Station Governor Icinglass

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Station Governor Icinglass is wearing a sort of dress-uniform equivalent of engineer's coveralls, with a red-bronze short cape and an extremely expensive-looking metatool on her left wrist. She has unreadable cybernetic eye replacements, but seems to greet you enthusiastically in other ways. "The ship you brought us is crap, but even that is very telling. We don't think it's the literal best the Chittik were ever capable of building, but it would have been one of their better vessels, or at least should have been. We're doing analysis on everything you brought us. We'd be very appreciative, of course, of any further samples of their technology."

The station governor pulls Carlos aside at one point, but her interest turns out to be disappointingly material in nature. She presents him with a strange postech medallion. "Keep this hanging in the bridge of your ship. Present it at almost any official spaceport in the State and you should be able to get a break on fuel and maintenance. It's going to identify you as being a friend of the Academe though, so keep it discreet. If you see someone with regalia running the place, that's who you should show it to."