Savage Worlds Accursed CharacterGerhardt

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Gerhardt Reiniger

Dhampir (Valkenholm); Novice (0 XP); Male

Racial Package: +2 Charisma, d6 starting Agility, d6 starting Notice, Low Light Vision, +4 damage from wooden weapons, Blood Witch Banes attack a Dhampir first, Habit (Minor, Drink fresh blood when it is available) - Spirit roll at -1 to resist

Agility d8; Smarts d6; Spirit d6; Strength d6; Vigor d6

Charisma +5; Pace 7; Parry 7; Toughness 8 (3); Power Points: 10; Personal Resource Die: d8

Stage 1 Acceptance: +1 Pace, +1 Charisma, -1 to all rolls while in sunlight

Athletics [Agility] d4

Fighting [Agility] d8

Gambling [Smarts] d4

Guts [Spirit] d6

Knowledge (Chemistry) [Smarts] d4

Notice [Smarts] d6

Persuasion [Spirit] d4

Riding [Agility] d4

Shooting [Agility] d6

Streetwise [Smarts] d4

Witchcraft [Spirit] d6


"Ifrit's Ruin" - (Bolt); elemental trapping: Fire - when cast, golden/red, molten flames lick up and down Gerhardt's extended arms, as though it is alive and leaps toward any target at his command

"Blessed/Cursed Mark of Xidar" - (Boost/Lower Trait); trapping: "Blessed" - Gilded light settles upon the target; "Cursed" - Sickly green, foul energies dance mockingly around target


Reinforced Greatcoat - Armor +3, covers T, L, A

Rapier - STR(d6)+d4; Parry +1

Flintlock Pistol - 5/10/20; 2d6+1; RoF 1; 2 actions to reload

Dagger - 3/6/12; STR(d6)+d4; RoF 1

A pure white scarf with the 'holy' Witchcraft symbol showing status as a White Witch

Six shot packets

2 weeks of food and water

Assorted adventuring gear

Hindrances: Heroic (Major), Vengeful (Minor), Quirk (Minor, Hates Dirt and Filth)

Edges: Attractive, Arcane Background: Witchcraft

1 of 3 Wounds

0 of 2 Fatigue Levels

3 of 3 Bennies (Soak Wounds, remove Shaken)