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Main Page

Base Movement[edit]

All creatures have a listed movement in inches. This is the movement a standard miniature has for tabletop representation of the character. Most monsters and natural creatures have a movement (or movements) that are dependent on their nature. Humans and similar humanoids have a movement rate that will generally be defined by the armor worn by the character.

Base Movement for Humanoids:

  • Unarmed: 12"
  • Light Armor: 12"
  • Medium Armor: 9"
  • Heavy Armor: 6"

Characters move at the above rates so long as they carry half their Strength or less, in equipment. If the character carries more than half their Strength in equipment, their movement rate is reduced 3".

Daily Movement[edit]

All creatures may move up to double their base movement rate in miles per day, adjusted by terrain. Time is measured in full days, though it may be broken down into watches (3 per day) or even hours, when necessary. Typically, people will move for 1 watch, sleep for 1 watch, and the final watch is spent setting up camp, taking down camp, preparing food, and so forth.

Terrain Adjustments:

  • Clear, city, grasslands, etc. Normal Movement
  • Forest, hills, desert, broken 2/3 Normal Movement
  • Mountains, jungle, swamp 1/2 Normal Movement
  • Road 3/2 Normal Movement

Forced march: a group can force march at 3/2 movement for one day. They must then rest for an entire day after that.

Large armies: large groups move slower. The Referee will decide when the group is large enough to reduce the movement by a 1/4 or 1/2.

Exploration Movement[edit]

Characters move at their movement rate as units of 10', so an unarmored human moves at 120' per Movement. This movement include keeping an eye out, mapping, and so forth. Characters can comfortably move at double that rate if they know where they're headed, but may not map.

Time is measure in Turns at this level. A Turn is approximately 10 minutes. There are two Movement phases per Turn. Other activities can take a Movement or an entire Turn at the Referee's discretion.

Combat Movement[edit]

This is handled under Combat.