Dr. Eris Delan
Dr. Eris Delan
- Class: Psychic
- Level 5
- Age: 22 (anagathics)
- 16,040/32,080
- HP: 18 AC: 1 or 6
- Strength: 13
- Intelligence: 15 (+1)
- Dexterity: 16 (+1)
- Wisdom: 14 (+1)
- Constitution: 16 (+1)
- Charisma: 14 (+1)
- Attack Bonus: +0
- Attack: Laser Pistol, +2 to hit, 1d6+1 damage, range 100/300, 10 shots
Laser Rifle, +2 hit, 1d10+1 damage, range 300/500, 20 shots Laser Rifle (burst), +4 to hit, 1d10+3 damage, consumes 3 rounds of ammo
- Saving Throws: 13 (-1 per three levels)
- AC: 6 or 1
- HP: 18
- Languages: English, French, Hindustani, Japanese
- Skills:
- Bureaucracy 0
- Combat/Energy Weapon 0
- Combat/Gunnery 0
- Computer 1
- Culture/Nyx Cluster 0
- Culture/Spacer 0
- Culture/Traveler 0
- Exosuit 0
- History 2
- Navigation 1
- Profession/Lawyer 1
- Science 1
- Security 1
- Stealth 0
- Steward 1
- Tech/Astronautics 1
- Tech/Medical 1
- Tech/Postech 1
- Tech/Pretech 1
- Tech/Psitech 0
- Vehicle/Grav 0
- Vehicle/Space 1
- Skill point progression 3/level, 5 tolerance
Tolerance & Armatures
- Total Base Tolerance: 17.
- Armature: Echo.
- 1 Phylactery installed in an Echo armature concealed on Tenebrous Station, along with 53,000 credits and a commpad.
Combat Expected
- Assault Suit (2)
- Plasma Projector (2)
- Commpad
- 10 Glowbugs
- 6 type A power cells (1)
- Metatool (1)
- TL4 Backpack
- Laser Rifle (2)
- Dataslab (1)
- Lazarus Patch x2 (2)
- Survey Scanner (1)
- Bioscanner (1)
- Medical Kit (2)
- Postech Toolkit (3)
Combat Not Expected
- Armored Undersuit
- Thermal Pistol (1)
- TL4 Backpack
- Commpad
- 10 Glowbugs
- Metatool (1)
- 6 type A power cells (1)
- Argus Web (1)
- Survey Scanner (1)
- Bioscanner (1)
- 35,000Cr
- Lazarus Patch (1)
- Medical Kit (2)
- Postech Toolkit (3)
- Astronautic Toolkit (3)
- Dataslab (1)
- Navcomp
- Combat Field Uniform
- Assault Suit
- Plasma Projector
- 65,000Cr