Red Hand of Doom

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Revision as of 23:55, 22 June 2006 by Iceberg3k (talk | contribs)
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This is the page for Iceberg3k's Red Hand of Doom campaign.

It will be filled in as things go along.

Also refer to the Red Hand of Doom thread on the Actual Play forum of (when I actually get around to writing it).

Player Characters

  • Tobin (half-orc Dragon Shaman 5 of Brass)
  • Jasna (human Cleric 5 of Pelor)
  • Chloe (human Rogue 5)
  • Sirocco (human Sorceror 5)
  • Cael (elf Druid 3/Wizard 2 of Obad-Hai)
  • Cade (halfling Warmage 5)
  • Neda (gnome Wizard 5)


The local calendar is based on the establishment of the Kingdom of Rhestilor, and was continued even after Rhestilor's fall. The present Crown Year is 447. The first day of the campaign is June 11th, the day the players reach Drellin's Ferry.


News in the Elsir Vale, as transmitted by bards and messengers from one town to the next. All PCs can be expected to know the news, but the news is not necessarily trustworthy, especially in time of war.

  • June 13, Crown Year 447 (Day 2 of the campaign): Hobgoblins continue to menace the town of Drellin's Ferry. Councilman Iormel urges the council to hold the line. Speaker Wiston and Captain Soranna urge townsfolk to flee, but are outvoted on the council.


Notes of the game. Notes are always trustworthy, but assume unless told otherwise that your PC does not know of them.