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Revision as of 20:27, 23 March 2014 by Zedturtle (talk | contribs) (Surrendered Weapons)
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Culture: Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain
Standard of Living: Rich
Cultural blessing: Redoubtable
Calling: Treasure-Hunter Shadow weakness: Dragon-sickness
Specialties: Stone-craft, Tunnelling, Burglary
Distinctive features: Fierce, Proud
Body: 6 Heart: 2 Wits: 6
Body (favoured): 9 Heart (favoured): 4 Wits (favoured): 7

-Common Skills-

* Awe: 0
* Inspire: 2
* Persuade: 1
* Athletics: 0
* Travel: 3
* Stealth: 2
* Awareness: 2
* Insight: 0
* Search: 3
* Explore: 2
* Healing: 0
* Hunting: 0
* Song: 1
* Courtesy: 1
* Riddle: 2
* Craft: 3
* Battle: 1
* Lore: 1

-Weapon Skills-

  • Mattock: 3
  • Dagger: 1
  • Short Sword: 1
  • Bow: 1


  • Dwarf-wrought Hauberk



  • Mattock damage: 8 edge: 10 injury: 18 enc: 3
  • Short Sword damage: 5 edge: 10 injury: 14 enc: 1
  • Dagger damage: 3 edge: G injury: 12 enc: 0
  • Bow damage: 5 edge: 10 injury: 14 enc: 1
  • Hauberk protection: 5d6 enc: 20
Fatigue & Endurance
Endurance: 30 Starting Endurance: 30
Fatigue from Encumbrance: 21 Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 21
Hope & Shadow
Hope: 7 Starting Hope: 8
Temporary Shadow: 0 Permanent Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 0
Protection & Damage
Armour: 5 Headgear: 0
Parry: 6
Damage: 8 Ranged: 5
Experience & Advancement
Wisdom: 1 Valour: 2
Experience: 2 Total Experience: 8
Fellowship: 9 Advancement: 0 Treasure: 2 Standing: 0

Background Norori had been a miner in the Iron hills, his family had fled there follow Smaug's arrival at Erebor. Norori proved able being of stout body and little given to flights of fancy. He delved deep beneath the earth carving stone and seeking out the hidden metals that bring such joy to the hearts of dwarves. Of course such work is not without its risks and Norori soon learned that his trusty Mattock could carve Orc-Flesh as easily as it did stone.

When Erebor was freed Norori traveled back to his ancestral homeland keen to plumb its fabled depths for the hidden treasures. Recently however he has begun to look further afield driven by stories of other lost dwarven treasures that still lie undiscovered.