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Pre-Game History


Uzi was born approximately 20 years before the beginning of the Storyline, son of the King of the great Trenashi Capital, Burgand. He was born with his Twin Cousin, Enzi. Nine months later, Lamb Shank marched on Burgand, and the King and Queen sent their children away with the Human Ambassador Mushi.

Mushi took them to Darlan, the Royal Capital. There, King Roland demanded that he be moved somewhere else in the Kingdom, so as to withdraw Lamb Shank's attention away from the capitol. Mushi left the two children at The Grove, with the caretakers Bob and Sheila. They didn't know the children's exact history, or even that they were Trenashi, and so brought them up like humans.

At Fifteen (That's 15 for those of us who can't read)

Given their strange powers, Enzi and Uzi began to generate general uneasiness in the neighbouring peoples. People tended to stay away, except the rather clueless Grove Apple pickers, and Bob and Sheila, who could't care less, really. Rumours started spreading. All this served only to strengthen and deepen the relationship between Enzi and Uzi.

Then, a felon from Darlan started terrorising the area. He would assault and murder unsuspecting women, caging the area in terror. Unmindful of the atmosphere of fear, Uzi and Enzi went out wondering one day, when, by way of their Trenashi sense, they sensed the evil of the killer and found him with a fresh victim. In the inevitable struggle, Uzi and Enzi were forced to kill the killer.

Later that evening, after returning the girl to her home, Uzi and Enzi had a long argument about the incident. Enzi, while convinced that he had done the best possible thing, was still slightly uneasy about having killed the man. Both were absolutely certain of the evil the man did and was doing when they found him. The argument began when Uzi stated that he wished all evil-doers everywhere to be killed right away.

The two had very different ideologies - Uzi believed all people should be made, by force, to adhere to what was Right, so evil could be stamped out everywhere. Enzi, however, asserted the need for freewill, and further that Good and Evil were meaningless without the ability to choose. Enzi believed that Order and Law should be enforced, but choices not policed.

It ended with Uzi storming out, announcing that he would conquer all the world so as to create a Good one.

Five Years Later



Supa Awesome Powers

Plot (in game, that is)