's a valet, though. He can impassive face with the best of them.)

<SamTheMagnificent> (Superior Impassive Face 10)

<AideWilliam> (Anyone who couldn't would have run away screaming around the EnCHanceling)

<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, he's a professional.)

<John> "If you need anything, Evelyn, just let Reginald or any of the other servants know. And I am afraid that I must leave you now."

<Gil> (Though it may be harder to ignore when one of the people talking about demons is a demon and another is a bodiless being wearing colorful scarves.)

<Random_Nerd> (He comes from a line of valets almost as long and distinguished as the actual royal line, and much more so than almost all the nobility.)

<AideWilliam> "Ah, how will she do that if the door

<AideWilliam> "is closed?"

<Random_Nerd> Reginald: "Ah... there is a bell-pull."

<AideWilliam> (Ah, so, prime suspect, got it. :) )

<Random_Nerd> Reginald: "I tested it. It is still connected."

<John> 'Thank you, Reginald."

<SamTheMagnificent> (... ...)

<SamTheMagnificent> (we're going to come home with a nimblejack and scare the /crap/ out of King John, aren't we?)

<Random_Nerd> Reginald: "And if you notice, on the outer wall beside the door, there is a grate of gold wire. One who speaks at the corresponding point inside can be heard outside."

<Random_Nerd> Reginald: "There is also a... sort of dumbwaiter, but designed so that the inner door can only be opened when the outer one is closed, and vice versa."

<SamTheMagnificent> "Airlocks. Dreadful things. No wind."

<Random_Nerd> Reginald: "Yes, that was something I was wondering about. As near as I can tell, the only source of air is the chimney and the speaking grate."

<John> (Remind me to remind Reginald to take a vacation.)

<AideWilliam> "That is rather the point, Sam."

<Random_Nerd> Reginald: "Still, according to the stories, a person could occupy these rooms for days at a time, so it must provide enough airflow."

<John> "And the chimneys are clear and well-kept?"

<SamTheMagnificent> "Might be magical air filtering and production in there."

<Random_Nerd> Reginald: "Yes, as a matter of fact. The room may not be used, but the housekeepers here are... rather fanatical. The fact that a room has been nothing but a curiosity for a hundred and fifty years will not stop them from cleaning it every week."

  • John beams with pride of his people!

<John> "They take the dust as an insult."

<SamTheMagnificent> "There's spells for that."

<John> "But we must continue on. *bows* Evelyn, I hope that your stay here is restful."

  • Gil does the white glove test.

<Random_Nerd> Reginald: "Well, you don't get to work here if you don't take your job seriously. I hear anyone who's worked for a year on the palace cleaning crew can make a quite respectable salary working in private residences later on."

<John> *to Sam* "Yes, and there are generations of Amyran women and men who have fought the dust of the desert with their very hearts and souls. That too is a magic."

<Random_Nerd> The wall doesn't, quite, pass the test.

<Random_Nerd> But then, there is a lit oil lamp in the room.

  • Gil respectfully hides his glove.

<John> (Reginald doesn't talk about the ones that twitch still...)

<AideWilliam> (Maybe we should put a LED lamp in there)

<Random_Nerd> Evelyn: "So... I'll stay here for a few nights, and you'll... figure out the demon problem?"

<John> "Indeed."

<Random_Nerd> Evelyn: "Thank you!"

<Gnomely> "Exactly"

<Random_Nerd> Evelyn: "I mean, thank you for talking to me, thank you for letting me stay here, thank you for helping me with my problem!"

<SamTheMagnificent> "Is it ok if Lesson stands guard for you? He'll know a demon better than the rest of us."

<AideWilliam> unsaid: If you still see demons, you're just bonkers.

<AideWilliam> "Along with someone who can chase one _in_ if need be."

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Can do that."

<John> "But Evelyn, if you are visited again, we shall know it is not truly a demon. You will let me know everything that happens?"

<Random_Nerd> He seems to think. Sam is the direct agent of one of the Nobles, like him. But Sam is the agent of an active Noble, not one that is away on the moon.

<Random_Nerd> Sam is probably a peer in a different area of the organization, so he doesn't have to take orders if he doesn't want to, but would not lose much faith by agreeing of his own free will to help.

<John> "And Lesson also has other important duties as well, so he may not be here all of the time. I cannot monopolize him when my transformed people still need help."

