Explorator Tristan Calibran

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"What happened? Enlightenment I think is what you could call it. I saw the glory of the ancient world, of steel, ceramic, and circuitry all lit up like a plasma reactor on Christening Day. Untold machinery reaching out to dance in a grand design set in motion by a hand as lovely as it is powerful." - Tech Acolyte Calibran, after coming out of a data overload comma.


Home World: Void Born
I grew up on the Chartist ship "Dauntless Mare" a mass cargo hauler that frequently was pulled into Navy service carrying troops, weapons, and other volatile chemicals needed for the Imperium to keep existing. It was your typical ship full of the oddities of any crew, christening day holidays, the death cultist rituals held int he underdecks, it was a pretty uneventful childhood.
Birthright: Unnatural Origins (Contaminated Environs)
Our family was located back near the reactor level, so the air was always a little stale and radioactive which likely gave me my 'healthy' complexion. Family was rather proud of me being able to haul some promethium drums while only 8, they said that when I was born they tossed some fancy non-shipper into the Holy Plasma Reactor for a potent child. I guess it worked...
Lure of the Void: Duty Bound (Duty to the Throne)
Of course we all have to grow up and leave the decks of our birth behind, and I was brought into the old engiseer's group of acolytes because he saw something in me other than a strong back, which I did have reinforced first chance I got, and brought into the secret Cult of the Machine. The fact that I helped him on several away missions with covering fire helped show my devotion.
Trials and Travails: Dark Voyage
After a few more away missions, and being shown as the most devoted to the Omnissiah, I managed to get to go on a Pilgrimage to finish my training on Holy Mars itself, I was so excited I sent some new reactor live-man safety switches to the Dauntless Mare! On second thought, I don't think my parents appreciated the fact that it was harder to 'accidentally' vent plasma. Either way, during my final project, I was on a deep salvage mission about one of Jupiter's Moon when I came across a great cache of Holy Logic Records. Accessing the engine was almost fatal for me, but it gave me a far greater understanding of the workings of the Machine Spirit's and the Omnissiah's will to better her children to survive in a hostile universe.
Motivation: Knowledge (Knowledge is Life, Life is Knowledge)
There are so many things we lost that needs to be rediscovered and embraced! The solution to our problems are out there, if one is willing to look for it, and I have dedicated my life to do so for the betterment of all, especially for our grand captain.


Character Name Player Name Career Path Ship's Role Rank Experience
Tristan Calibran Aliexster Explorator Engiseer Prime 1 5,000/5,000
Home World Birthright Lure of the Void Trials and Travails Motivation
Void Born Unnatural Origins (Contaminated Environs) Duty Bound (Duty to the Throne) Dark Voyage Knowledge (Knowledge is Life, Life is Knowledge)
Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Perception Willpower Fellowship Wounds Fate Points Insanity Corruption
40 40 40 53 30 45 35 43 22 13 3 5 0


  • Speak Language (Low Gothic, Ship Dialect, Explorator Binary, Techna-Linga) (Int):
  • Forbidden Lore (Archeotech +10, Adeptus Mechanicus) (Int):
  • Scholastic Lore (Legend, Cryptology) (Int):
  • Common Lore (Machine Cult, Tech) (Int):
  • Literacy (Int):
  • Logic (Int):
  • Tech-Use (Int):
  • Trade (Technomat) (Int):


  • Peer (Mutants):
  • Resistance (Poisons):
  • Armour of Contempt:
  • Total Recall:
  • Mechanicus Implants:
  • Basic Weapon Training (Universal):
  • Melee Weapon Training (Universal):
  • Logis Implant:
  • Mechandendrite Use (Utility):


  • Charmed:
    • If you roll a 9 on spending a Fate Point, you don't loose it.
  • Ill-omened:
    • -5 on Fellowship Tests to interact with non-void born
  • Duty to the Throne (Trait):
    • -10 to Interaction Skills with sources outside the Imperium (ie xenos and chaos)
  • Shipwise:
    • Navigation (Stellar) and Pilot (Spacecraft) are basic skills
  • Void Accustomed:
    • Zero G does not count as difficult terrain.



  • Enforcer Light Carapace:


  • GC Hellgun:
  • GC Power Axe:

Other Gear[edit]

  • Microbead:
  • Void Suit:
  • 'Multikey:
  • Sacred Ungents:
  • Pict-recorder:
  • Combi-tool:
  • Dataslates:

Bionic Implants[edit]

  • Mind Impulse Unit:
  • Manipulator Mechandendrite:


  • XS-0:

Views of PCs[edit]

As a Whole: "It is not quite what I expected after my internmanship under the Forgemasters of Mars, but there are far worse fates to be given than traveling the void in search of lost tech or possible manufactorum sites. The good Magos are knowledgeable, but some things are best learned through hard experience, and this is likely to be a rather hard journey."

  • Jestic Dunwich, Captain: "A decent man as far as the nobility is concerned, though he does leave me to my own devices for the most part. Note to self: get a best grade toxofiltration implant on ice for the inevitable future."
  • Maria Anitova, Seneschal: "Maria is an odd one, she has an odd habit of appearing right behind me with a few questions about the costs of the engineering staff, especially in regards to what 'R&D' is. I need to get an auspex installed to keep track of her..."
  • Vance Brillang, Astropath Transcendent: "I do not know why I feel a little unnerved while about him, we're quite a like in many ways. I do wish that he would open up a bit so I can help with his vox protocols being the head communications officer. I have an audio port open. "
  • Vaun Koleck, Voidmaster: "A good man of the Navy, he knows how to handle the Machine Spirits properly. The best Voidsman a Magos could ever ask for. Still he can be a little rough on the small craft, but he's still willing to do some of the more dangerous missions."
  • Navigatrix Primus Zero Six: "Unfortunately the reactors have not blessed her as some of us despite being so close to the Omnissiah's glowing bosom. I have suggested several times to give her some additional bionic enhancements to be a little more durable in a gravity well. Such a shame."

Experience Notes[edit]

  • Base: 5500 xp
  • Origin Path:
    • Birthright – Contaminated Environs: 200 xp
    • Motivation: Knowledge is Life, Life is Knowledge: 300 xp
  • Character Advances:
  • Skill Purchases:
  • Talent Purchases:
  • Mechandendrite Use (Utility): 500 xp

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