Farkeep Fare

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Want to know what your character had for their last meal? Consult the table below to generate a rough description

Host Number of dice to roll Description
Hovel, hut, poor farm 1d6 humble offering with water
prosperous farmhouse, merchant’s house, tavern 2d6 hearty meal with barley or rye bread and ale
guildhouse, keep, good inn 3d6 fine meal with wheat bread, good ale or wine
guildhouse or keep on feast day 4d6 banquet with many lesser dishes, fine wine, liquors, sweets

Check total below to identify main fare or centrepiece dish.

1. roast acorns, radishes, tubers

2. Rough Stew (crow, hedgehog or squirrel)
3. Pottage, with acorns
4. Pottage, with leeks
5. Bread, rye
6. Bread, barley
7. Boiled turnip
8. Stew, turnip and radish
9. Black pudding
10. Oxtail soup
11. Coarse fish (grayling, gudgeon or pike)
12. Fried offal

13. Capon, hen
14. Goose or duck
15. Mutton
16. Pork, bacon
17. Beef cuts
18. Venison
19. Boar
20. Trout
21. Swan
22. Songbirds
23. Whole fatted cow
24. Sturgeon