Archivist Fenicks

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The archivist is a thin and unusually tall man with long silver hair and papery skin. When you enter, he is just completing a class period with a score of what are apparently first-year students. The topic of the lecture is a history of human religions, and after it is complete he dismisses the class. He approaches you and, without ceremony, inquires as to your business.

Archivist Fenicks is not known to personally have any psychic capabilities. However, it isn't unheard of for professors to downplay their own accomplishments or even keep them entirely secret. The higher-level powers described in the book are actually pretty much unknown, because people who have them don't talk about them. Like, what is possible at the higher levels of psychic attainment is mostly a topic of rumor, even among the most advanced students here.

He's going to scan all your fingerprints with his commpad and authorize you to lock and unlock the gate into this room. It's a pretty big space, and it has all the Chittik stuff. He'll provide facilities and equipment for making copies of things, and tell the staff to fabricate converters if you have to deal with obsolete data or hardware formats.

You guys might want to consider whether you want any more than this. Things I have contemplated you possibly wanting are: Someone to digest this massive raw data into something resembling a useful intelligence product. More information on other topics. For one of the PCs to actually learn Culture/Chittik 0.

Or, you know, anything else you guys want to ask.

1st Appearance: conversation about Chittik