Wolf Kennedy
Wolf Kennedy, The Infernal
played by Metal Fatigue in SacredMonsterHearts
Look: distant; burning eyes
Origin: chosen
Image Song: VAST, "Pretty When You Cry"
Hot: 0
Cold: –1
Volatile: +1
Dark: +1
- Soul Debt (dark power)
- Dark Recruiter (1XP for bringing an innocent to the dark power)
- Inhuman Gaze [Hollow] (roll with dark instead of cold to shut someone down)
- Push [Fury] (may roll with Volatile instead of Hot to turn someone on; 10+ they must also follow a short-term command; 7-9 I gain Creepy; if I have Betrayed they get Enthralled)
Dark Power: the Nameless Poisoner of Darkened Stars
- The Power Flows Through You (A string for +2 before rolling)
- Elsewise Power (A string to use a move from another skin once)
Strings, Conditions, Harm, Experience: see front page