Tony Malloy

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Tony 'Poco' Mallloy - Engineer
First Episode Pilot Episode
Theme Song '
Played By Paul Giamatti
Full Name Anthony Malloy
Legal Status Core Citizen
Known Aliases N/A
Age 35
Favored Weapon N/A
Physical D8
Mental D8
Social D8
Role Career Criminal
Background Intuitive Mechanic
Personality Burned Too Many Times
Skills Craft D4, DriveD4, Fight D4, FixD12 (Engines D6), FlyD4, FocusD4, Influence D10 (Bureaucratic D6), KnowD6 (), LaborD4, MoveD4, Notice D8, OperateD6 (Hot Wire D6), Perform D4, Shoot D6, Sneak D6 (Breaking & Entering D6), Survive D10, ThrowD4, TreatD4, TrickD8
Signature Assets
Signature Assets Multi-Tool D8


Tony grew up on the streets, learning how to beg, borrow and steal to stay alive. He was sucked into a street gang at an early age, and spent much of his life as a quickly betrayed underling in a variety of criminal organizations. His latest position, running a chop shop on Persephone, has ended in a mess of bad decisions and double crosses.

He's on the run, trying to stay ahead of those who want him dead.

Physical Appearance

Tony is almost always disheveled. His eyes are often red rimmed from lack of sleep and frequent smoking. His mind seems to be elsewhere, thinking through mechanical puzzles, unless he is actively engaged in fixing an engine or doing a job. He often appears nervous, and takes care to position himself defensively, e.g. his back to a wall and able to see the exits.

Psychological Profile

Tony has a deep, fierce streak of loyalty, but it is covered over with years of scar tissue. He's been burned time and time again for trusting those who he thought were his closest friends and allies. His recent decision to betray his own crew has frightened and confused him.

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