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Hmm. Dealing with demonic or other nonhuman problems... part of duty of Bureau of Monstrosities. Will personally assist, in this case, as no subordinates have necessary skills."

<John> "Thank you, Lesson. I appreciate it. Is there anything that you require?"

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Food. Meat, preferably fresh. My sleeping hammock... will have Jennifer bring it. Palace already has books."

<John> "Reginald, please inform the kitchen of Lesson's requirements, please. And a list of the books in the nearest three libraries on this floor."

<Random_Nerd> Lesson looks at John and Reginald. John is the leader of a very large number of humans. He lacks much actual authority with them, but is treated with respect and given tribute. But Lesson is not one of his subjects. He is analogous to a visiting Noble.

<Random_Nerd> Reginald is John's servant, but one who appears to be in charge of other servants. He is equivalent to a demon crew chief or sergeant. He is of lower status than Lesson, but does not report to him.

<Random_Nerd> Lesson adjusts his body language accordingly.

<Random_Nerd> Reginald nods and strides off.

<John> (I do like how you're giving us more info on Lesson. And cool architecture stuff too.)

<Random_Nerd> (Is it useful or entertaining to do these brief bits on how Lesson figures out the social roles at work?)

<AideWilliam> (Any problem with Evelyn going into the room?)

<Random_Nerd> Nope.

<Random_Nerd> Oh, a question.

<John> (I just _said_ I liked it. :P )

<Random_Nerd> Oh, right, Gil already went in.

<Random_Nerd> Gil, are you still inside?

<Gil> (If everyone else is outside, Gil will rejoin them after bidding farewell to Evelyn.)

<SamTheMagnificent> (I like it)

<Gnomely> (me too liked it)

<Random_Nerd> Gil, as you're starting to head out... you begin to smoke slightly.

<Random_Nerd> Not nearly as much as Lesson, but some.

<Random_Nerd> And it's bluish.

<Random_Nerd> You also feel a light tingle.

  • Gil does not dally!

<John> (Do the rest of us notice?)

<Gnomely> "Can I try the smoking ward too?"

<Random_Nerd> Probably.

<AideWilliam> What's the smoke smell like?

<John> "Oh dear."

<Random_Nerd> Hmm... like flowers, but you can't recognize the species.

  • Gnomely put a hand in the room

<Gil> "That might be informative, Gnomely, but I don't suggest it."

<Random_Nerd> And William knows a /lot/ of flowers.

<Random_Nerd> Including ones that were purpose-designed for some specific Noble.

<AideWilliam> "Ah, Sam? Try sticking an appendage in there."

<Gil> (Would Gil or Sam have reason to recognize the sent?)

<Random_Nerd> (No.)

<SamTheMagnificent> "Sure." *Unwraps an arm and sticks it through*

<Random_Nerd> (Sam doesn't have a sense of smell, by the way.)

<Random_Nerd> (Gil does, and actually a stronger one than most humans because he can smell with his whole body.)

<John> (So..his feet _do_ smell?)

<Random_Nerd> Sam's arm emits an immediate puff of blue smoke.

<Gil> ("Oh god, why don't any of you bathe?")

<Random_Nerd> And Sam, you feel the movements of air in your arm slowing.

<SamTheMagnificent> "Ooo. Neat!"

<Gnomely> (and mine? does it react to me?)

<Random_Nerd> Gnomely provokes no response.

  • AideWilliam tries sticking an arm in...

<SamTheMagnificent> *retracts it almost immediately, waves the arm about inside*

<Random_Nerd> Nor does William.

<John> "Okay, okay, the magic show is over, we shall let Evelyn get settled!"

  • Gnomely shudder

<Random_Nerd> Sam, your arm feels weak and sore, like you just spent a lot of time lifting weights.

<AideWilliam> "Strange that you seem to have an anti-Dionyl ward..."

<AideWilliam> Any familiar-looking symbols in the wards?

<Random_Nerd> (Which, for Sam, would be five pounds tops. Most dionyl aren't very strong by mammal standards, and Sam has a desk job.)

<John> "It may just be a reaction to the magic needed to keep non..what is the word that you have used? Prosaic? non-Prosaic beings from entering."

<Random_Nerd> (There /are/ warrior dionyl who can swing a heavy sledgehammer. Sam is not one of them.)

