Vrahk, Raptors Tactical Marine
Personal Demeanour: Studious Chapter Demeanour: Pragmatic Past: Sole survivor
WS 42 BS 54 (simple adv.) S 37 T 30 Ag 49 (simple adv.) Int 50 Per 40 WP 43 (simple adv.) Fel 45 (simple adv.)
Wounds 19 Fate Points 3
Armour History
Mk. 7 (standard) power armor - Pristine Condition. If your armor is unmarred and clean, you get +1 AP to all locations. However, once the armor is marred (as in, you've been shot at, or waded through mud, or for whatever reason it's no longer pristine), then the AP bonus is replaced with a -3 Initiative.
Acrobatics (Ag) Awareness (Per) Ciphers (Deathwatch, Dark Angels Chapter Runes, Xenos Markings) (Int) Climb (S) Command (Fel) Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes, Deathwatch, Imperium, War) (Int) Concealment (+20) (Ag) Dodge (Ag) Drive (Ground Vehicles) (Ag) Forbidden Lore (Xenos) (Int) Interrogation Intimidate (S) Literacy (Int) Navigation (Surface) (Int) Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes) (Int) Silent Move (+20) (Ag) Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic,) (Int) Tactics (Recon and Stealth) +10 (Int) Tracking (Int)
Talents and traits Astartes Weapons Training Ambidextrous Bulging Biceps Deathwatch Training Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight) Killing Strike Nerves of Steel Resistance (Psychic Powers) True Grit Unarmed Master Unnatural S and T (x2)
Special Ability: Bolter Mastery (+10 to all BS tests, +2 DAM with bolt weapons, solo mode only)
Chapter Trappings: Marksman Combat Sight- Focal Targeter (increases Pen by Per Bonus.) Non functioning Implants: Mucranoid and Melanochrome.
Experience Exp Spent 0 Rank 1 200xp Fel (simple) 200xp WP (simple) 500xp BS (simple) 500xp Ag (simple) 300xp Dodge 500xp Signature Wargear: Stalker Bolter 400xp Interrogation 200xp Concealment (+10) 300xp Concealment (+20) 200xp Silent move (+10) 300xp Silent move (+20) 100xp Tactics (recon and stealth) 200xp Tactics (recon and stealth) +10 3900 600xp Marksman 500xp Sig gear camo cloak Exp Spent 5000 Exp Remaining 0
Character Description: Sole surviving member of his squad after a massive battle with ork meganobs during the Sancta Angelis Campaign where he sustained severe burns leading to scarring of his face and much of his torso.. He took up a position in the Deathwatch feeling that without his squad he had no reason not to learn as much as he can in the ways of killing xenos.
Most marines would scorn him for his apparent lack of honour, but Vrahk knows duty is far more important. Not for every chapter is the wide range of deceitful and subversive tactics utilised by the Raptors to achieve success. When he does come under criticism though Vrahk is unlikely to react with anger. While emotions are not foreign to him he has taught himself strict control over them, especially his anger.
Physicality: Shorter than average and slight with it. What is left of his face is dull and thuggish despite being very intelligent. Bears the characteristic dark hair and pale skin of his chapter.