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Tien Fong

Vital Stats[edit]

Rank: 4th

Archetype: Warrior

Concept: Son of a once-great general who disgraced his family's name, Tien Fong now seeks to enforce the law in the unscrupulous town of Blazing Beacon.

Tien Fong's father is the master tactician General Zheng, a commander of the imperial army that brought great dishonor to the family name when he ordered a horrific act of violence that slew women and children to capture a key city. Despite being a rising star in the military academy for the same sharp mind and keen powers of observation that served his father well, Tien Fong's reputation instead became tainted, earning him only the most unwanted of assignments.

Chi: 11

Metal Chi: 2 (Deviation: Strict adherence to the law of the empire, must always conduct oneself as an upright citizen and does not look kindly upon those that attempt to bend or twist the imperial edicts)

Lake: 7

River/Aura: 2

Chi Threshold / with Armor: 11/22/33 – 21/42/63

Cultivation: 29

Chivalrous/Malicious Joss: 7/1


Benevolence: 3, Force: 3, Honor: 4, Loyalty: 4, Righteousness: 3 Ferocity: 1, Individualism: 1, Obsession: 3, Revenge: 1, Ruthlessness: 2


Awareness +10; Confidence +5; Crafting +0; Finesse +0; Hardiness +5 (Breath); Inspire +5; Learning +5; Might +5; Medicine +0; Perform +0; Politics +0; Ride +5; Stealth +0; Survival +0; Tactics +10 (Disrupting); Wu Wei +0

Gear (1)[edit]

Medium Armor - Increase Chi threshold by 10 for damage purposes, -5 Speed and Footwork

Saber [+5 Strike, +5 Damage, Flood one die from River to force immediate Rippling check if Strike exceeds defense by 5 or more points instead of 10. You may do this after the defender rolled. Doesn't apply to other attack forms like Secret Arts or energy attacks]

Chi Conditions[edit]

The General's Son is a General's Son - Minor Earth (Introspection) Combat Condition

The great generals of the Imperial Army study their opponent's strengths and weaknesses, and utilize the battlefield to their advantage. Tien was groomed to follow in his father's footsteps and studied in the finest military academies before his father's fall from grace. He still aspires to one day become a leader of armies, and approaches every situation with a calculating, tactical mind. When he utilizes the environment to his advantage or corrects his opponents' tactical errors, he gains a +5 Action Bonus.

Prove himself an Exemplar of Virtue - Minor Wood (Idealism) Hyperactivity

Tien seeks to distance himself from the ruthless acts of his father, General Zheng. When he acts compassionately to address injustice, he receives a +1 bonus to Chi Breath.

Combat Statistics[edit]

Bone-Fed Wolf Fang: (Saber + Medium Armor penalties) [Speed +0, Strike +10, Footwork +0, Block +5, Damage +15, Toughness +5]
against Disoriented/Disrupted target: [Speed +0, Strike +10, Footwork +5, Block +10, Damage +20, Toughness +5]

External Kung Fu Styles (10)[edit]

Bone-Fed Wolf Fang[edit]

Laughs At The wolf laughs at honesty, which it rewards with hungry teeth. Above all else, the wolf knows no greater joy than to fight someone vulnerable or caught off guard.
Fears The wolf fears what is hidden or unorthodox, for his many strategies don’t account for them. The wolf also dislikes being outnumbered and surrounded; it relies on being the hunting pack, not the hunted.

March Towards Hell (4) You may Flood 1 die from the River while you make an attack. If you do, the strike also creates a Disorient or Disrupt condition if it hits.

Wolves Devour the Lion (4) This style’s Damage bonus increases to +15 against any Disoriented or Disrupted target.

Fighting With Fire (4) This style’s Block and Dodge bonus increases to +10 against any Disoriented or Disrupted target.

Internal Kung Fu Styles (5)[edit]

Iron Body Skill (metal style)[edit]

Iron Power (1) You have a +5 bonus to Damage.

Humble Man’s Stern Rebuke (2) You have a +10 bonus to Strike.

Swaying Branches Surround Willow (3) You have a +15 bonus to Block.

Black Tigers Hunting (4) You have a +20 bonus to Strike. You have a +10 bonus either to Disorient or Disrupt your target.

Extraordinary Techniques (2)[edit]

Uncanny Stylist Technique (Warrior) (Augment) (2D)
The trained warrior learns to evaluate his opponent's style by means of tell-tale features such as stance, gestures, and the like.
This knowledge can just as well be used to frustrate an opponent's efforts to evaluate your style. You may use a single die from your Initiative roll as the basis of a Minor Stealth- or Tactics-based Action to oppose opponents' attempts to evaluate your kung fu.

Loresheets (15)[edit]


1 Involvement 2 Status - Constable Tien still has ties to the Imperial Army

-2 not main location of story

Parent and Child[edit]

2 Status as Black Sheep of the family

0 Disgraced Disadvantage

Blazing Beacon[edit]

2 Involvement

1 Status - Constable of Blazing Beacon

2 Fortune - Once per story, declare newcomer as someone he knows from 'back east'

Four Devils Ring[edit]

2 Bonus - Constable Tien has been investigating the Four Devil's Ring for a good while

Stone Pigs Gang[edit]

1 Involvement - Duke Ko has his eye on the constable

Jade Gate[edit]

2 Involvement, Fortune - Constable Tien (or his father, not sure about timeline) served with the Owl Legion

3 Destiny - Owl Legion: Sins of General Zheng. The name of your father has been stricken from the records; though he is well remembered among the legion and the leadership of the army, none speak of him. But it falls to you to redeem that name - either by your own righteousness, or somehow repairing his reputation, you will return your father to a place of honor.

The Murder of Silken Storm[edit]

1 Involvement - An itinerant constable comes across many crimes that he cannot solve, but that remain in his memory nonetheless. The murder of the brothel-owner Silken Storm was one such crime - though reputed to be a not-inconsiderable Wulin herself, she was nonetheless cut down, seemingly after a fight with a barbarian chief. You always suspected one of her courtesans - the most beautiful among them - but she fled before you could fully investigate. Now you are together in Blazing Beacon; will you let it go?

Black Lotus Society[edit]

1 Involvement - With Wan Fei Hou's help, you've taken down one of their smuggling rings. They're not the force in the region that the Four Devils Ring is, but you've caught their ire all the same.