<Gil> "Or non-Earth."

<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Odd."

<AideWilliam> aren't demons Prosaic?

<Random_Nerd> Eh.

<Random_Nerd> They're not from Earth.

<Random_Nerd> The same categories don't really apply.

<Random_Nerd> But they aren't mythic spirits, as a rule.

<Random_Nerd> At least, no more than humans are.

<John> "We can continue this elsewhere. Rest well, Evelyn!"

<Random_Nerd> Still, the reality of Hell is not very similar to the Prosaic. It doesn't have consistent physical laws or anything.

  • Gnomely wave to E.

<Random_Nerd> Evelyn nods.

<Random_Nerd> E: "Do I close the door now?"

<SamTheMagnificent> "Yes, please"

<SamTheMagnificent> "Have a pleasant evening."

<AideWilliam> "If you have any 'encounters' tonight, write about them in the journal there. We'll check in the morning."

<Random_Nerd> She does so.

<Random_Nerd> From the effort she has to put into it, the door is heavy, but the hinges work smoothly.

<Random_Nerd> E: "I will do so."

  • John heads back down the hallway toward his office.

<Random_Nerd> (So, it's late afternoon.)

<Random_Nerd> (John, you have certain prayers you have to recite in about an hour, but until then you have free.)

  • Gnomely follow the king

<AideWilliam> Who all do they say is replaced? John, obviously...

<John> "So, I have an appointment in 45 minutes. What needs the most attention?"

<AideWilliam> "Well, have you seen accusation like these before?"

<AideWilliam> "Or, perhaps, other charges from these people?"

<John> "My security has deemed such concerns as unimportant. And it was being replaced with Reptoids or pod people, I think."

<John> "Unimportant as unlikely to be a credible threat."

<AideWilliam> "So, the robot charges are new?"

<Random_Nerd> John, a few key members of the parliament, possibly others.

<Gil> "Pod people?"

<John> (How new? Within the timing of enChanceling or after that?)

<Random_Nerd> The ringmasters are probably Lesson, Sam, and the people who got changed by the Enchancelment.

<SamTheMagnificent> "Haven't you seen Day of the Triffids?"

<John> "I believe they gained that idea of podlings from some American movie. Clones grown in giant pea pods."

<SamTheMagnificent> (... I may be forgetting which book that had pod people that got turned into the movie ...)

<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. Heinlein's The Puppet Masters? No, that had mind-control parasites...)

<AideWilliam> "As I recall, those weren't robots, though."

<AideWilliam> (I think it's 'Pod People')

<SamTheMagnificent> (the one with the "YOOU!" scene that's commonly quoted, is the one I'm thinking about)

<Random_Nerd> (Should we call it a night?)

<Random_Nerd> (Or move to you guys at Sam and William's offices?)

<Random_Nerd> (Or what?)

<AideWilliam> (oh, wait, Invasion of the Body Snatchers)

<AideWilliam> (Well, we can look over the data on the groups & people.

<SamTheMagnificent> (Invasion of the Body Snatchers. That's the one.)

<John> (Invasion of the Body snatchers - http://scarydad. com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/1bodysnatchers.jpg )

<SamTheMagnificent> (I'm ok calling it a night.)

<John> (I think I'm ready to call it a night.)

<AideWilliam> (OK, sure.)

<Gnomely> (ok stopping here)

<Random_Nerd> _____________STOP_____________

=-= SamTheMagnificent is now known as lazarus

<lazarus> Day of the Triffids did it better :p

=-= John is now known as BethE

<Gil> :P

=-= AideWilliam is now known as Knockwood

=-= Gil is now known as Verithe

=-= YOU are now known as Angelo

<Angelo> Braiiinz!

<lazarus> but didn't get turned into the movie :(

<BethE> But yes, I like all of the detail and the social Lesson stuff.

<Random_Nerd> So, is this side-game thing fun, or should I try to finish it quickly?

<BethE> So, John is ranked as visiting Noble?

<lazarus> triffids was written by John Wyndam, who also wrote the Crysalids and the Kraken Wakes.

<lazarus> and I'm liking this side quest.

<Knockwood> Well, are we actually pursuing something worthwhile or on a wild goose chase?

<Angelo> is likeable. And all the info nuggets are yummy

<Random_Nerd> Lesson has figured that he should treat John roughly as a Noble who he doesn't work for, someone of importance who isn't actually in a position of authority over him.

