Stargazer Darque

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History: Stargazer Darque (that *is* his real name, do *not* get him started on his parents) was born to the Engineer class on a world with a heavily caste-stratified society. While he was talented enough at his job, eventually ending up in a ship's engine crew, he grew fed up with the unthinking abuse of those of more privileged castes and fled during a routine stop. He fell in with a bounty hunting crew, who may have kept him at the bottom of the totem pole but at least didn't pretend this was a law of nature, until they were wiped out by a mark who proved beyond their talents. Due to his secretive boss, however, he has no clue who this person is or where they went.

Strength 14 [+1]

Intelligence 13 [+0]

Dexterity 14 [+1]

Wisdom 17 [+1]

Constitution 14 [+1]

Charisma 11 [+0]

Background Package: Engine Crew

Class: Engineer

Training Package: Bounty Hunter


  • Combat/Projectile Weapon 2
  • Navigation 2
  • Vehicle/Space 1
  • Tech/Astronautic 1
  • Exosuit 1
  • Tech/Postech 1
  • Culture/Traveller 0
  • Persuade 0
  • Stealth 0
  • Survival 0
  • Tactics 0
  • Computer 0
  • Culture/Spacer 0
  • Gambling 0
  • Security 0
  • Tech (Medical) 0
  • Perception 0
  • Science 0

HP: 22

Languages: English, French


  • Armoured undersuit
  • TL4 backpack
  • Compad
  • Mag rifle with 500 rounds of ammunition (750)
  • 20 days' rations (100)
  • Combat field uniform (1000)
  • Navcomp (500)
  • Low-light goggles (200)
  • Vacc suit (100)
  • Survival kit (100)
  • Solar recharger (500)
  • Pooled funds for comm server (250)
  • Donation to ship petty cash tin (500)
  • Contribution to slush fund (5000)
  • Cash (2222)

Standard Readied Items: (7)

  • Grey and silver powered armour (2, +2), AC 0 with Dexterity bonus
  • Navcomp
  • Mag rifle (2); hit bonus +5 (+2 skill, +1 Dexterity, +2 attack bonus), damage 2d8+3, range 300/600, 10 rounds/magazine
  • Survival kit
  • 3 magazines of ammo
  • Compad
  • Argus web - ship stores

Standard Stowed Items: (14, +4 from armour)

  • Solar recharger (3)
  • Low-light goggles
  • 3 days' rations
  • Comm server (3)
  • 6 magazines of ammo (2)
  • Twelve type A power cells (2)
  • Metatool - ship stores
  • Postech toolkit (3) - ship stores

Vital stats:

  • Attack Bonus +0
  • Physical Effect Save 16
  • Mental Effect Save 15
  • Evasion Save 12
  • Tech Save 11
  • Luck Save 14