<BethE> Knock - I think that it is probably a worthwhile thing, either the demon or the robot thing. Because the demon dude sounded like he was working on the 'humans aren't Imperial' and the robot thing could just be a leading to something horrible.

<Knockwood> Well, if you think about it, recent fascination with machinery points to one Noble... :)

<Random_Nerd> Basically, I threw a bunch of things at you, and I don't expect you to focus on all of them, but I'll build on the ones you do poke at.

  • Angelo whistle

<Random_Nerd> And the ones you don't look into will probably not pop up again.

<lazarus> I think I'm going to head out now.

<Random_Nerd> Since they aren't really the sort of issues that your normal PCs have to deal with.

<lazarus> good night folks!

<Knockwood> g'night laz

<Angelo> night Laz

<Verithe> So all of them are worthwhile, but we aren't expected to deal with all of them.

|<-- lazarus has left (Disintegrated: lazarus)

<Angelo> is a not vanilla PC perspective

=-= MrsWinters is now known as Etheric

<Knockwood> Actually, question for the Chuubo players:

<Knockwood> suggestions for what I should add to Dulc now that she's finished that quest?

<Random_Nerd> Hmm.

<Random_Nerd> For the perk, you mean?

<Knockwood> though RN and I have been talking about other things to do with the character

<Knockwood> yep.

<Random_Nerd> Hmm.

<Random_Nerd> Lemme look at those perks again.

<Random_Nerd> Did you want to get a power that deals more directly with nightmares?

<Knockwood> That's one possibility...

<Knockwood> basically I want to add to the character. :)

<Random_Nerd> Because a power to protect people from nightmares, chain nightmares, punish nightmares, or summon nightmares would be an option.

<Random_Nerd> Of those four, which sounds the best?

<Knockwood> and seriously, open to suggestions. Recall you guys helped with the Stones in Amyra.

<Knockwood> what do you mean by 'chain nightmares'?

<Random_Nerd> Like, you could develop a power that would allow you to restrain nightmare stuff.

<BethE> What would summoned nightmares be able to do? Could they track? Could they pull a sled?

<Verithe> That could be useful, since two nightmare entities are loose in Fortitude right now.

<Random_Nerd> Yeah, but that won't always be true, presumably.

<Verithe> True....

<Random_Nerd> So it might not be ideal to build your character for this specific situation.

<Random_Nerd> Of course, perks are swappable anyway.

<Knockwood> unless 'chain' extends to 'control'

<Random_Nerd> Eh...

<Random_Nerd> Maybe a little, but probably not too directly.

<Verithe> More of a "and you stay /here/" sort of control?

<Random_Nerd> Yeah.

<Random_Nerd> Or "Leave this place at once!"

<Random_Nerd> Not "Serve me forever."

<Knockwood> Well, that's the obvious one, but what else could she do

<Knockwood> other options

<BethE> What would be the use of punishing nightmares?

<Angelo> Scold them to behave?

<Verithe> Summoning sounds most useful, if you'd always be summoning something under your control....

<Random_Nerd> Wouldn’t give you as much of a tool against the nightmares already out there, but it'd probably be more generally applicable.

<BethE> I'd probably go with the summoning, just for better use all around.

<Knockwood> Unless you like Nightmare-on-Nightmare action... :)

<Random_Nerd> So hot.

<Verithe> not where Hisui gets her jollies.

<Knockwood> Would that mean I could bring 'living' things out of nightmares as well as inanimate stuff?

<Random_Nerd> It could.

<Knockwood> OK... maybe something other than Nightmare stuff. What else?

<Random_Nerd> Well, you could get a Bond.

<Random_Nerd> Or a Connection.

<Random_Nerd> Or one of the mundane perks.

<Verithe> What else does Dulcinea have?

<Random_Nerd> She's using the Wounded Angel template, so she mainly has four particular Empowered Wounds.

<Knockwood> and RN and I were talking about how those can be VPPs. >:>

<Random_Nerd> Heartless, which gives her advantages and healing in the dark, Friendless, which makes her good at saving or protecting people, Glorious, which makes her good at being paranoid in a useful way, and... Corrupt, I think? Which is bringing stuff out of nightmares, and letting her nightmare world out.

<Random_Nerd> Speaking of... that's a similarity between Dulcinea and Vitkoria.

<Random_Nerd> They both have malign nightmare worlds that can invade the real world.

<Random_Nerd> So you've got that in common with her.

<Random_Nerd> Hmm.

<Knockwood> I think Corrupt_ed_ is more accurate

<Random_Nerd> Yeah.

<Knockwood> she has "Cage for a Red World"

<Random_Nerd> It's something that happened to you.

<Random_Nerd> Does the Glass version of Dulci have Cage? I thought she had a variant.

<Random_Nerd> The "They Know Your Scent" perk could be useful.

<Random_Nerd> Helps keep forces you unleash from hurting people you care about.

<Verithe> You could do something with the wings.

<Verithe> If that's in the Glass version.

<Verithe> I don't know what, though.

<Random_Nerd> Oh, hey! I forgot you had a special power that lets you build a free Connection to Jasper.

<Knockwood> here we go, 9 characters update, p. 34

<Random_Nerd> Yeah, the Glass version of Dulci has The Sickness Rises instead of Cage For A Red World.

<Random_Nerd> Do you have the Glass Campaign file from Feb?

<Knockwood> this thing has their titles rather than dates

<Random_Nerd> I mean Glass Campaign - Feb 27 2013 - Incomplete

<Knockwood> ah, here's Sickness Rises

<Knockwood> this says I can REDACTED

<Verithe> Oh! I probably won't be around in two weeks.

<Random_Nerd> From the Land of Rot and Poison?

<Random_Nerd> Yeah, you can do that.

<Random_Nerd> Okay. Thanks for the heads-up, V.

<Knockwood> ah, also has Cage for a Blasphemy

<Verithe> I'm going to head out. Take care!

<Angelo> night V.

<Knockwood> cya V

|<-- Verithe has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla [Firefox 23.0.1/20130814063812])

<Knockwood> so, if Dulc gets really badly hurt it'll look like when they shut down the containment field at GhostBusters HQ

<Random_Nerd> Yes.

<Random_Nerd> Dulcinea is a very large Twinkie.

<Knockwood> Beth, tell Angelo about the Twinkie. :)

<Angelo> Twinkie? a biscuit?

<Random_Nerd> It's a reference to a movie.

<Random_Nerd> Ghostbusters.

<Random_Nerd> http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=pzaQjS1JstY

<Angelo> we lost the reference in ita translation of the movie

<Random_Nerd> Ah.

<BethE> I'm going to have to get to bed. Night, guys! *HUGS*

<Knockwood> how many pages in the latest Glass?

<Knockwood> g'night Beth

<Angelo> we have mini plumcake so twinkies become them

<Random_Nerd> Ah.

<Angelo> night Beth

<Random_Nerd> So, translated as the local equivalent.

<Random_Nerd> The latest glass...

<Random_Nerd> Let me see.

<Angelo> nod nod to RN

|<-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)

<Random_Nerd> The kickstarter backers' draft is 1133

<Etheric> Good night, all.

<Angelo> night Eth

<Knockwood> that still available? My paycheck will be getting direct deposited any moment now

<Random_Nerd> But I don't think the version of the character is changed much, if at all.

<Random_Nerd> Hmm. I think there's a way to get it...

<Random_Nerd> Let me ask Beth.

<Random_Nerd> Ah!

<Knockwood> uhoh

<Random_Nerd> It's closed.


<Random_Nerd> I think?

<Random_Nerd> Maybe ask in the thread.

<Random_Nerd> Someone would know.

<Knockwood> Well, I've got a pile of previous versions

<Random_Nerd> I /think/ you should have just about all the content, spread across different files.

<Random_Nerd> Not the newest version of the arcs, but as a player you don't really need those.

<Knockwood> yeah, it's just that accessing it is a bitch.

<Random_Nerd> *nod*

<Random_Nerd> Ask in the Chuubo thread, somebody will probably know if there's a way you can still get it.

|<-- Etheric has left (Disintegrated: Destiny is choice)

<Knockwood> OK.

<Knockwood> Well, good night RN

<Angelo> night Knock

<Random_Nerd> *nod*

|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: Knockwood)

<Random_Nerd> G'night.

|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )

<Angelo> Night RN

[INFO] Must specify |nickname| or run the command from a DCC view.

<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 36